Day 1 Flashcards
Acute illness
An illness that comes on suddenly and is generally short of duration
Activities of daily living
Every day activities including eating, dressing, bathing, and toilet ink
Care plan
A written plan that provides directions for each patients care.
Chain of command
The lines of authority in an organization
Chronic illness
An illness that develops slowly and continues for a long period of time
Diagnosis related groups (DRG)
A system of payment rates to health care providers in which illnesses are grouped into related types
Interdisciplinary team
A group consisting of various health care professionals and non professionals who work together in the care of an individual
A card filing system that allows quick reference to a patients care plan
Managed care
A program in which the cost of appropriate health care goods and services are controlled
The principle of not revealing private info to others
False imprisonment
The illegal confinement or restraint of a person against his or her will
The maintenance of health and cleanliness
Any unusual event such as an accident or a situation that could cause an accident
Job description
The list of duties and responsibilities that go with a particular job
Legally responsible
Negligence committed by a professional person
A failure to provide the care that a nursing assistant should be reasonably expected to provide, which causes harm to a patient or property
Scope of practice
The range of activities that can legally be performed within a particular health occupation
Standards of care
A set of guidelines that serves as a model for good CNA care
Pressure or strain that disturbs a person’s mental or physical well-being
Apical pulse
Pulse taken with a stethoscope on the left side of the chest u dear the breastbone which measures the heartbeat at the apex or bottom of the heart
Relating to or located in the axilla or armpit