Christian Moral Action Flashcards
Work towards the unity of Christian’s or to better relationships between different denominations
Where did Bonhoeffer teach?
Seminary - college where priests trained
What should a Christian do when their faith is undermined by the law?
Bonhoeffers response
This is the issue Bonhoeffer had
Led to him creating the confessing church (breakaway church) as German Christian church accepted Nazi ideology
The German Christian Church
Christians in a nazi controlled German church
A confessing church which sought to be authentically Christian
Nazi ideology- Hitler was seen as the leader of Christianity alongside Jesus
German Christian’s wearing brown uniform linking to National Socialism
No minsters with Jewish ancestry
Removing Jewish text from Old Testament
German Christians VS Bonhoeffer
Accused them of:
not confessing their faith
Being true to their discipleship
Following the commands of God
The confessing Church rejected the anti Jewish rules and Nazi influence over the church. Bonhoeffer openly spoke against the Nazi persecution of Jews -> conflict with the Nazi state
How did Bonhoeffer preach?
In 1935, the leaders of the confessing church asked, bon Hoffer to lead and direct a secret and a legal seminary
The seminary closed in 1937 by the gestapo
It was a source of spiritual discipline, a life of prayer and await, provide the caring service of the church - as a sign and expression of Christ being present in the community
Discipleship entails exclusive obedience to the leadership of Jesus, and the will of God, placing it above the law and any human leadership
Focusing on Jesus
This obedience is the only real faith
Single minded obedience - just as Jesus called Peter to risk his life and walk on the sea
What is sufferings relationship to discipleship?
Suffering and sacrifice are inherent to discipleship for anyone who follows Jesus because they must pick up his cross and follow the path of suffering that Jesus walks
Obedience and an issue of being overly obedient…
Bon Hoffer spoke out against the Nazi ideals
The University, where he worked, he lost his job for it
Public lectures were banned
Illegal seminars
He argued, you could justify civil disobedience, because of the emphasis on obedience of God
In an age of terrorism and extremism, this feels like a dangerous idea
Grace is not offered as a reward for action-not earned but a freely given gift. Comes from gods desire to save all sinners.
Cheap Grace
Grace when it is solely understood as a free gift from God, with no obligation on the Christian
“Cheap Grace is the deadly enemy of our church. Cheap grace means Grace sold on the market like cheap jacks wares”
Criticises that Christian living should be easy and comfortable, full of reward with little struggle
Bonhoeffer is concerned that people think because Jesus died for everyone that gods grace is just giving out free for everyone
Costly Grace
This is Grace that is the “treasure hidden in a field” the idea that you would gladly sacrifice everything for
Grace is costly because it causesus to follow Jesus, and that means making changes to our lives in our decisions
“It is costly because it cost man his life, and it is Grace because it gives a man the only true life”
The purpose of Christian life is not to be religious, but to be in a relationship with God through living an existence for others
This is shown after he left America after being there for 21 days to return to Berlin. He was determined to share in the timer of suffering with the German people
He therefore, began passing information and smuggling Jews to safety under the guise of being a member of the German military intelligence. Thanks to his brother.
What happened to Bonhoeffer?
He was arrested by the Gestapo and then murdered due to his beliefs and actions
Bottom up
Looking at life bottom up from the perspective of those most in need
Duty to the state is more important
Jesus does not encourage disobedience when he says “ give back to Caesar, what is Caesars, and to God what is God’s” Mark 12:17
Christian should take the higher ground. For example, they could say that they disagree, but still do as they are told. Jesus spoke out against authorities, but submitted to them in crucifixion.

Strengths of discipleship
All humans are equally made in gods image and deserve the same treatment as each other
Makes Christianity more active and relevant in the world - challenges churches that do not emphasise the work of a good Christian
Weaknesses of discipleship
Unrealistic expectations of all being prepared to suffer when most Christians are trying to live every day lives
Possible to argue Grace is freely given it is a part of the generosity of God and people can respond to it however they want
Bonhoeffer puts too much emphasis on suffering
Bon Hoffer lived in a unique time, which is not relevant to Christians today
Jesus own suffering was said to be once, and for all in the place of humans having to suffer for their sins - bonhoeffer puts too much emphasis on it
Jesus rose from the dead, therefore, he overcame suffering
Bonhoeffer did not actively seek suffering, so we should not read too much into his emphasis on it
Bonhoeffer does not put too much emphasis on suffering
His theology emerged from his understanding of oppression in society. People are still oppressed today, so there is relevance
Suffering comes out of solidarity which is the approach Jesus took and so can be said to be useful
In the context, of costly grace it could be said that emphasis on suffering is a correct understanding of the true cost of discipleship
Jesus called all people to follow after him and his suffering
How Bonhoeffer might be relevant today
Christians undergo persecution therefore can be relevant to those who need to be prepared for such experiences
He sees the church is having a role in challenging politicians. This can be seen as relevant in any society.
Jesus, as the founder of Christianity and God incarnate should be the central starting point for all expressions of Christianity
The church is challenged regularly to modernise, and to change its views to fit with the world
How Bonhoeffer might not be relevant today
His emphasis on the Bible might not be relevant if the Bible is not being authoritative
His ideas of acting in the moment cannot help in a world that is losing its ethical values.
It could be argued that there are too many pressures on modern people I’m so they could not engage in the level of spiritual discipline that he requires
The idea of following gods will is not possible without guidance from church