CAD Flashcards
diagnosis from left to right?

what is the testable point for the middle two images?

the bottom one is a harbringer of bad outcome because of dark line huggng apex indicating necrosis. in top pic, notice the contrast fills entire apex and the patient does well 6 wks post-PCI
when you see pericardial effusion with coagulum in pericardial space, what 2 diagnoses to think of?
aortic dissection or LV free wall rupture post MI
what type of MI is most prone to LV free wall rupture?
lateral wall (LCX) due to shear forces
80 M w/ inferior MI now w/ hypoxemia. Diagnosis?
PFO (RV-MI–> Inc RAP–> R to L shunt via PFO)

Shock and murmur after AWMI. Diagnosis?

Dynamic LVOT obstruction

PEA post MI = ?
free wall rupture
3 Ddx for murmur post-MI?
Pap m. rupture,
LVOT dynamic obstruction