Day 6 Review - Pulm1, Pulm2, Pulm3 Flashcards
Tx cluster HA
100% oxygen; Triptans, ergotamines
Class of antiHTN contraindicated in pts: COPD
Nonselective Beta-blockers
Class of antiHTN contraindicated in pts: b/l Renal artery stenosis
Class of antiHTN contraindicated in pts: Pregnancy
Class of antiHTN contraindicated in pts: Advanced renal failure
If Hyperkalemia, no ACEi/ARBs; No potassium-sparing diuretics
Class of antiHTN contraindicated in pts: Gout
Diuretics (Thiazides)
Heart sounds considered benign when no evidence of disease
(1) Split S2 on inspiration (2) Split S1 (3) S3 (asx) (4) Early quiet systolic murmur (all Diastolic murmurs should be evaluated); Any sx, evaluate
Associated heart defects: chromosome 22q11 deletion
CATCH 22: DiGeorge syndrome; Truncus arteriosus & ToF
Associated heart defects: Down syndrome
Endocardial cushion defects (ASD, VSD, abnormal connection bn all 4 chambers, AV connection, etc.)
Associated heart defects: Congenital rubella
PDA; Pulmonary artery stenosis
Associated heart defects: Turner syndrome
Associated heart defects: Marfan syndrome
Aortic insufficiency (e.g., AR)
Next step once brain tumor identified on CT/MRI head
Most common cause of brain tumor is metastasis, so look for source: full body CT, bone scan
W’s of postop fever
Wind (atelectasis), Wound (infx, after POD5), Water (UTI), Walking (DVT), Wonder drugs (incl. antibx), Wayne (for vein, thrombophlebitis), sinusitis especially if NGT
Tx Tb meningitis
Isoniazid, ethambutol, pyrizinamide, rifampin (same med combo as pulmonary Tb)
Pericarditis p/w s/sx
Pleuritic chest pain (worse supine, relieved leaning forward), dyspnea, fever, cough; Pericardial friction rub, JVD, pulsus paradoxus, diffuse ST elevations
Antidotes: Acetaminophen
Antidotes: Lead
Penicillamine, EDTA, Dimercaprol, Succimer
Antidotes: Cyanide
Sodium thiosulfate, Hydroxycobalamin, Amyl or sodium nitrate
Antidotes: Methemoglobin
Methylene blue, Vitamin C
Antidotes: Opioids
Naloxone, Naltrexone
Indications for surgical parathyroidectomy
Parathyroid adenoma - (1) Sx (2) Serum Ca > 1 above upper limit of normal (3) 24 Urine Ca > 400 mg (4) Cr clearance reduced by 30% (5) Bone mineral density t score