Day 3 Flashcards
Why is it significant to find RBCs in the urine?
The presence of RBCs in the urine is associated with damage to the glomerular membrane of vascular injury within the genitourinary tract
This type of RBC appears with spiny projections due to shrinkage. It is found in concentrated HYPERTONIC urines
Cremated RBCs
This type of RBC appears swollen or as a shell. It is found in old, dilute, alkaline, HYPOTONIC urines?
Ghost RBCs
How can hematuria and hemoglobinuria be distinguished?
Speckles= individual RBCS(hematuria)
One solid color= bursts(hemoglobinuria)
Glitter cells are WBCs whose cytoplasmic granules exhibit Brownian Movement. These cells are generally seen in what type of urines?
Alkaline and hypotonic
These epithelial cells originate from the lining of the renal pelvis, bladder, and upper urethra?
Transitions epithelial cells
These epithelial cells originate from the PCT, DCT and Collecting ducts? They are round with an eccentrically located nucleus and are often seen with increased protein and casts.
Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells
What is the major component of most casts?
Tamm-Horsfall Protein
Where are casts formed?
Lumen of the collecting ducts and DCT
What is most frequently occurring cast in the urine?
Hylanine casts
This type of cast indicates bleeding within the nephron
RBC casts
This type of cast indicates inflammation/ infection within the nephron or glomerular disease
WBC cast
This type of cast indicates damage/degeneration of the tubules
Epithelial Cell Casts
This type of cast indicates extreme decrease in urine flow and is seen in chronic renal failure
Waxy Casts
This type of cast is much larger than all other casts and formed primarily in the collecting ducts?
Broad casts
How can yeast be distinguished from RBCs in the urine?
They are refractile (yeasts)
Trichomomas vaginalis can easily be confused with what cell?
When is the presence of spermatozoa in urine considered significant/critical?
If found in young children
What is the main protein excreted by renal transitional cells that result in MUCUS IN THE URINE?
Tamm Horsfall
Name the 3 normal crystals found in acidic urine
Urid Acid Crystals
Amorphous Urates
Calcium Oxalate Crystals
Name the 5 Normal crystals found in alkaline urine
Triple Phosphate Crystals Amorphous Phosphate Calcium Phosphate Crystal Ammonium Biurate Crystals Calcium Carbonate Crystals (P3ABCC)
Name the 4 abnormal crystals found in the urine
Cystine Crystal, Cholesterol crystals, leucine crystals and tyrosine crystals
What crystal is seen in inherited disorders of amino acid metabolism?
Tyrosine Crystals
75% of all kidney stones(calculi) are made up of what formations?
Calcium Oxalate
What type of RBCs are seen in a hypotonic solution ?
Ghost cells
What is hematuria?
Intact RBCs in the urine
What type of solution are “glitter cells” seen in?
Hypotonic (alkaline)
Name the most frequently seen epithelial cell?
Name the most significant of the epithelial cells and describe the nucleus
Renal Epithelial Tubular
Give one reason why a patient may have a urinary cast
Reduced urine flow/ pt not drinking enough water
Name the glycoprotein that is a major component of urinary casts
Tamm Horsfall
Describe a waxy cast
What does an RBC cast indicates?
Difficulty filtering blood within the nephron
If you have a fatty cast, what will you see using the polarized light ?
Maltese cross formation
What % acetic acid will lyse RBCs so you’re able to identify other cellular elements ?
What is the most frequently used supravital stain for urine sediment consisting of Crystal Violet & Safranin O?
Sternheimer-Malbin stain
How do triple phosphate crystals look?
Coffin lid appearance
Which Crystal resembles an envelope ?
Dihydrate form-Calcium Oxalate
What Crystal gves a “thorny apple” appearance and when is it present?
Ammonium Biurate; present only when free ammonia is found in the urine
What crystals are oval or dumbbell shaped and often seen in cases of ethylene glycol (antifreeze) poisoning?
Monohydrate form- Calcium Oxalate
Describe Calcium Carbonate Crystals
Small colorless, dumbbell or spherical shapes
Colorless, refractile, hexagonal plates with equal or unequal sides
Indicates inborn error of metabolism disorder
Cystine Crystals
Large, flat, transparent, rectangular plates with a notch in one or more corners “missing corners”
Cholesterol crystals
How do you report mucus threads?
Light,mod, heavy
How do you report bacteria?
How you report crystals?
Report same as epi cells
How do you report amorphous sediment?
Trace, 1+,2+,3+,4+
How do you report yeast?
Report “budding yeast seen” of “budding yeast seen with fungal elements “