DCM, Transplant, CRT Flashcards
in a patient w/ DCM, if LV wall thickness is normal, is there “increased LV mass?”
is this the correct way to measure LVOT Diamter and TVI?

what is a normal e’ velocity (i.e. nl filling pressure)?
> .08 m/s
in LV dysfxn , what E/ velocity will you see?
< .07 m/s

what E/e’ is normal and what is c/w elevated filling pressures?
normal E/e’ < 8, abnormal E/e’ > 15 (e’ of medial annulus, careful with septal infarct)

eq’n for Index of Myocardial Performance
IMP = (MVCO - AVET) / AVET, [MVCO = MV Closure to Opening TIME, AVET = AV Ejection Time}

Index of Myocardial Performance, normal and abnormal values
Nl < 0.4, abnl > 1.0

is Index of Myocardial Pefformance a systolic or diastolic index? is it dependent on MR severity?
neither, no
is higher or lower Index of Myocardial Performance worse?
name the 3 steps needed to measure dP/dT (a measure of contractility)
1) optimize mR signal 2) dec velocity scale to 4 m/s 3) measure time (dT) from 1s to 3s.

which of these is nl and which is poor LV fxn? Calculate dP/dT for both.

the higher/lower dP/dt, the better the LV fxn? name normal and abnormal dP/dT values.
higher (more pressure change in less time). Nl > 1200, abn < 1000

what 3 measurements are needed to calculate LV mass?
LVEDD, posterior wall thickness (diastole), septal thickness (diastole)
review the RWT 4 x 4 table

gender differences aside, what is a grossly normal and abnormal LV mass index (significant LVH)?
nl < 100, abn > 150 (significant LVH)
can you use LV mass equations for distorted ventricles?- this has been a board question)
no (DCM lecture)

In DCM, does a DT > 115ms or < 115ms have a poorer prognosis?
<115 (short decel time = stiffer ventricles)
Diagnosis and Prognosis

Pulsus Alternans, poor

OHT (look for LA suture line/ridge)

can you decide on offering CRT to a pt based on doppler dyssynchrony?
what is the difference b/w these 2 strain patterns?

left = synchronous, right = dyssynchrony
what M-mode septal to posterior wall delay suggests dyssynchrony?
> 130ms (do not make decision for CRT based on this)

eq’n and explanation for Ritter Method to find best AV delay to program CRT
AVopt = AVlong - (a-b) = AVlong - (short-long). allows you to program optimal AV delay for CRT.

when putting in an LVAD, which valve lesion needs to be addressed?
TR (it will worsen as more preload comes in from LVAD to RV).
if pt gets LVAD and has a PFO, which way will the shunt be?
R–> L (b/c of LV unloading and dec’d pressures on left side)