DCT - Religious Pluralism and Society Flashcards
Why is Britain a multi-faith society?
because it is a multi-cultural one.
What is culture?
Culture is an umbrella term which encompasses the social behavior and norms found in human societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of the individuals in these groups.
Why does culture affect the religious landscape?
Each cultural group features has had a huge impact on the cultural landscape of Britain, and therefore the religious landscape too.
How is globalization used, economically and socially?
- Globalisation is used in a variety of ways, both negatively and positively
- Economically, it is often used to refer to the ease of cross-border transactions and de-regularisation of trade restrictions between countries
- Socially, as scholar Manfred Steger suggests, it describes the way in which human lifestyles, consciousness and fashions can influence each other from one side of the globe to the other
Manfred B Steger Globalization quote
“Globalisation refers to the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time and world-space.” Manfred B. Steger in Globalisation: A Very Short Introduction
What is a result of globalizations, in terms of religion?
• As a result of globalisation, religious knowledge and belief systems are not isolated to particular cultures and geographical locations but are encountered locally
WHat has happened since the enlightenment period?
- Since the Enlightenment Period, there has been more of a societal emphasis on tolerance and human rights
- Since the 18th century western societies have developed values based on human reason and experience on not on religion and or revealed knowledge
- Post-Enlightenment societies have established what Steven Pinker has called the ‘humanitarian principle’, the proposal that humans get on better when each person considers the interests of others
- A key point of the Enlightenment period was not to judge a person’s particular lifestyle unless it is being harmful in some way
How did reliion change after the enlightenment period? What issues does this cause?
- Western societies as a whole therefore regard the place of religion in society as a personal lifestyle choice, as it is not for society to distinguish the truth of religions if they contribute to society in a positive way
- This may cause issues for some however, since following a religious tradition is not just about certain cultural rituals, but also about adopting religious truths
- The practical challenges that result from a multi-faith society and the dialogue that occurs within it is how to balance tolerance of diverse religious practice and retain the integrity of the beliefs
Why does migration occur?
• Migration may occur for a number of reasons, including economic improvement, unification of family and safety
What problems does migration pose?
• Aside from the political and social effects, migration poses many challenges
o For example, established Christian communities can no longer assume they are the primary provider of religious needs
• Until recently religious leadership was by default Christian- and that gave the Churches certain power and status in their communities- but migrants may look to faith leaders from their own traditions for guidance and authority
Define inter-faith dialogue
Cooperative, constructive, and positive interaction between people of different religious traditions
To what extent do you think you can compare the Roman Empire to Mutli-Cultural, Multi-Faith Britain?
- Some Scholars argue that in some ways the cultural ‘melting-pot’ of Britain today echoes the position Christians found themselves in after the death of Chris t and before the Roman Empire became Christian
- The period when the books and letter of the New Testament were written was one in which Christian faced execution by Romans and Jews
- In addition to this, Christians had to fight for an identity in the religiously plural societies of Asia Minor, Rome, and Greece
- Without any political power the Christian communities had to negotiate with their neighbors of different faiths in their social and spiritual day to day existence
Major areas of weakness for the idea that ancient Rome reflects modern Britain in terms of the melting pot of religion –
- Church of England has huge influence regarding the state
- 26 Bishops of the Church of England sit in the House of Lords
- They read prayers at the start of each daily meeting and play a full and active role in the life and work of the Houses of Parliament
What is ‘other’?
- The word ‘other’ has a wide range of meaning and use but it has a very useful part to play in developing the purpose of contemporary inter-faith dialogue
- Although ‘other’ is often used negatively, it may also be used positively to acknowledge that there exists multiple interpretations of the world
Christian Response to Multi-Faith Britain
- One of the important aims of inter-faith dialogue is to overcome the negative form of ‘othering’ and to understand other cultural and religious points of view
- As its most optimistic, Christian engagement with inter-faith dialogue hopes to overcome the prejudices which are often the causes of racism, sexism, violence, and war
Define evangelization
The commitment to or an act of publicly preaching the Gospel with the intention to promote the message and teachings of Jesus Christ
Christian Approaches to Inter-Faith Dialogue: Religious Exclusivism
- Exclusivists may participate in inter-faith dialogue in order to introduce others to the gospel with the hope of conversion (fides ex auditu)
- As it is not possible to know how the elect is and who is not, then for them it is a Christian duty to use all opportunities to bring people into direct contact with Christianity
- If this objective is clearly understood by other non-Christians, then dialogue is possible
Christian Approaches to Inter-Faith Dialogue: Religious Inclusivism
- Inclusivists may use the opportunity of inter-faith dialogue to address Christianity’s power and develop open discussion that is not competitive
- This doesn’t mean to say that those involved in dialogue may not make critical judgements from their own faith perspective
- If this didn’t happen then the integrity of the religion would be reduced
Karl Rahner inclusivist quote about inter-faith dialogue
“tolerant, humble and yet firm towards all non-Christian religions.”
Christian Approaches to Inter-Faith Dialogue: Religious Pluralism
- Many religious pluralists would argue that as religious truth is multi-faceted then dialogue with the ‘other’ becomes a genuine quest to enhance one’s own spiritual view of the world
- The theologian Keith Ward argues that inter-faith dialogue is a significant aid in developing what he refers to as a ‘global faith’
Keith Ward pluralist quote about interfaith dialogue
‘In this way, different traditions may have much to learn from each other…’
Catholic and Anglican Approach to Interfaith Dialogue and Evangelism
- Christian Churches have set up different meetings and official organizations which aim to promote exchanges of ideas between the Church and other faith traditions
- The Catholic and Anglican traditions similarly have two main frameworks to work in regarding inter-faith dialogue and evangelism
WHat does it mean that Christiniaty is not a commodity?
- The Church sees what it has as a gift from God, and as a gift it is the responsibility of the Church to share it with others
- The Church of England’s report on Interfaith dialogue says, “Christ’s saving work is not a commodity to be sold but a gift to be shared”
- This means that the Church is not trying to sell a product, it sees itself as sharing good news, the unique Good News that Christ is the Incarnate World
What does it mean that there is much to value, respect, and admire in other faith traditions?
- There is much to value, respect and admire in other faith traditions
- There is much that is true, hold, and precious
On value, respect, and admire in other faith traditions, - The Catholic Declaration on the Church’s relation to other faiths, Nostra Actate says what?
o “The Catholic Church rejects nothing that is true and holy in [other religions]. She regards with sincere reverence those ways of conduct and of life, those precepts and teachings which, though differing in many respects from the ones she holds and set forth, nonetheless often reflects a ray of Truth which enlightens all men.” (Paragraph 2)
What is Redemptoris Missio
An encyclical published in 1990 by Pope John Paul II on the subject of how the Church should evangelize people
the Catholic Church sees part of its mission in relation to other faiths as respectful and sensitive evangelization, explain this
- First, the Church sees part of its mission in relation to other faiths as respectful and sensitive evangelization
- It sees itself as having some good news to share, amazing news that other religions do not necessarily know about
- The news is that God becomes man and dies to save all people (including those of other religions) on the cross
Finish the equote from Redemptoris Missio, ‘inter-religious dialogue is part of …
… the Church’s evangelizing mission … salvation comes from Christ and that dialogue does not dispense with evangelization.’
What does Redemptoris Missio mean?
The Mission of the Redeemer
The Catholic Church believes the good news is not all one way, what does this mean?
- Secondly, the Good News is not all one way
- Christians need to recognize other religions contain truth as well, and the Church needs to listen as well as talk – this is, after all, what dialogue means (two-way talk)
Finish the equote from Redemptoris Missio, ‘Other religions constitute a positive …
… challenge for the Church … those engaged in this dialogue must be consistent with their own faith traditions and convictions and be open to understanding those of the other party without pretense or close-mindedness, but with truth, humility, and frankness’