DB - cranial nerves Flashcards
What is the name of each of the cranial nerves? What is the pneumonic to help remember them?
On, On, On, They Travelled, And Found Voldemort Guarding Very Ancient Horcruxes
Olfactory, optic, oculomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abducen, facial, vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory and hypoglossal nerves.
What is the function of each cranial nerve? What is the pneumonic to help remember them?
Some Say Marry Money But My Brother Says Big Brains Matter More
S - sensory
M- motor
B - both
Where do the afferent fibres of CNI run from?
Vomeronasal organ and olfactory mucosa
Where does CNI synpase?
Olfactory bulb
Olfactory tubercle, which projects to the piriform cortex
Limbic system
Hypothalamus and brainstem reticular formation
Where do the olfactory nerve fibres run?
Olfactory tract
How do you test the function of CNI?
Hide a treat and see if the dog can seek it out.
What is the function of CNII?
Visual pathway
Coordinating of eye movements
Pupillary constriction, which is consensual
Reflex response to a visual stimuli
What is the neuronal arrangement of CNII?
Neurone 1 - bipolar cell of the retina - special somatic efferent fibres.
Neurone 2 - retinal ganglion cell - forms the optic nerve.
Nerve tracts then unite at the optic chiasm, cross over occurs, and the fibres continue in optic tracts.
Neurone 3 - lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus - for conscious reception of light.
Projects to occipital cortex via internal capsule.
Which cranial nerve does not relay through the thalamus?
Olfactory nerve
What are the visual reflexes of CNII?
Reflex response to bright light.
Eye movement.
Head turning in response to stimuli.
Describe the menace test.
Causes eyelid closure.
Sensory - CNII
Motor - CNVII
Positive response - normal functioning eyes, intact visual pathway and cortex, intact facial nerve.
Describe the pupillary reflex test.
Some optic nerve fibres are relayed to the parasympathetic nucleus of CNIII, then to the ciliary ganglion.
Post-ganglionic fibres cause constriction in both eyes.
CNII - sensory
CNIII - motor
What tests are used to test CNII?
Menace test and pupillary reflex test
What muscles of the eye does CNIII innervate?
Dorsal rectus, medial rectus, ventral rectus and ventral oblique
What muscles of the eye does CNIV innervate?
innervates the dorsal oblique muscle