Day 13: Study Strategies and Learning Styles Flashcards
Types of Strategies
- Quizzing: not looking at notes
- Flashcards
- Explaining to a friend
- Recreate diagrams
- Rewrite notes
- Concept maps
- Watching videos of the material
- Make acronyms
- Talking about ideas out loud
- Tutoring
Study Strategies
- The intentional use of cognitive processes to accomplish a particular learning task
- Metacognition:
- Person knowledge
- Task knowledge
- Strategy knowledge
- Self-Regulation:
- Learning goal
- Monitor learning- Modify strategies to achieve goal
Common Misconceptions about Learning processes
- “Masses learning is totally better than distributed”
- “If it is stored in memory, I shall surely retrieve it”
- “Making errors hinders my learning”
- “Rereading and highlighting work best for me”
- “Learning is best when it is most easily done”
Study Strategies
- High Utility
- Practice Testing
- Distributed Practice - Moderate Utility
- Elaborative Interrogation
- Self-explanation
- Interleaved practice - Low Utility
- Summarization
- Highlighting/underlining
- Keyword mnemonics
- Imagery for text
- Rereading
Basically, students do not have to work very hard to reread notes or retrieve info from memory when they have just completed this same activity
- May be misled by the ease of this second task and think they know they material better than they really do
- Ex. Bahrick and Hall, 2005
According to the report, Highlighting vs. Nonhighlighting
- Equal test performance
- But, marking a lot of text was correlated with poor performance
Underlining and Highlighting
- Research says that this strategy generally finds few benefits
- Highlight after you are done reading the paragraph
- Underline one sentence in each paragraph
- Be thoughtful and reflective about this
- Learn to cope with anxiety
- Hold positive beliefs about self, task, and attitude
- Hold a growth mindset!
- Create a positive study environment
- Manage study time and attention
Distributed Practice
- Develop a routine/habit of study
- Spread studying out
- Develop study habits and routines instead of binge studying (cramming)
Quizzing- The testing effect
- Memory and learning is enhanced by retrieval (carrier and Pashler,1992)
- Enhanced learning as a function of retrieval, not additional study time (Roadiger and Karpicke, 2006)
- Study passage 4 times (SSSS)
- Study passage 3 times, 1 test (SSST)
- Study passage 1 time, 3 tests (STTT)
PQ4R Method of Reading
Focuses students on meaningful organization of information and involves them on other effective strategies such as question generation, elaboration, and distributed practice
- Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review
Why are the most ineffective study habits the most popular?
- Students are not instructed to use effective strategies
- Teachers don’t know about the research on effective strategies
- Premium on teaching students critical thinking skills and not study skills/self-regulated learning
- Ineffective methods are easier
How can we promote the use of effective learning/study strategies?
- Practice
- Focus on prior connections
- Variety
- Learn why
- Model and scaffold strategies
- Collaboration with classmates
- Challenge epistemic beliefs
There is no magic shortcut
- Find ways to increase your time studying
- Repetition/Practice
- The goal is to find ways to study more often not necessarily longer
- Use as many styles, representations, and strategies as the difficulty requires or time allows
- Transform the information!
Learning Styles
- Verbal: Words are your strongpoint. Prefer to use words both in speech and in writing
- Logical/Mathematical: Learning is easier for you if you use logic, reasoning, systems, and sequences
- Social: You like to learn new things as part of a group. Explaining your understanding to a group helps you to learn
- Visual: You prefer to use pictures, diagrams, images and spatial understanding to help you learn
- Musical/Auditory: You prefer using music, sound, and/or rhythms to help you learn
- Solitary: You like to work alone. Self-study and prefer your own company when learning
- Physical/Kinaesthetic: Use your hands, body and sense of touch to help you learn. Might act things out
- Combination: Your learning style is a combination of two or more of these styles
NOT supported by educational research
Use of Learning Styles
- Often used to separate students into groups and teach TO those preferences
- Connect with students
- Increase non-traditional skills
- Vary Assignment and instruction style
Key Takeaways and Questions
- Popular Study Strategies and Learning styles are not supported by educational research
- Be critical of educational methods that are not research-based
- How can we bridge the gap between research and instruction?