Day 26 Flashcards
V. + ㄹ/을 텐데(요)
“I imagine,” “I would think,” “it must be”
동부에 단풍이 한창일 텐데(요).
The fall foliage must be wonderful in the East.
V. + ㄹ/을 테니(까
since/because (it is expected to)
내일까지 다 마칠 테니(까) 너무 걱정하지 마세요.
I’ll finish them all by tomorrow, so don’t worry too much.
V. + ㄹ/을 건가 봐요
“I think it will be,” “it seems
내일은 날씨가 더울 건가 봐요.
It seems as though it’s going to be hot tomorrow.
기계 기계적 기계적으로
Machine Mechanical Mechanically
N. + (이)(라)면 누구/무엇 + (이)나
if . . . is then whoever/whatever . . . ,”/”any (person/thing) would…
학생이면 누구나 좋은 성적을 원한다.
Any student would want a good grade.
V. + ㄴ/은/는 것처럼
as,” “as though,” “as well as”
피곤할 텐데 자지도 않고 책을 본다.
He must be tired, but he reads on without sleeping.
책방 syn.
서점 syn.
고속도로가 생긴 지 얼마나 됐어요?
How long has it been since the highway was built?
-(으)면 어떨까요?
Would it be all right to . . . ?”
-(으)면 어떻겠습니까?
“Would you mind if . . . ?”
-(으)면 어떠시겠습니까?
Would you mind if…?
V. + ㄴ/은/는 + 것이 아니라
it is not (the fact) that,” “not . . . but . . .
고속 버스를 타는 것이 아니라 기차를 탈 거예요.
We are not taking an express bus. We’re taking the train.
-다고/-라고 그래(요)
“it’s said (so),” “it is called . . .”
부산에 산다고 안 그랬니?
Didn’t you say you live in Pusan?
change[transfer] of schools
Be clear / be obvious
시간 가는 지 몰랐다
I lost track of time.
Be equal / be impartial
관습에 따라
According to custom/convention
외국인을 차별하다
To discriminate against foreigners
Two / double income household
친구가 돈을 빌려달라는 만큼 줬다.
I lent my friend as much money as he wanted to borrow.
공부한 만큼 배울 거다.
You will learn as much as you study.
천사 같은 마음
a heart like an angel
A buddhist statue
A crown
A queen
V. + 기로 유명하다
Be famous for Ving
그 회사는 컴퓨터를 잘 만드는 것으로 유명해요.
The company is famous for making good computers.
V. + 더라
“(I remember) something . . .”
한스가 집에 가더라.
(I remember seeing that) Hans was going home.