Day 12 - 1형식 전치사의 목적어, 4형식, 5형식 Flashcards
식사는 이미 결제가 되었습니다.
Your meal has already been paid for.
이미 받았어. (복수)
They’ve already been sent to me.
너무 나이가 들어 보여서 출입 거부당했다고 들었어.
I heard they were denied entry for looking too old.
I heard entry was denied to them for looking too old.
나, 데이트 신청을 받아본 적이 없어서.
It’s because I’ve never been asked out.
트럼프가 대통령으로 선출됐어!
Trump has been elected president!
동거는 한국에서 좀 나쁘게 보는 거라서.
It’s because cohabitation is frowned [on/upon] in Korea.
더 심한 말도 들어봤어.
I’ve been called worse (things).
모두 소재가 확인되었습니다.
Everyone is accounted for.
어떻게 밥이 알파반 CV가 될 수 있었지.
I can’t believe Bob was made a CV of the Alpha class.
난, 단 한 번도 멍청이라고 불려본 적 없어!
I’ve never been called an idiot before!
나 이렇게 비싼 선물을 받아본 적이 처음이야.
I’ve never been given such an expensive gift.
Such an expensive gift has never been given to me.
데일 선생님 수업시간에 졸다가 쫓겨났어.
I got kicked out (of class) for dozing off in Dale’s class.
왜 이 환자를 돌보고 있지 않은 거야?
Why isn’t this patient being attended to?
모두에게 장비가 제공될 거예요.
Everyone will be provided with the equipment.
The equipment will be provided to everyone.
어제 게시했어야 됐던 거야.
그거 아직 출력이 안 됐어. 출력 되자마자 게시 될 거야.
It was supposed to [be/have been] put up yesterday.
It hasn’t been printed out yet. It’ll be put up as soon as it’s printed out.