Day 2 pt.1 Flashcards
Toxic substances, hazardous and nuclear waste act of 1990
RA 6969
term of a Temporary Safety Engineer/Inspector’s permit
1 year
Issues Mine/Quarry foreman’s licence
PRC Board of Mining Engineering
Approves Small Scale mining permits
Provincial governor
Mine waste and tailings disposal fee law
P.D 1251
Approves MPSA
DENR Secretary
max area of Small Scale Mining Permit
20 ha
Govt Act that regulates Mine Engg practice
RA 4274
Max area of quarry permit
5 ha
Max area for FTAA
4000 blocks
Min age for employment
18 yrs
Goal of IPRA law of 1997
promote rights of indigenous peoples
IPRA law
RA 8371 of 1997
Study that can be submited to support a loan application
Bankable Feasibility Study
1 long ton to short ton
1.12 short tons
Document submtd and apprvd bef ECC in envt crit areas
Environmental Impact Assesment
CAD acronym
Computer Aided Design
Teaming up of companies with diff expertise while being separate entities
Strategic alliance
Exploration principle called “successive elimination of risks”
Least cost operations first
Basic law governing coal devt in the Philippines
Commonwealth act of 137
PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 972 July 28, 1976
Owner of mining project primarily interested in the returrn on his capital, what measure of profitability will be used?
Internal rate of return
valuation method using future free cash flow and discounts them at an annual rate, to arrive at present value estimate
Discounted Cash Flow
Method of valuation that does not consider time value of money
Accounting rate of return
Mine owner only concerned w/ rec investments as quickl as possible
Payback period
Mine owner only concerned w/ optimizing wealth
net present value
In IPRA law what do m ine companies need to secure from IP before operations
free and prior informed consent
Fraudulent Canadian mine company in Busang Indonesia
Bre-X Ltd
Gov’t agency that awards COC’s
Code of ethics for mining engineers about unions
no mention
Worst Mine disaster in the Philippines with 84 dead
Malangas Coal Mine nethabe gas explosion
CIF means?
Cost, Insurance and Freight paid by you
CNF means?
Cost, No insurance and freight paid by you
FOB means?
no charge to the buyer from start of shipment to the dock
Software to perform quality assesment from data accumulated by field eqpt.
Asset tracking software (ATS)
Sector where the concept of production sharing was first practiced
Energy development
Define offshore for MPSA
from mean low tide level up to 20 nautical miles of the exclusive economic zone
Issues Guano permit
Provincial Governor/Mayor office
Small scale mining permit issuer outside of Mineral reservation
Provincial Governor/City Mayor Office
Max vol of extraction for EXCLUSIVE sand and gravel permit
50 sq, m
Define Foreign-owned Corporation
Corporation, partnership, assoc or cooperative less than 50% owned by Filipino citizens
Define Gross output
actual market value of minerals or mineral products from mining area
Qualified person acting alone or in consortium who is party to a mineral agreement
Define Co-production MA
Input of the government beyond the land and minerals
Apply quarry permit here
Provincial/City Mining Regulatory board
Mine and quarry operationswith 25 to 50 needs these to ensure safety
1 mining engineer with 5 years experience and 1 registered foreman
100 php per ha
1 meridional block
0.5 min lat by 0/5 min long
Document that lays out environmental programs during operations, incorporates ECC and Contractor’s plan
Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program (EPEP)
Document prepared by Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) that serves as application for Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
Define Environmentally Critical Project
high potential for significant potential impact
Used to insure just compensation fro damages and rehab for adverse effect.
Contingent Liability and Rehabilitation Fund (CLRF)
Who issues CLRF
Panel or group of people that has exclusive juridiction to hear and decide disputes over rights to mining areas,
Panel of Arbitrators
Panel of Arbitrator held by
Regional Office and DENR
Document that lays out the fundamental priciples and norms in conduct
Code of Ethics
EO no. 270 signed by Pres GMA in January2004 titled as:
National Policy Agenda on Revitalizing Mining in the Philippines
IRR for the EIS system signed by DENR secretary on June 30, 2003
DENR Administrative Order No. 2003-30
Define Indigenous Cultural Community
IP who preserved culture since time immemorial
Detailed survey of property to get fact regarding the mine and its future prospect
Complete Mine Examination
Sampling method for hard to very hard ore
Chip Sampling
Salting is intentional or unintentional
Sum of money left unpaid for a certain number of years is called
Annuity in arrears
Define compound interest
interest gained plus principal then get interest of this sum
What is Immediate annuity
Annuity payable at the end of the year
Define Discounting
The valuing of commmission of the income into present value or present worth
Cost depletion factor formula
First cost over resource capacity
Annual depletion charge
Cost depletion factor * annual yield
What are dummy samples?
Sample w/ intentionally erroneous data to guard against salting
People’s Small-scale Mining Act of 1991
RA 7076
“Establishing Small Scale Mining”
PD 1899
MAx limit of production for Small Scale Mines
50000 tons ina a yr
Small Scale Mining Act
2 years renewable for like periods
In Small scale mining permit, permitee shall produce within what time period
12 months
Small scale permitee is exempt from all taxes except this
Income Tax
PD 1899 exploration within 2 years and within this area
1 block/81 has
Samll scale miner is licensed as such by the:
In RA 7076 section 3 , “Active Mining Area” is determined by who
DENR Secretary
RA 7076 Section 3, “Mining Plan”, w/c establishes mining and financial plan is valid for this time
2 years
RA 7076 section 4,People’s Small Scale Mining Program purpose
DENR w/ coord w/ LGU to systematize small scale dev’t and utilization
Small Scale Mining Program implemented by whom
DENR Secretary
Mineral Resources Development Decree of 1974
PD 463
Meridional block system extabllished here
PD 463
How many PSSM contracts per person at any given time
one only
If PSSM area is covered by existing mining right, claim owner is entitled to a this % royaty
If PSSM arae is under a private property, entitled to this amt of royalty
Ra 7076 establishes buying stations for ___, in gold rush stations
Central bank
Issues licence for operation of custom mills
PSSM protection fund __% share of internal or produciton share to govt
Mineral processing zones designated by
VIOLATION of rules and regulations implemented by the secretary fined this amount
Php 20000- 100000
PSSM Area is reverted to the state if failure to comply with health and safety standards, who decides this
DENR Secretary, upon rec of Regiona Director of DENR
Issues PSSM contracts to people under review of DENR sec
Provincial/City Mining Regulatory Board (BOARD in short)
Composition of the Board
Rep of the Governor or city mayor,
SSM rep.
Large scale mining rep
Violation of provision of RA 7076 imprisonment sentence
6 months to 6 years
PSSm in consolidated by this house bill
House Bill No. 10516, May 30 1991
PSSM consolidated under this Senate bill
Senate Bill No. 1333, May 30 1991
IRR governing Processor’s permit to small scale gold ming
DAO No. 5, series of 1989
SS miners are licensed by who
Holder of existing mining right
Removal of overburden from placer deposit
Guidelines in the issuance of Special Permits for pebble picking along beaches
DAO No. 28, series of 1992
Define gold rush area in terms of number of miners and tons of gold per day
> = 50 transient or local miners and 5 tons per day
Natural nmaterial with plastic properties
LGU can issue SSM with an area of
5 hectares and below
MGB can issue SSM contract area of
< 20 ha
Granitization of sedimentary rocks arecontrolled by this process
Define Head
Pressure diff caused by diff in elev
Title owner of a land
Land Owner
Thick veins or grp of veins
Define placer
Concentration due to mech erosion
Differentiate Mine Rehab and Envt Mngt
Rehab repairs what is already damaged
Define Potential Gold Rush Area
< 50 transient or local miners
What are Riffles
designed to catch gold in a sluice box
Rules and regulations governing the Granting of Small Scale Mining Permits under PD 1899
Mines Administrative Order (MAO) No. MRD - 41, Series of 1984
IRR of RA 7076
DAO No. 34, Series of 1991
Ammendment to Mines Administrative Order (MAO) No. MRD - 41, Series of 1984
Mines Administrative Order (MAO) No. MRD - 41-A, Series of 1984
Diwalwal Gold Rush Area is in what province
Davao del Norte
Implementing Guidelines for SSM Operations
Memorandum Circular No. MRD - 2, series of 1985
What is compressor Mining
Alluvial gold mining usig air compressors to breathe underwater while using picks and sacks to collect ore
Additional Rules and Regulations
Governing Small Scale Operations
Mines Administrative Order (MAO) No. MRD - 50, Series of 1987
Amendment to MRDB Administrative Order No. 3
MRDB Administrative Order No. 3-A, Series of 1987
Msall Scale Mine Safety Rules and Regulations
Administrative Order No. 97 - 30
Two processes used in SSM to extract gold
Amalgamation and Cyanidation
SSM uses small and confined excavations called
Camote Mining entails
dogholes, highgrading of gold, low grade as waste
Major Vein deposit in Diwalwal
Balite and Buenas Tinago
Mining method used in Diwalwal like JB Management and mining corporation and Helica Mining Corporation
Open pit
Siruma White Clay Mineral Reservation found in what province
Camarines Sur
Act prohibiting Extraction of Gravel and Sand
Batasang Pambansa Blg. 265
Licence or permit on a minerealized land prior to declaration of PSSM
Existing mining right
Max area for exploration by any individual in any one province onshore
1620 has
Max area a corp can hold at on time at one province for an MA
100 blocks
Contiguous zone extent
25 nautical miles seaward from baseline of Phil Archipelago
IRR of RA 7942 which revised DAO No. 96-23, series of 1996
DENR Administrative Order (DAO) No. 96 - 40
Governing law on surface rights and compensation to damages
PD 512
EEZ extent
200 nautical miles from baseline of Philippine Archipelago
Ore transport permit issued by
Max area under sand and gravel permit as issued by PMRB (Board)
5 hectares
Permit granted by Prov governor to extract sand and gravel co-terminus with infrastructure devt
Government Gratuitous Permit
Max area of a Govt Gratuitous Permit
2 ha
All submerged lands in the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines
Mineral Reservation
No person under ___ years of age shall be employed in any phase of mining operations
16 yrs old
no person under __ years of age shall be employed underground in a mine.
18 yrs
New mining act was passed by the ____ Congress in 1995
Mining Law bef RA 7942
EO 279
Define interest ratio
ratio of earnings from an investment to amount invested for a specified period
Define discount rate
rate of interest which deducts all the earnings of a future sum to time
process of converting the cost of anb asset into an expense acount or cost over its useful life
Define present value
sum of money invested today that will be equivalent to a future sum
Define DIRECT cost
cost wc is dependent upon output or volume of production
The compensation of an exhaustble natural resource to produce products or services
Define NON-CASH cost
Investment cost that is written off for the purpose by way of depreciation, depletion, or amortization over a period of time
Define Least Square (regression) method
Method of forecasting that consist of finding the equation of a line
List of prices and corr quantites consumer are willing and able to buy over a period of time
Confidence interval
X ± Z (s/√n)
Z values for 99%, 95%, 90% confidenc interval
2.576, 1.96, 1.645 respectively
Discount factor formula
Give 4 examples of Indirect cost
Rentals, Taxes, Interest, depletion
Define Gross margin
company’s total sales revenue minus its cost of goods sold
Gross income, also known as gross pay,
individual’s total pay before taxes or other deductions.
Gross profit
company makes AFTER deducting the costs associated with making and selling its products
Net income
equal to net earnings (profit) calculated as sales less COGS, SG&A, operating expenses, depreciation, interest, taxes and other
Taxable Income
gross income minus any deductions or exemptions allowed in that tax yea
Gross earnings
total income earned prior to the application of any tax deductions or adjustments.
Define income statement
financial report that comp revenues and theexpenses for a particular period
Define Balance sheet
financial report wc shows financial postion of a business entity by summarizing its assets
Obligations of abusiness entity that may be paid within one year or within th e operating cycle
current liabilities
sinking fund method
technique for depreciating an asset in bookkeeping records while generating money to purchase a replacement for the asset when it reaches the end of its useful life.
Hoskolds Siniking Fund method
Valuation method wc considers uniform earnings during LOM and provides redemption of the capital investment at the end of the LOM
Percentage of income earned by a project to the capital invested in the project
Return on investment
using borrowed capital a a source of finance
Part of income which the company returns to investors/stockholders
Mineral processing permit issued by
DENR secretary
Responsibilities of DENR
Coonservation, management, development and proper use of the country’s mineral resources
All proposed mineral agreements shall be filed in
Region where subject area is located
Term of an MA
25 years and another 25 yrs only
Mining operations are required to be covered by ECC which is based on what:
Environmental Impact Assessment
ad valorem tax
is a tax based on the assessed value of an item such as real estate or personal property.
Occupation fees collected from mining , __% of wc goes to the province, remaing goes to municipilaty
MA agreement bet state and SSM contractor
Accdg to Local Government Code, SSM is regulated by the
Provincial Governor/ City Mayor
FTAA is negotiated by the ___ and aprvd by the ___
DENR, President of the Phil
Mineral Land is defined by the law as
Area w/ mineral resources
Law that reduces retirement age of workers from 60 to 50
RA 8558
Exploration permit term limits
2 years renewable for like periods but not more than 6 years
Exploratio permit within mineral reservation is approved by
MGB Director
Exclusive/Private Sand and grravel permit period
60 days non-renewable
5 hectares
1 year renewable for like periods
2000 kgs
1 year non renewable
Mineral PROCESSING permit term limits
5 years renewable for like periods until 25 years
rate of excise tax levied on gold and chromite
pHP 50
The probability ofparts pf a body included i n the sample cannont be estimated
Non- probability samplin
Isopach meaning
Map which shows thickness variations of strata in a region usning contour lines and drill data
Define Semi-variable or mixed costs
Cost wc contain both fixed and variable cost; increase in cost from changesin output but ntot directly proportional
2 types of dump/stockpile sampling
Channeling and trenching
Define Discounted cash flow rate
discounted cash flows = present value of costs, compared to measure profitability
Marginal income
amount of revenure left after deducting variable cost
Define profit
Diff bet revenure and total cost
Product of quantity/vol sold at the set selling price
Total revenure
diff bet calculated mean and true mean
Royalties, raw materials, labor is what type of cost
Direct or variable cost
ore reserve estimation involves math of random fxns to reconnaissance of mineral depsits
Byproduct of PASAR used by Philpost for fertilizer
Sulfuric acid
INCHROME in Manticao, Misamis Oriental product
Charge/Ferro chrome
The point where the curve leave the first tangent.
point of curvature
The point where the curve joins the second tangent.
point of tangency
The point of intersection of the two tangents.
In order to maintain the right direction/center of an opening in underground, it is necessary to put a _____.
center line
Length of one link in a Gunter’s chain
0.66 ft or 7.92 inches
What is a Chorobates
instrument designed for levelling using water along a long slot and a plumb bob
Sum of interior angle when given num of sides
Most common levelling instrument
Automatic or Self-levelling level
What is Topographic surveying
process of det positions on the earth’s surace
What is planimetry
the surveying of location of features
Topography is
det of configuration of features on the ground
Closed contour lines that represent a hill or depression
What is a laser vertical collimator
like a laser plumb bob to make sure shaft is vertical
Who developed GPS
US Department of Defense
GIS are computer programs that do:
store and analyse spatial data
Trapezoidal Rule Formula
d( (h1+hn)/2 + h2 + h3 + hn-1)
Simpson’s 1/3 rule
d/3 (h1 + hn +2(odd) +4 (even))
Planimeter is a mechanical device use to
det area of shape plotted on scale drawing
tonnage, grade and mineral content extimated at low level of confidence
Inferred Mineral Resource
tonnage, densities, shape, physical characteristics, grade and mineral content estimated at reasonable confidence
Indicated Mineral Resource
geologicaland grade continuity is known
Differenece of Probable with Indicated or Measured aside from mdifying factors
diluting materials and allowances for losses during mining
Point of know elev to det point of unknown elev
Det orientation of shafts by using 2 shafts with one wire each
Fitted traverse method
Used when theodolite can’t be set-up at the bottom of 2 wires at the bottom of a shaft. Usesmultiple sine laws to det orientation
Weiss Quadrilateral
Uses 2 wires suspended verticallu in a shaft, then usings a surface reference to get its orientation
Weisbach method
Sighting a known position then getting position of two unknown points by using trigonometry
The position of P is computed by backsighting 3 known points o
Resection method
Moisture content =
(wt ore - wt dry ore)/wt ore
Who has the main responsibility of implementing safety rules and reg in th emine
Mine Department
Most Accurate indicator of a gold mine’s global competitiveness
Cost per oz of gold
Lawyers who want to delay a project seek this
temporary restraining order
type of management that encourages involvement at every level of employee
Rel Flat structure management
What does EPC mean is mine planning
Engineering, Procurement and construction
2 most important traits of a mine managaer
Able to inpire and work with other people and able to adapt to technological advances
Management org where one reports to several individuals
What is Liberation in the context of trade
greater trade among countries
Principle of command responsibility
Manager is responsible for the action of his subordinates
defined set of rules and regulations that determine how data is transmitted in telecommunications and computer networking.
small amount of data sent over a network
the consumer is worse off by making a purchase
consumer deficit
Years of imprisonment for a person who wilfully damages structure in mine
5 yrs
RA 7305
Sand and Gravel Law
MAO No. MRD 27
Revised air quality standards of 1992
DAO No. -934
act Creating Philippine Environmental Partnership
DAO 2003-14
Ore beneficiation in Maricalum Sipalay Mine