Day 2 Flashcards
Body mechanics
Special techniques to coordinate balance and movement in order to prevent strain and injury
Base of support
The area that an object rests on; when you are standing, this is your feet
Chemical restraints
Certain drugs such as sedatives that restrain a person by controlling behavior
Clove hitch
A type of knot that can be easily released in case of an emergency
Remove patients to safe zone, Activate alarm, Contain the fire, Extinguish the fire
Belts, straps, or garments used to hold a patient in a position or restrict the movement of a limb
The set of procedures that marks a patients entry into a health care facility
The set of procedures that marks a patient’s release from a health care facility
The set of procedures that involves moving a patient from his or her unit to another
To inhale foreign material into the lungs
A device that holds a surgical dressing in place
A special cream for removing hair that may be used in place of shaving
General anesthetic
A drug that blocks the reception of pain in the brain causing loss of feeling in the entire body and unconsciousness
A solution introduced into a vein such as by an iv
Local anesthetic
A drug that blocks the reception of pain only in the area being operated on
Post op
After surgery
Pre op
Before surgery
Having the skill to handle equipment and patients carefully and correctly
Put into body
Does not require placement in body
A medical doctor experienced in geriatrics, physical medicine, and rehab
Subacute care
Health care provided in a facility for patients who are well enough to be discharged from a hospital but still require care they cannot get at home
Objective data
Observed by senses and is reproducible and measurable
Subjective data
Information reported by a patient about feeling
Flow chart
A sheet that documents the actions and observations made at regular intervals
A blood disorder characterized by lack of the oxygen carrying component in red blood cells. Caused by lack of iron intake
The measurement of the energy stored in food. Also the energy expended by a person
A type of nutrient made up primarily of starches and sugars that is used by the body to produce energy and heat
Cubic centimeter cc
Unit of measurement in the metric system equal to one millimeter
A type of nutrient that provides the most concentrated form of energy and is used by the body to store energy
Force fluids
A physicians orders for a patient to take extra fluids
Gastrostomy tube
A tube that feeds s patient through an opening in the abdomen directly into the stomach
General diet
A basic well balanced diet prepared for patients without specific diet modifications
Type of measuring cup marked to show amounts
A type of nutrient made up of nonliving chemical compounds that function in metabolism and helps build body tissue
Nasogastric feeding tube
A method of feeding a patient through a tube channeled down the nose and throat and stomach
One of many chemical substances in food that promote growth and maintenance of health; include carbs proteins fats vitamins and minerals