Day 3 Flashcards
Atomic Wt of Cr
51.996 g
Atomic Wt of Ni
58.693 g
Atomic Wt of Au
196.97 g
Atomic Wt of O
15.999 g
Atomic Wt of Zn
65.38 g
Atomic Wt of Hg
200.59 g
Atomic Wt of Cu
63.546 g
Atomic Wt of Fe
1 assay ton
29.1666 g
Why are sulfides good in flotation?
Hydrophobicity except for zinc
Oil exploration location in 2008
Tañon Strait
Crisscross of veins or veinlets
Secondary mineral in a fracture
Acid used to extract Uranium
Ammonium Nitrate (NH4)2NO3 or Sulfuric Acid H2SO4
Sulfate used as drilling mud
Scale of an army map
Philex Negros mine extracts
AU and Cu
Gold SG
Graphite SG and Hardness
2 and 1-2
Sphalerite SG
Sphalerite Hardness
Host rock in Philex Bulawan in Negros
Dacite Porphyry breccia
Porphyry zone where most gold mineralization is found
Describe Porphyry rock (Grain size, phenocryst type, ground mass )
Large rgained, quartz or feldspar phenocryst, silicate aphanitic groundmass
Where and How Sudbury Basin formed
Canadian Shield and meteorite impact
Sudbury basin metals extracted
Ni and Cu
Main resource formed in the Pre-Cambrian
Measured plus indicated resource
Demonstrated resources
Aside from modifying factors, the 3 most important info needed from resource to become reserve
(Quantity and Grade) (Econ feasible prod) (tech for ore extn and proc is available)
number of tectonic plates on earth
12 major plates
What is triboluminescence?
Luminous upon crushing
Chem formula of Calaverite
Chem form of Covellite
Types of Gypsum
Satin spar, selenite, alabaster
Other name for Iceland Spar
Calcite (Optically clear)
Other name for lodestone
Rutile, Anastase, Brookite
Realgar formula name
Carbonate ore of Mg
Magnesite (MgCO3)
Synonym for dolomite
Pearl Spar
Ore of Antimony (Sb2S3)
Pyrrhotite chemical formula
Carbonate ore of lead
Known as “Black-Jack”
Ions that lends color
Anhydrous Gypsum
Emerald is a variety of
3 Corundrum varieties
Rub, Sapphire, emery
Violet or purple variety of quartz
Forsterite-Fayalite solid solution cations
Mg to Fe
“the layer of unconsolidated rocky material covering bedroc”
Bedding less than 1 cm thick
Bedding 1 cm or thicker
Blue mineral in metamorphic rocks
Makes Greenschist green
Chlorite, epidote, actinolite
Index mineral is?
min that charcterize ea metamorphic zone
Definition of porphyritic texture
two contrasting crystal size, phenocryst and groundmassgroundmass
Igneous rock w/ very rapid cooling
Define fragmental texture
broken fragments of rock bc of volcanic eruption
Mafic composed of this % of olivine and pyroxene
> 45%
What is Porphyroblast?
like porphyrytic but for sedimentary rock
Pyroelectric is?
Naturally polarized crystal with a natural electric field
Thermoluminescence means
emits visible light when subjected to lower relative heat
amount of dark minerals in felsic
15% or less
Intermediate ig rock contains this % of dark minerals
3 elements PGE’s combine with
Sb, Sb, S
Amount of alumina in refractory chromite
> 20%
Stratiform chromite contains this
Most common Carbonate minerral in epithermal deposits
Processes that epithermal deposits undeergo
- heat source,
- fluid flow,
- chemical reaction
Most common skarn deposit in the world
Calcic Endoskarn
Mineral deposit that comes from simple crystallization of intrusive bodies
Magmatic deposit
A way a magmatic deposit forms diff minerals
VMS with no lead and galena in it
Porphyry zone that results from deep acid fluids and magmatic SO2
high temperature advanced argilic
Argillic are formed by
neutral pH-chloride fluids
Where gold is most like ly found
Exsolution means
Solid solution phase unmixes into two separate phases
Contact metasomatism means?
When a fluid from magma contact alters wall rock consituents
Define “residual concentration”
Val minerals that form after weathering of other minerals (ie. laterite)
Describe deposit in Kuroko type
Strata bound polymetallic mineral due to submarine felsic volcanism
Describe deposit in Cyprus type
Stratiform/Massive base metal sulfide assoc w/ mafic-ultramafic composition, High Lead and mod Silver
Describe Besshi type
Strata bound massive cupriferous iron sulfide deposits in bed or lenticular for concordant to crystalline schist
Represents concentration of diffuse metals
metalliferous deposits
Decrease in pressure promotes
Hydrothermal deposit temp range for epithermal
50-200 C
Hydrothermal deposit temp range for
Hydrothermal deposit temp range for
Primary deposit synonym
Supergene deposit
Secondary deposit synonym
Supergene deposit
Ideal Cr:Fe ration of Metallurgical grade chromite
2.5:1 or 3:1
Ideal Cr:Fe ration of Chemical grade chromite
1.5 to 1.6 : 1
Crtstallization differentiation and residual magma accumulation results in what type of deposit
Residual liquid segregation deposit
Crystallization differentiation and accumulation deposit equals
Potassic zone is comprised of these common minerals
orthoclase (kfelds), quartz alunite, secondary biotite
Argillic zone common minerals
Quartz sericite, calcite, pyrite, CLAY
Phyllic common minerals
has white alumin-silicate minerals gypsum, anhydrite, zeolite and other like calcite
Expansive clays 3 examples
montmorillonite, smectite, bentonite
High sulfidation minerals
Low sulfidation minerals
Ph of Low and High Sulfidation
Neutral and Acidic
Homonhon Samar Chromite type
Black lignite synonym
Moisture content of lignite
MC % of bituminous
Three plates joining is called
triple junction
Adularia description
colorless, translucent to transparent feldspar that occur in low temperature veins
Largest diamond producer
De Beers
Term for a mineral wtih no variance in color
Opposite of Idiochromatic
Clast means
Fragments in sed rocks from previous rocks
Siliceous ore of a biochemical origin
Direct exploration method
Geological sampling and mapping
Meaning of Phenocryst
large well shaped crystal in ig rock
Metamorphogenetic VMS
Pioneer of Open pit mining of vein deposit
Masbate Gold
Largest Gold producer
Philex Mine (Padcal)
Bonanza deposit in Philippines
Acupan Mine Baguio
Mine in Paracale, Camarines Norte
United Paragon Mining Corporation
Mineral extracted by United Paragon MC
What a Refractory has that a metallurgical chromite does not
Al2O3 and MgO
Other name of Besshi
Zone 1 of Podiform Chromite
Chromite type in harzburgite zone
Metallurgical grade
Zone 2 of Podiform Chromite
upper level Dunite (high amount of metallurgical and refractory chromite)
Zone 3 of Podiform Chromite
interlayer of dunite and wehrlite (crust mantle transition)
Chromite is found in what part of a laterite deposit,
lowest laterite layer
Deposit found in zone 3 of podiform
Nickel platinum sulfides
Hypothermal deposit formed
high temperature and pressure
Telethermal deposit description
Shallow, low temperature
Leptothermal conditions
bet Epithermal and Mesothermal
VMS type Keiko description
Volcano-exhalative type w. Chalcopyrite dominantly found in silicate rock
Kuroko mineral deposits
Black ores: Sphalerite, Galena w/ barite and Chalcopyrite
Oil and Natural gas organic matter origin
marine organisms
Most suitable reservoir for oil
When is natural gas formed
during conversion of organic matter to petroleum
The word “stone” is used in what industry?
Also called “block lead” or “plumbago”
Difference of Consequent and Subsequent streams
Consequent follows the original stream or slope, Subsequent follows the path of the weakest strata
Local base level means
Lowest altitude w/c a stream can erode its channel
Fossils mostlly found in this type of rock
Extension of batholiths on the rocks above
Acoje Mine Chromite type
Metallurgical grade
Coto Mine Chromite type
refractory grade
Hinatuan Mine Surigao del Norte Nickel ore
Kind of deposit in Marinduque
Kind of deposit in Sipalay, Negros
Porphyry type
Zamabales Deposit type
What is a Speleothem
Cave formations from limestone and dolostones
Calcareous rock formed from Hot springs
Gradual mass wasting when soil is partly frozen
San Andreas Fault is a
Right lateral strike slip fault
Length of San Andreas fault
1200 km or 750 mi
Marikina fault is what kind
right lateral strike slip fauit
Philippine fault
left lateral strike slip fauit
Philippine fault length
1200 km
Migmatite description
Alternating met and ig layers due to partial melting
Which is basaltic and wc is felsic (Scoria, pumice)
Pumice - felsic
Scoria - basalt
Ignimbrite is formed when
> broken rocks is mixed with glass matrix bc rocks and»_space; magma is mixed during explosion
Magma cools quickly making glass
Deposited at bot of volcano
Diff of bomb and block
Block is erupted in solid condition (angular)
Bomb is erupted in liquid form
3 Types of Pyroclasts (by size)
Ash - less than 2 mm
Lapilli - 2mm - 64 mm
Blocks - 64 mm and greater
Pegmatitic texture size
Grains > 1 cm
Phaneritic texture means
1 - 10 cm grains grains like granite
Aphanitic texture is
1 mm or less
What is tuff
compacted volcanic dust
Counterpart of volcanic breccia
Agglomerate (sub-rounded clast or bombs)
Caliche descrp
Calcium carbonate deposit in arid climate
Orthoclase formula
Intermediate bet Rhyolite and Andesite
Diabasic texture descr
Euhedral lath-shaped plag felds set in fine mafic matrix
Proposed Catastrophism
Georges Cuvier
Proposed Big Bang thery
Georges Lemaitre
What is “Jet”
Decaying wood that is extremely compacted
What is a Surtseyan Eruption
Eruption with the interaction of magma and srufacwater
Describe Strombolian Eruption
Mildly explosive that lasts seconds to minutes
w/ lots of pyro’c matl
Desc Vulcanian eruption
Irregular explosions of dense clouds with some andesitic magma
Desc Pelean Eruption
Large amount of pyroclastic flow
Ande to Rhyo magma
Desc Plinian
Columns of debris and gasses spewed out
w/ Pyro surge
Layers of atmosphere from highest to lowest
- Exosphere
- Thermosphere
- Mesosphere
- Stratosphere
- Mesosphere
Opal is a gemstone made up of
Green gemstone of qtz
Cryptocrystalline silica
Texture of Agate
Alt bands of crypto and micro granular quartz
What is a Craton
stable part of continental plate
What is a shield
Part of a Craton that outcrops to surface
French word for Sausage
What material are Boudins seen
Desc Mullion
cylindrical and riblike formed from soft and stiff layer
What is a Supratenous fold
Thickening of syncline and thinning at anticline
Mineral also known as “heavy spar”
Brown and hydrated oxide of manganese
Anticlinorium meaning
Large super imposed anticline
Large scale anticline
Bend in a horizontal strata
Diff of auto and alloch-tonous
Auto - indigenous
Alloch - from other
Other name of “Tectonic Window”
Soil profile
O - humus A - mineral + humus E - Clay layer and Zone of leaching B - Transition broken bedrock C - bedrock
What is a Bolson
Valley or depression in playa
Smaller plateau
What is a playa
dry lake that becomes a salt pan
Sand and gravel left by retreating glacier and features water flow from glacier
What are Eskers
Long winding deposited sands by streams inside glacier which then melted`
Crescent dunes
Diff of 3 coral reef types
- Fringing - grows seaward from shore
- Atoll - like fringing but surrounds a sunken volcano
- Barrier - grow in middle of sea, expanse of water bet reef and shore is called a lagoon
Climate for laterite deposit
Base level
lower limit of stream erosion
Phosphate mineral that can contain RRE
Process of extraction Al from Bauxite
Bayer process
Bayer process descrp
Al2O3 is dissolved in cryolite bath
Carbon anodes pass electric current
O2 comb w/ anode, Al is left in molten form
What is an accretionary prism
Scraped off layer of subductiong plate
Metamorphicl rockmade up of talc
Cassiterite formula
Cerussite formula
Lead ore processing
- Concentration
3.Blast furnace
4, Refined
Main mineral that signifies supergene sulphide enrichment
2 Pt ore minerals
Uraninite in the Phil is assoc with what type of deposit