Death And The Afterlife Flashcards
Is heaven, hell and purgatory physical
Revelation in 20-21 no more tears or sadness, implying physical
Origen viewed heaven as a restoration of earth, human relationships with God are restored
Augustine on heaven being physical
Purified soul reunites with its glorified body.
Paul 1 Corinthians 15
Before it meets god face to face, known as the beatific version
Augustine on hell
Wicked are punished for eternity, Gods justice is seen
Issues raised with physical
Where is the place of embodied existence
Identity - different body
Continuity - what age is my body, body has changed
Spiritual place
Gregory of Nyssa and Origen see hell as a state of anguish, your conscience that tortures with regrets and realisation of sinfulness, end when the world was restored
Catholics view hell as a self chosen exclusion from God, an alienation from God
Symbolic means
States of morality and experiences during life is what heaven, hell and purgatory is
Heaven is the sum total of all the happiness and goodness experienced
Hell is the total suffering from the consequences of sinfulness in this life
DZ Philips on eternal life
Not a reference to life after death but it is a quality of this life, lived morally in obedience to God
What does symbolic solve
Issues of identity
The need for a life after death
Problems with symbolic
No hope or comfort for those who have died in faith
John Hick
The idea of infinite suffering for finite sin seems unjust
When will judgement take place
At the end of time - sheep and goats
An immediate/ particular judgement will take place at time of death. Jesus to the thief ‘today you will be with me in paradise’
The Catholic Church - particular and final judgement
Limited election
God has chosen those who will be saved
God elected only certain people to be saved
Calvin - single pre destination, his followers developed his teachings into double pre destination
Problems with limited selection
Christs death ineffective// some would say it’s effective for those elected
Non elect are not chosen for damnation just not chosen
John AT Robinson the damnation of some to hell is not consistent with a belief in heaven
Unlimited election
All people are called to be saved but there is a possibility that not all are saved, because some will refuse Gods grace
Aquinas and Catholicism on unlimited selection
God elects the righteous for heaven the wicked select hell by rejecting God
Karl Barth like Calvin
We cannot presume to know who is saved this decision is Gods
God wants all to be saved
Hick supports due to his soul making theory
Gods grace is effective for all
Issues for universalism
If we reject God and go to heaven do we have free will
Robinson and Hick say that Gods love would win over all eventually to be saved
Did Jesus need to suffer then
Can those outside of Christian faith be saved then