Day 5 Fire And Smoke Flashcards
What three things make up the fire triangle, what will happen if any part is removed
The fire will be extinguished
How can we remove heat, o2 and fuel from. The fire triangle
Heat:-fire extinguisher
-water, non-flammable liquid
Fuel-remove nearby objects
O2-fire extinguisher
-covering in non-synthetic material-blanket, curtain-for person on fire
What are the classes of fire
A-flammable solids
B-flammable liquids and gas
C-electrical fire
Li battery fire
In what cases may water NOT be used to douse flames
Class B fires
Class C fires
Li battery fires
What is a hotspot check
Checking compartments with back of hand to see unusually hot ares, indicate possible fire
What are the 3 roles different crew should take when fire fighting
-situation manager
In a fire which CC is the ‘fire fighter’
The CC that discovers the fire
What actions should the ‘situation managers’ take
-Providing firefighter with additional equipment-extinguishers, PBE, fire proof gloves
-instruct PAX- move away from flames, bend down beneath smoke
-switch off cold air vents
-move portable oxygen bottles away from fire
What actions should the ‘communicator’ take
Contact FD to give info on fire
Use phone that is close to fire to see what’s going on but not dangerously close
Use LSD ANT code
What are the items of LSD ANT
Number of extinguishers use
Time since discovery
What should not be used to cool Li battery fires
What electronic devices are pax not allowed to use and why
Power banks
Not tested to aviation standards, pose fire risk
After extinguishing Li battery fire, what should be done with burnt device/bag
Douse with water
Place item in galley box filled with water
Place securely in aft galley
Monitor regularly
What should be the first things to consider if you suspect a lav fire
Hot spot check
Is anyone inside
Equipment-extinguisher, PBE, gloves
What should be done before just before using a fire extinguisher
Test the extinguisher in the galley away from a person
After fighting lav or compartment fire, how long should you wait before spot-checking it again
1.5 minutes
What should be done if a circuit breaker trips
Inform SCC & CMD
DO NOT reingage it
When may CC pull circuit breakers
If electrical equipment catches fire
CC should pull associated circuit breakers of that equipment,
What should be done if a personnes on fire
Cover them in non-synthetic material to get rid of O2
Lay on floor
Cool with water
DO NOT use extinguisher
DO NOT remove what’s covering them afterwards
What doze ozone smell like
What does burnt oil smell like
Old car
What does oil smell like
Wet dog
What may be symptoms of ‘aero-toxic’ syndrome
Caused by fume inhalation
-nausea, headache, seizure
-sore throat, eye, nose airway irritation
-dizziness, fatigue
What are the nine classes of dangerous goods
1 explosives
2 gases
3 flammable liquid
4 flamable solids
5 oxidisers
6 poisons/toxins
7 radioactive material
8 corrosive
9 miscellaneous
How should crew respond to dangerous good spillage
1 notify other crew and cmd
2 identify dg, ask pax, look at hazard label
3 collect emergency response kit, containing polyethylene bags
4 don gloves, PBE if necessary
5 move PAX away from area
6 place item into plastic bag
7 store bag securely away from FD, eg aft lav
8 treat seat cushion in same way as dg
9 cover up floor
What is RFFS
Rescue and fire fighting services
Can regular fire fighting services assist aircraft in emergency
What is considered survival
Staying alive until SAR aarive
How long should it take SAR to reach survivors in most part of the world
Less than 48 hours
What are the four principles of survival
What range must core body temperature stay within
34.4 to 41.1 C
Outside of this, you will die
How much water is in the human body
50 L
How much water can you lose without dying
25%, approx 12.5 L
How much blood is in the human body
5.7 L
How much blood can you loose without dying
2.3 L
What frequency does an ELT transmit on
121.5 MgHz
What materials should you burn to make a signal fire in a snowy environment
Flamable liquids
Create black smoke, to contrast white snow
What materials should you burn to make a signal fire in a Forrest
Creates white/grey smoke
Contrasts dark colours
If making a distress signal, how big should the sign be
At least 2.5 metres long, be visible from the air
What do the symbols V, X, Y, N -> mean respectively
V: needs assistance
X: needs medical assistance
Y: Yes
N: No
->: Proceeding in this direction
How much water does a person need per day
At least 0.5 L
In a survival situation, why should high protein food be avoided
It demands more water to digestion, may cause de-hydration if not enough water consumed.
Eat carbs if no access to water
For how long can you survive without food
1 month, if you have water
How long can you survive without water
3-12 days
When floating in water, why should you adopt a fétus position
Preserve heat
Prevent hypothermia
In winter survival , How should you heat up an injured person
Undress them, Place in sleeping bag between two other naked people
What medical issues might you experience in winter survival
Snow blindness
What piece of aircraft equipment can be used as shelter
The slides,
Wreckage if safe
How many signal fires should you make to creat distress signal
3, in triangle formation
Known as international distress signal
What are the three different survival areas and which is the easiest to survive in
How can you make water in the desert
Collected Condensation
Foot of cliff
Outside bend of a riverbed
How can you make water in the winter survival
Melting snow
DO NOT eat snow directly
How can you make water in the jungle
Purifying river water by boiling it
What kind of plants shouldn’t be eaten in the jungle
Brightly coloured plants
Plants that have milky sap
How should you protect from insect bites in the jungle
Cover yourself in mud
How should a hypothermic person be loaded onto the SAR helicopter
By net
The harness may cause cardiac arrest due to low blood pressure