Day 25 Flashcards
Annul, repeal, make void
But Maria convinced Leverich that she had the authority to rescind the executor’s decision to appoint him as biographer.
The quality of being firmly determined;
resolving to do something; a formal
judgment, esp. decided by a vote
Find a solution to; firmly decide to do
something; decide by formal vote (verb);
firmness of purpose (noun)
Impatient or uneasy under the control of
another; resisting being controlled
And the Kashmir Valley, the most restive part of the state and home to as many as 8 million people, remains under a punishing blockade.
Having a revival, renewing, rising or surging
“resurgent nationalism”
Looking to the past or backward; applying to
the past, retroactive (adj); an art exhibit of an
artist’s work over a long period of time
a retrospective analysis of what went wrong
Renovate, redo, revise (verb);
a restructuring,
upgrade, etc. (noun)
The company has revamped the design of its best-selling car.
The art or study of persuasion through
speaking or writing; language that is
elaborate or pretentious but actually empty,
meaning little
Using or relating to obscene or vulgar humor
some of the movie’s most ribald, and thus funniest, scenes were cut for showing on broadcast television
Dominated or burdened by
Glitchy but hook-ridden, My Name Is Skrillex is a sophisticated mess.
Happening frequently, abundant, currently
being reported
“male chauvinism was rife in medicine”
A gap or fissure (such as in rock), a break in
friendly relations
“the rift between the two branches of the legal profession”
Very elaborate and ornate (in decorating or
metaphorically, as in speech and writing);
relating to a highly ornate style of art and
architecture in 18th-century France
The chairs are carved in a rococo style.
Regret, remorse (noun); to feel regret or penitence,
remorse (verb)
He must be ruing his decision now.
Turn over in the mind, reflect on; chew cud
(as a cow)
He ruminated over the implications of their decision.
Relating to country life, unsophisticated;
primitive; made of rough wood (adj); a rural
or uncultured person (noun)
Sacred, inviolable, not to be trespassed on or
violated; above any criticism
But Hawtin’s latest project challenges something many might have assumed even more sacrosanct, the DJ booth.
Wise; showing good judgment and foresight
a sagacious critique of the current social climate in our nation
Obvious, standing out; projecting,
protruding, jutting out
Though the models were made nearly a hundred years ago, the theme is as salient as ever.
: to approve and sanction formally : CONFIRM
A number of countries have refused to ratify the treaty.
The inner fluid of a plant or any essential
body fluid; energy, vitality; a person taken
advantage of (noun); undermine, weaken, tire
out (verb)
Scornfully or ironically mocking, cynically
“Starkey attempted a sardonic smile”
The movie is a sardonic look at modern life.
. satiate or
To fully satisfy; to go beyond satisfying to the
point of excess (possibly inducing disgust,
tiredness, etc.)
Soak or imbue thoroughly; cause a substance
to unite with the greatest possible amount of
another substance
Learned person, scholar, someone admitted
to membership in a scholarly field; a person
with amazing mental abilities despite having
a cognitive difference or disability
pundit, sage, scholar
a savant in the field of medical ethics
Appreciate fully, taste or smell with pleasure
a gourmet who can identify the ingredients in any dish solely by their savor
witheringly scornful; severely critical.
“she launched a scathing attack on the Prime Minister”