DB Flashcards
DB 04-05
Conflict of interest. Relationships not involving a supervisory conflict are ___________ under this directive unless they create a negative impact on the involved employee’s performance, productivity or work environment.
not reportable
DB 04-05
Conflict of interest. Supervisors shall report in person or in writing to ___________________ any personal, social, business or family relationship that has the potential to cause a conflict of interest.
their commanding officer
DB 05-08
Management of aggressive behavior. Members are reminded that keeping a combative patient or a person exhibiting aggressive behavior in a _______ position for an extended period of time can be harmful.
DB 05-08
Management of aggressive behavior. All restrained persons shall be kept in a _________ position whenever possible
left lateral
DB 05-08
Management of aggressive behavior. If the person is simply argumentative or making verbal threats against members or bystanders, place a “___________________” call to OCD and stand by for LAPD.
Back up the Fire Department
DB 05-08
Management of aggressive behavior. Patients in positional asphyxia upon arrival at hospital, are found to be profoundly hyperthermic, with body temperatures often exceeding ___° F
DB 05-08
Management of aggressive behavior. It is vital to attempt to identify and reverse the two causes of agitation that may be reversible in the field:
hypoglycemia and hypoxia
DB 05-08
Management of aggressive behavior. The Taser weapon fires metal barbs attached to long wires into the victim, delivering a brief ________ volt jolt of electricity.
DB 05-08
Management of aggressive behavior. The Taser barb itself ________ be removed in the field
shall not
DB 05-08
Management of aggressive behavior. Whenever a person with aggressive behavior has been forcibly restrained, they shall be transported by _________ and shall be monitored with continuous pulse oximetry.
DB 08-04
Implementation and procedures for tattoo, scarification and branding policy. When is the policy effective?
May 1st, 2008
DB 08-04
Implementation and procedures for tattoo, scarification and branding policy. Primary responsibility for compliance with the Department personal appearance standards rest with ______________________, with supervisors setting the example and informing and educating their members.
each Department employee
DB 08-04
Implementation and procedures for tattoo, scarification and branding policy. Supervisors shall recognize and immediately correct any violation at the ___________ possible.
lowest level
DB 08-04
Implementation and procedures for tattoo, scarification and branding policy. Members may request a ________ exemption for tattoos, scarifications, or brands already in existence on the effective date of this policy that cannot be covered by a Department-approved uniform or skin patch.
DB 08-04
Implementation and procedures for tattoo, scarification and branding policy. Members requesting this exemption must submit their request in writing to the ______________ or appointed designee, with photographs documenting the tattoos, scarifications, or brands for which they are requesting exemption.
Operations Commander
DB 08-04
Implementation and procedures for tattoo, scarification and branding policy. _____________ and _________ are appropriate actions when dealing with initial violations.
Verbal counseling, training
DB 11-10
Second 800 MHz radio for company commanders. Two radios will be assigned to the Captain position on every ________ Company and _______ Company.
Truck, Engine
DB 11-10
Second 800 MHz radio for company commanders. The additional radio is intended to provide company officers with increased communication ability and ______________________ during emergency operations, thereby increasing overall operational safety.
enhanced situational awareness
DB 11-10
Second 800 MHz radio for company commanders. All officers shall carry two radios during ____ emergency operations
DB 11-12
Apparatus Availability. The Apparatus Tracking System (ATS), updated by Station Commanders on _________ and when apparatus service status changes, provides the Department with timely information pertaining to apparatus assignment and availability.
a daily basis
DB 11-12
Apparatus Availability. This information enables the Department to provide “_______________” to planned and spontaneous events.
surge capacity
DB 11-12
Apparatus Availability. The Ready Reserve fleet includes __ fully equipped Engines, __ fully equipped BLS Rescue Ambulances, and various specialty apparatus.
21, 26
DB 11-12
Apparatus Availability. What is an Apparatus that is normally staffed and equipped on a daily basis?
DB 11-12
Apparatus Availability. What is an Apparatus that is not equipped or staffed, is maintained on a stand-by basis to temporarily replace front line apparatus that have been placed out-of-service for repair.
DB 11-12
Apparatus Availability. What is a Reserve apparatus that takes the place of a front-line apparatus on a temporary basis using staffing and equipment from the Front-line apparatus. When operating in Relief, the Reserve apparatus takes on the radio designation of the apparatus replaced
DB 11-12
Apparatus Availability. What is an Apparatus that is equipped, but not normally staffed. Apparatus include Rescue Ambulances, Engines, USAR apparatus, HazMat apparatus, Brush Patrols, Foam Tenders, and many other apparatus.
Ready Reserve
DB 11-12
Apparatus Availability. Detailing or hiring members to staff Ready Reserve apparatus in order to augment field resources describes what?
Surge Capacity
DB 11-12
Apparatus Availability. Increasing the number of available resources by staffing apparatus not normally staffed i.e. Ready Reserve engines, 200-series engines, Ready Reserve rescue ambulances, brush patrol apparatus, Describes what?
Augmented Staffing
DB 11-12
Apparatus Availability. In-and-out repair is a repair made on apparatus that is expected to be completed within no more than __ hours.
DB 11-12
Apparatus Availability. A storage location identification tag, identifying the secure location within the Fire Station where this equipment (ePCR, radios, defibrillator, cell phone) is stored, shall be attached to the ____________________ to enable members assigned to augment staffing to know where to obtain assigned equipment.
apparatus steering wheel
DB 11-12
Apparatus Availability. When a Ready Reserve apparatus is placed out-of-service for more than __ hours, Station Commanders shall “Change-over” the Ready Reserve apparatus into a Reserve apparatus.
DB 11-12
Apparatus Availability. Ready Reserve apparatus may be used for a maximum of __ hours to replace Front- line apparatus placed out-of-service for mechanical repairs. Front-line apparatus that cannot be repaired within __ hours shall be replaced by “Change-over” into a Reserve apparatus.
8, 8
DB 11-12
Apparatus Availability. Department staffing may be augmented by staffing _____________ apparatus for a specific duration at the direction of Fire Chief, Chief Deputy Emergency Operations, Deputy Department Commander, or OCD Division Commander.
Ready Reserve
DB 11-12
Apparatus Availability. Station Commanders shall notify their _____________ and ______ anytime a Ready Reserve apparatus is activated.
Administrative Battalion Commander, OCD
DB 11-12
Apparatus Availability. Who is responsible for the availability and distribution of LAFD emergency resources?
DB 11-12
Apparatus Availability. MFC shall not allow more than a total of ___ companies to be either NAV and/or CAV.
DB 11-12
Apparatus Availability. MFC shall not allow more than a total of __ BLS and __ ALS Rescue Ambulances to be either NAV and/or CAV.
8, 8
DB 11-12
Apparatus Availability. Anytime the Department augments staffing levels, scheduled in-and-out repairs shall be __________ unless the repair, if not made, would require that the apparatus be placed out-of-service.
DB 11-12
Apparatus Availability. S&M Truck total fleet, front line, ready reserve, reserve apparatus
63, 42, 0, 5
DB 13-04
Dangers of vacant/abandoned buildings. What is A building that may be empty or unoccupied, but there exists an owner with an expressed interest in the building.
Vacant building
DB 13-04
Dangers of vacant/abandoned buildings. What is A building where there is no clear owner/landlord or responsible party that can be easily reached. These buildings are often not secured, poorly maintained, dilapidated, and in a dangerous condition.
Abandoned building
DB 13-04
Dangers of vacant/abandoned buildings. According to the NFPA, there are approximately _______ structure fires that occur in vacant and abandoned buildings every year in the U.S.
DB 13-04
Dangers of vacant/abandoned buildings. Fire Department members shall notify the ____________________ if they discover a vacant/abandoned property that presents a danger to firefighters.
MFC Floor Captain
DB 13-04
Dangers of vacant/abandoned buildings. The information provided to the MFC regarding the vacant/abandoned building shall also be entered in ____ and the _________.
FPOS, Station Journal (F-2)
DB 13-04
Dangers of vacant/abandoned buildings. Who requires fencing and posting of signs at vacant or abandoned structures to prevent entry?
Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS)
DB 13-04
Dangers of vacant/abandoned buildings. The _______ of such property is responsible of properly securing the vacant/abandoned building from unauthorized public access.
DB 13-04
Dangers of vacant/abandoned buildings. The Fire Department will place these _________ placards on at least ___ sides of this structure to alert incoming fire companies. The Fire Department will provide and install these placards at no cost to the property owner.
24” x 30”, two
DB 13-04
Dangers of vacant/abandoned buildings. If the owner chooses to install the placards or use a private company, please have the owner notify the _____________, in writing, within ___ days of the date of this letter.
Fire Marshal’s office, 14
DB 13-04
Dangers of vacant/abandoned buildings. The provisions of Chapter __ of the Los Angeles Building Code contain the requirements and procedures that LADBS applies to such buildings.
DB 13-04
Dangers of vacant/abandoned buildings. Placards shall be __ inches by __ inches minimum in size with a ___ background, white reflective stripes and a white reflective border with 6 inches for hazard identification symbols. The stripes and border shall have a __-inch minimum stroke
24”x30”, red, 2
DB 13-04
Dangers of vacant/abandoned buildings. Placards shall bear the _____ of their application to the building and the date of the most recent inspection.
DB 13-04
Dangers of vacant/abandoned buildings. What is a complete red placard with 2” white border?
Normal structural conditions at time of marking (not used by lafd)
DB 13-04
Dangers of vacant/abandoned buildings. What is a red placard with 2” white border and one diagonal stripe?
Hazardous Building, structural or interior hazards exist, interior firefighting or rescue operations conducted with caution.
DB 13-04
Dangers of vacant/abandoned buildings. What is a red placard with 2” white border and two crossing diagonal stripes?
Dangerous Building, Structural or interior hazards to consider exterior operations only, limiting entry to known life hazards
DB 13-04
Dangers of vacant/abandoned buildings. The following symbols should be placed directly above the placard for those that apply. R/O, S/M, F/E, H/F
- Roof open
- stairs, steps, landing missing
- avoid fire escapes
- holes in floor
DB 13-04
Dangers of vacant/abandoned buildings. Placards can be obtained at both _________ Offices and shall be posted by field personnel.
DB 13-04
Dangers of vacant/abandoned buildings. Placards shall be applied on the front of the structure and be visible from the street. Additional placards shall be applied to the side of each entrance to the structure and on ____________.
DB 13-04
Dangers of vacant/abandoned buildings. On average, ___________ firefighters are injured in the US at vacant/abandoned buildings.
DB 13-05
Distracted Driving-Revision to the cell phone policy. There are __ major types of distractions: eyes off the road (_____); mind off the road (______); and hands off the wheel (______)
3, visual, cognitive, manual
DB 13-05
Distracted Driving-Revision to the cell phone policy. ____________ usage shall be restricted to official Department business only and is permitted when absolutely necessary.
Cell phone
DB 13-05
Distracted Driving-Revision to the cell phone policy. Distracted driving is any activity that diverts a person’s attention away from what?
the primary task of driving
DB 14-04
NFPA 704 Warning Placards. This system identifies the hazards of a material in terms of ____ principal categories
- health
- flammability
- reactivity (instability)
DB 14-04
NFPA 704 Warning Placards. Each category indicated by level of severity numerically by ___ divisions ranging from “Four (4),” indicating a severe hazard, to “Zero (0),” indicating no special hazard.
Diagrams are with “Health” always being on the ___, “Flammability” at the ___, and the “Reactivity (Instability)” on the ___.
left, top, right
DB 14-04
NFPA 704 Warning Placards. Color backgrounds are used for the three categories, ___ for “Health” hazard, ___ for “Flammability,” and _____ for “Reactivity (Instability).”
blue, red, yellow
DB 14-04
NFPA 704 Warning Placards. Fourth space at bottom used for special information. If multiple hazards, the __ worst hazards will be in that space. The symbols shall be stacked with the most severe hazard positioned on ___ and second most severe directly _______.
2, top, below
DB 14-04
NFPA 704 Warning Placards. Industrial/commercial buildings, which have received “conditional use” approval for residential occupancy by artist/artisans, will be identified with an “__” in the bottom fourth space.
DB 14-04
NFPA 704 Warning Placards. The recommended symbol to indicate unusual reactivity with water and to alert firefighting personnel of the possible hazard of using water is the symbol “__”.
DB 14-04
NFPA 704 Warning Placards. Combustible metals (titanium, magnesium, zirconium and aluminum) shall be indicated with an “__” in the fourth space if the quantities or the physical state satisfy the LAFD criteria for placarding (occupancies that exceed ___ pounds of combustible metals as per Table 4-A of the Los Angeles Fire Code or that process or store ___ pounds or less of combustible metals that are in the form of dusts, chips, powders, turnings, or ribbons.
“M”, 500, 500
DB 14-04
NFPA 704 Warning Placards. Jewelry businesses, including the manufacturers that are over the exempt amounts shall be indicated with a “__” (jewelry mart) in the fourth space.
DB 14-04
NFPA 704 Warning Placards. Agricultural/wildlife “exempt fireworks” shall be indicated with an “__” in the fourth space for any quantities that are stored.
DB 14-04
NFPA 704 Warning Placards. Occupancies where excessive moisture or smoke will severely affect the value of the building or contents shall be indicated with a “__” (Limited Water) in the fourth space.
DB 14-04
NFPA 704 Warning Placards. The “__” is the only symbol that is not required by this requirement and would be used only upon request of the occupancy and approved by the Fire Chief.
DB 14-04
NFPA 704 Warning Placards. Substances that need to be contained (such as PCB’s) to avert further environmental damage will be indicated with a “__”.
DB 14-04
NFPA 704 Warning Placards. Any area where hazardous materials are stored, processed, or used, shall have a sign conspicuously posted in letters no less than ___ inches high on a contrasting background reading “No Smoking” or open flame within __ feet as required by the Fire Chief.
three, 25
DB 15-19
Training Request for Downtown High-Rise Buildings. All requests for entry shall be made by the _______________ __-hours in advance.
Station Commander, 24
DB 15-19
Training Request for Downtown High-Rise Buildings. __________________ responsible for the fire suppression activities in the geographic area of the training location shall be notified prior to any request being forwarded to a facility.
Battalion Commanders
DB 15-19
Training Request for Downtown High-Rise Buildings. All requests shall be directed to the Security Director of the property (when a facility does not have a Security Director, the ______________ shall be contacted).
Building Manager
DB 15-19
Training Request for Downtown High-Rise Buildings. Upon arrival to the facility, the Commanding Officer should enter through the main entrance with no more than __ members and coordinate the entry of his/her company
DB 15-19
Training Request for Downtown High-Rise Buildings. The Company Officer shall provide the security personnel with a _____________ of Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) personnel participating in the visit and a statement of intent (email or memo is sufficient)
written roster
DB 15-19
Training Request for Downtown High-Rise Buildings. All persons participating in the training shall have their _____________ and their ____________ on their person when entering the facilities.
California Drivers License, LAFD ID badge
DB 15-17
Responsibilities of Officers to Train and Counsel. Beyond the “tell, show, do” method or concept of training, explaining “___” each task or operation is being performed is vital to the growth of each member and essential to building a highly skilled and proficient crew.
DB 15-17
Responsibilities of Officers to Train and Counsel. When conducting outside drills, Officers are responsible for maintaining coverage within their respective first-in districts, as well as the company’s readiness to respond within __ seconds for EMS, and __ seconds for fire suppression or other related incidents.
60, 80
DB 15-17
Responsibilities of Officers to Train and Counsel. To ensure all companies are maintaining timely emergency responses, during training evolutions, ___________ may be left at training sites provided they do not compromise emergency capabilities and present traffic or other types of hazards to the public.
DB 15-17
Responsibilities of Officers to Train and Counsel. In large districts where extended travel times may exceed ___ or more minutes when training in the most distant parts of the district, or when the complexity of the training may result in a lengthy delay getting to the apparatus or pick-up of equipment, responsible Officers shall put in place contingency plans to avoid any unduly delayed responses in their districts.
DB 15-17
Responsibilities of Officers to Train and Counsel. Our priority is to ensure a _________________ response to emergencies.
rapid and safe
DB 15-11
Risk Management Policy and FF Emergency/Mayday Procedures. When did the LAFD formally adopt the hailing term “Mayday”?
January 5th, 2014
DB 15-11
Risk Management Policy and FF Emergency/Mayday Procedures. What is the LAFD risk management policy?
Risk a lot to save a lot
Risk little to save little
Risk nothing to save nothing
DB 15-11
Risk Management Policy and FF Emergency/Mayday Procedures. This shall be initiated by a member when his/her life is in danger and the situation cannot be corrected in ___ seconds.
DB 15-11
Risk Management Policy and FF Emergency/Mayday Procedures. The “Mayday” will be delivered on the incident tac. If after ___ “Mayday” attempts the member does not receive acknowledgement on the incident tactical channel he/she shall activate the Emergency Alert Button (EAB) and declare the “Mayday” again verbally.
DB 15-11
Risk Management Policy and FF Emergency/Mayday Procedures. What are the 3 “W’s” that are imperative to give during a “mayday” situation?
Who, Where, What
DB 15-11
Risk Management Policy and FF Emergency/Mayday Procedures. The air in one’s cylinder can be further extended by employing the survival breathing technique. The survival breathing technique is performed by extending exhalation ___ times that of inhalation.
DB 15-11
Risk Management Policy and FF Emergency/Mayday Procedures. Whenever possible, the member in distress shall point the light at a ___ angle and shine it outward where a rescuer may see it.
DB 15-11
Risk Management Policy and FF Emergency/Mayday Procedures. Identifying a ___________ is the most critical element of the Self Survival procedure
viable exit
DB 15-11
Risk Management Policy and FF Emergency/Mayday Procedures. Firefighting efforts must _________ in the area that a member is believed to be down, missing, or trapped.
DB 15-11
Risk Management Policy and FF Emergency/Mayday Procedures. I/C initiates Emergency Traffic tones for __ seconds.
DB 16-06
Emergency Operations - Efficiency and Safety 2016.
The _______ of our LAFD members is of the highest priority.
DB 17-07
EMT Administration of Narcan Nasal Spray. The spray is easy to administer and works within __________ of administration
DB 17-07
EMT Administration of Narcan Nasal Spray. All members, including EMTs and Paramedics, may administer Narcan Nasal Spray as needed after their training is complete. Only ___ trained member per resource is required for its use.
DB 17-07
EMT Administration of Narcan Nasal Spray. Each box of Narcan Nasal Spray contains two 4 mg doses. Every emergency resource shall carry a minimum inventory of ________________.
two (2) boxes (4 doses).
DB 17-03
Social Media Policy. A first responder who captures the photographic image of a deceased person by any means, for any purpose other than an official law enforcement purpose or a genuine public interest is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not exceeding _________ per violation.
DB 17-03
Social Media Policy. What must non authorized social media users, that identify as department members, include on their social media?
“The views I express on this site are my own and do not reflect any official view or position of the LAFD”
DB 17-03
Social Media Policy. The ____________________ shall be responsible for determining whether social media content and use covered under this policy complies
Community Liaison Office
DB 18-14
Fentanyl-Exposure Hazards and Incident Management. The United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has estimated that as little as _______ of illicit fentanyl may be enough to cause respiratory depression, respiratory arrest, and/or possible death (5 to 7 grains of table salt)
2-3 milligrams
DB 18-14
Fentanyl-Exposure Hazards and Incident Management. Legal (licit) fentanyl is a synthetic opioid drug estimated to be ___ times more potent than morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin.
DB 18-14
Fentanyl-Exposure Hazards and Incident Management. At minimum, nitrile gloves, eye protection, and a _____ mask should be worn when attending to a patient with signs or symptoms of opioid overdose.
DB 18-14
Fentanyl-Exposure Hazards and Incident Management. Decon, Hand sanitizers _____________ be used as they may contain alcohol which can increase the absorption of fentanyl through the skin. Copious amounts of soap and water are recommended in lieu of sanitizers.
should NOT
DB 18-12
Behavioral Health Awareness. Prioritize sleep at a minimum of ____ hours per night
7- 8
DB 18-12
Behavioral Health Awareness. Exercise at least __ times per week
DB 18-12
Behavioral Health Awareness. In efforts to prevent negative psychological outcomes within our membership, the LAFD encourages members to access behavioral health resources at ____________ during their career process.
each stage
DB 12-09
Opioid Epidemic. Drug overdose is the leading cause of accidental death for Americans under __, and opioid addiction is driving this epidemic.
DB 12-09
Opioid Epidemic. Approximately one in ____ patients being treated for chronic pain developed some level of drug dependency.