Day 3 - Be supposed to Flashcards
Alpha-to-be 시험이 어렵대.
나 이번 달에 시험 보기로 했는데, 복습을 충분히 못했어.
난 이제 어떻게 하지?
The Alpha-to-be test is supposed to be hard this month.
I’m supposed to take it this month, but I haven’t reviewed enough. What am I supposed to do now?
너 지금 수업 듣고 있어야 되는 거 아니야?
응, 그래야 되는데, 나 수업에 빠질 수밖에 없었어.
Aren't you supposed to be in class right now? Yes, I am (supposed to), but I had no choice but to miss the class.
너 술 먹은 후에 타이레놀을 먹으면 안 된다는 거 몰라?
Don’t you know you aren’t supposed to take Tylenol after drinking?
오늘 밤에 핵추울거래.
It’s supposed to be freezing tonight.
나 오늘 밤에 야근하기로 했어.
I’m supposed to work late tonight.
네가 걔한테 거짓말하기로 했잖아!
내가 그걸 어떻게 알았겠어!?
You were supposed to lie to her!
How was I supposed to know that!?
우리 보고 어떻게 수업자료를 인쇄하라는 거야?!
How are we supposed to print out the materials?!
내가 뭘 했어야 되는데? 거짓말?
What else was I supposed to do? Lie?
정오까지 끝내놨어야 됐잖아.
You were supposed to have finished it by noon.
진짜 좋대!
It’s supposed to be really good!
지금 스터디 홀에서 공부하고 있기로 되어 있는 거 아니야?
Aren’t you supposed to be studying in the study hall now?
친구들이랑 N 타워 가기로 했었는데, 날씨 때문에 안 가기로 했어. (결정)
I was supposed to go to the N Tower with my friends. But we decided not to go because of the weather.
금요일에 회사 모임에 가기로 했어.
I’m supposed to have a company get-together on Friday.
나 어떡하지?!
배터리를 제거하고 마를 때까지 꺼 놓아야 된다고 들었어.
What am I supposed to do?!
I heard you’re supposed to remove the battery and keep it off until it dries.
좋다고 하는 식당 (하나라도) 알아?
Brick oven 이 좋대. 거기 가자.
Do you know of any restaurants that are supposed to be good?
Brick Oven is supposed to good. Let’s go there.