Day 8 - Modal verbs Part 1 : Can / Should / Must / Have to (have got to) Flashcards
곧 배달될걸.
It should be delivered soon.
음식물 쓰레기는 반드시 재활용되어야 된다는 거 몰라?
Don’t you know food waste [must / has to / has got to] be recycled?
분명 데이트 신청 많이 받았을 거야!
He [must / has to / has got to] have been asked out a lot
분명히 대부분의 학생들은 통과할 수 있어.
I’m sure it can be passed by most of the students.
아무도 걔네 못 이겨!
They can’t be beaten!
발 부러져서 병원에 입원해야만 했다고 들었어.
I heard he broke his foot and he had to be admitted to the hospital.
(그거) 반드시 언제까지 제출되어야 하는지 알아?
모든 지원서는 늦어도 25일까지는 꼭 접수되어야 한다고 들었어.
Do you know when it [must / has to / has got to] be submitted by?
I heard all applications [must / has to / has got to] be received by the 25th at the latest.
그런 말은 절대 하면 안 돼
Something like that should never be said!
그와 연락이 닿지 않았습니다.
He couldn’t be reached.
우리 와인 따개가 없었어, 그래서 병을 열 수 없어썽.
We didn’t have a wine opener, so the bottle [couldn’t wasn’t able to] be opened.
걔네 증거가 부족해서, 유죄판결을 내릴 수 없었어.
They didn’t have enough evidence, so he [couldn’t/wasn’t able to] be convicted.
(그거에 대해서) 뭔가 반드시 해야 돼!
Something [must / has to / has got to] be done about it!
걔 승진했나 봐.
He must’ve been promoted.
걔 분명히 고등학교 때 괴롭힘당했을 거야.
He [must / has to / has got to] have been bullied in high school.
어떤 비밀들은 지켜져야 된다는 거 몰라?
Don’t you know some secrets should be kept?