DEA + Social Class (Ex) Flashcards
Define material deprivation
Lacking material items which may lead to educational success
What are 3 the external factors?
- Material deprivation
- Cultural deprivation
- Types of capital
What are the 3 parts of material deprivation?
- Diet + health (Howard)
- Housing (W+W, Leech + Campos)
- Financial support (Tanner, Flaherty, Ridge)
What does Howard (2001) argue?
Poorer homes have lower intake of energy, vitamins + minerals
Weakens immune system - increased illness, absence + concentration
Also effected by food (too much sugar)
What do Waldfogel + Washbrook (2010) argues?
Overcrowding, harder to study, lack of quiet spaces
Frequently moving, disrupts Ed (not in 1 place long enough to make connections)
Poor housing, causes illness
What do Leech + Campos argue?
‘Selection by mortgage’
Children = divided into those who can attend good schools vs bad schools
Determined by how much rent/ mortgage parents can afford to pay
How can a lack of financial support lead to DEA?
Children form poorer families tend to go without equipment + miss out on key experiences that would enhance Ed achievement
What does Tanner (2003) argue?
Hidden costs
Transport, trips, uniform, books
Put pressure on poorer families
2013, estimates £1646 per child
In 2013 how much were the hidden costs of Ed estimated to cost?
£1614 per child
What did Flaherty (2008) find?
20% those eligible for free school meals don’t take them due to stigma attached
What did Ridge (2002) find?
Some student from poorer families have part-time jobs
IOT help with costs of Ed
Less time for studies - affects Ed
Define cultural deprivation
Student may be inadequately socialised
Therefore lack n+v, attitudes + tastes needed for educational success
Define intellectual development
Development of thinking + reasoning skills
e.g ability to think, solve problems + use concepts/ ideas to express yourself
What do cultural deprivation theorists argue?
Many wc hoses lack books, educational activities
wc students haven’t been stimulated + start school without having developed intellectual skills (communication, literacy, numeracy) which = needed to progress
wc can be up to 1 year behind mc in cognitive development
What does Douglas (1964) find?
mc children scored higher on ability test @ young age
Argued that mc parents offer more Ed support @ home to develop their children’s intellect
e.g. reading to them
What did Hubbs-Trait et al (2002) find?
mc parents use language that challenges children to evaluate own understanding/ abilities
Educated parents more likely to do this
What are the 4 parts of cultural deprivation?
- Intellectual development
- Language
- wc subcultures/ attitudes + values
- Parental Ed
What are the 2 speech codes that Bernstein ID?
- Restricted (wc)
2. Elaborated (mc)
4 features of the restricted speech code
- Limited vocab, simple sentences, inaccurate grammar
- Speech = single words/ slang
- Descriptive, not analytical
- Context bound, assumes listener shares same set of experiences
features of the elaborated speech code
- Wider vocab, longer complex sentences
- Speech = varies, communicate abstract ideas
- Context free
How do speech codes affect children’s performance at school? (3)
- Elaborated code = used by: teachers, textbooks, exams
- mc students = fluent users of E. code when start school, more comfortable - success
- wc feel excluded - less successful
What advantage do mc students have in terms of speech codes? Why?
E. code = used by teachers, textbooks, exam
mc students already fluent, more at home/ comfortable - success
School doesn’t teach wc E. code
Douglas found that wc parents…. (4)
- Place value on educational success
- = less ambitious for their children
- Gave less encouragement to children
- Took less interest induction + visited schools less often than mc
- Result wc children less motivation to achieve
What does Feinstein argue is an important factor that affects children’s achievement?
Parent’s own education
mc parents tend to have better Ed.
Why does Feinstein (2008) argue that mc children have the advantage in school?
mc parenting style, educational behaviours and use of income is better than parents who = wc
What are the 3 criticisms of Feinstein’s work?
- Not all wc have a lower value of Ed
- Fewer wc parents attend events/ parents evening; long irregular hours
- Parents may want children to succeed, but don’t have resources/ skills to support them
What is the mc parenting style according to Feinstein?
Regular discipline
Clear, high expectations of children (beh too)
What are mc parents educational behaviour according to Feinstein?
Educated, know how to assist children
More likely to spend time reading + teaching them basic literacy + maths
What did Bernstein + Young find about mc parents use of income?
More likely to buy educational toys, encourage reasoning skills + stimulate intellectual development
What do cultural deprivation theorists argue?
wc have subcultural values
What 4 subcultural values to the wc have according to Sugarman?
- Immediate gratification
- Collectivism
- Fatalism
- Present-time orientation
Act as barrier in educational achievement
What are the 4 values that the mc have according to Sugarman?
- Delay gratification
- Individualism
- Sense of control
- Future time orientation
Who argues that cultural deprivation is a myth?
What does Keddie argue?
Cultural deprivation is a myth
No child can be deprived of their own culture
wc have different culture, not necessarily inferior
How have the G tried to reduce the effects of deprivation?
Compensatory education policies
Name 4 compensatory education policies
- Operation head start
- Sure start
- Education priority areas
- Pupil premium
What is operation head start?
How is it meant to compensate for deprivation?
Billion dollar scheme
Pre-school Ed, aimed at poorer areas of US
e.g. Sesame Street
Teach children language (especially E code), numeracy, values + attitudes for success
What is sure start?
How is it meant to compensate for deprivation?
National programme
Aimed at pre-school children + parents
Many of services = free
Can get help/ advice on health, money, employment + parenting
What is education priority areas?
Formally EAZ
Targeted at deprived inner-city areas
Particularly focusing on raising aspirations of wc + boys
What is pupil premium?
New Right, 2011
Funding for children from disadvantaged backgrounds
Ensuring they get extra help
School = more £ for every wc child
Evaluate the compensatory education policies put into place
Home factors ARE tackled
BUT many have been discontinued (EMA)
What did Bourdieu argue?
Material + cultural factors affect educational success
mc possess 3 capitals (cultural, educational, economic)
Social capital was added later by Ball
What is cultural capital?
How does it lead to educational success?
What social policy has benefitted the mc?
ERA 1998
What are the 3 types of parents ID by Gewirtz?
- Privileged-skilled choosers (mc)
- Disconnected-local choosers (wc)
- Semi-skilled choosers (wc)
What methodology did Gewirtz use?
Methodological pluralism
Interviewed teachers + parents in 14 LONDON 2ndary schools
Also used 2ndary data (prospectuses, exam results)
What are privileged-skilled choosers?
mc parents who fully utilise choice
Knows how admission system works
Can afford to end children further away (£ capital)
What are disconnected-local choosers?
wc parents
Don’t understand admission process
Less confident in contacting schools
Restricted by distance + costs
What are semi-skilled choosers?
wc parents
Ambitious for children
However lack cultural capital
Define culture clash
What wc students experience when they enter school (has mc culture)
Contributes to feeling that school is ‘not a place for them’
Could lead to lowed educational outcomes
What are language codes?
Different ways students speak according to social class/ ethnic background
Can influence ability to do well in school