Datagrams exam 2 3 Flashcards
Socio-economic status, along with race and gender, create inequalities across the life course
Resilience refers to the ability to cope with life challenges and maintain one’s
optimism and psychological well-being
African Americans and Latino households headed by women are almost 3 times
more likely than non-Hispanic whites to be poor in old age.
Older women of color who live alone form the poorest group in our society
Ethnicity encompasses culture, a complex system and process of shared
knowledge, beliefs, traditions, symbols, language, art, and social organization.
Culture is a lens through which individuals perceive and interpret the world.
• Among the current population of 65 and older, about 19% are ethnic
minorities; this is projected to increase to more than 39% by 2050.
• The greatest growth among elders of color will occur in those 85 and over.
Ethno-gerontology is the study of causes, processes, and consequences of race,
national origin, and culture on individual and population aging.
The Double Jeopardy Hypothesis suggests that being both minority and old
results in a double disadvantage to health and well-being in old age.
Although African Americans are the largest population of color, only about 8%
of them are over age 65, compared to 15% of the white population.
The life expectancy for African Americans is 71 years, compared to 78.1 years
for all population groups.
The poverty rate among older African-Americans is 23%, compared to
approximately 7% for whites
The prevalence of chronic diseases is estimated to be twice as high among
African Americans as among whites.
Older African Americans have larger, more extended families than do whites, a
higher frequency of family-based households, and higher levels of social
support from their extended families.
Despite significant economic hardships, the majority of older blacks report high
life satisfaction and happiness compared to their white counterparts, regardless
of living conditions.
African American elders appear to have a broader range of informal
instrumental and emotional supports than is characteristic of Caucasian older
Latinos are the largest population of color and the fastest growing group in the
United States due to high rates of fertility and immigration.
The percentage of oldest-old among the Latino population will triple by 2050
Approximately 17% of older Latinos live below the poverty level, compared to
7.4% of older whites.
Despite their high rates of poverty, Latinos in general have lower mortality
rates from both acute and chronic diseases than that of the white population.
Studies of Mexican-Americans find that disease rates increase progressively
with degree of acculturation to the U.S. As length of stay increases, use of
cigarettes, alcohol, and illicit drugs increase.
Studies suggest a protective health factor associated with Latino culture,
including supports from large extended families and community mutual aid.
Only about 3% of Latinos are in nursing homes, with 10% of those over age 85
institutionalized, compared to 23% of oldest old whites.
Only 7% of American Indians are 65 years or older.
American Indians’ life expectancy at birth is around 74 years compared to 78.1
years for the white population.
Nearly 30% of older American Indians are estimated to be poor, with per capita
income approximately half that of whites.
American Indians may have the poorest health of all Americans due, in part, to
high poverty rates, inadequate housing conditions, and the isolation of many of
their communities.
American Indians have higher death rates than whites up through age 65.
However, between the ages of 65 and 84 the rates are comparable, and after age
85 their death rates are lower than whites.
The primary risk factors for diseases among American Indians are smoking and
diet, especially consumption of alcohol.
For American Indians, family is the central institution; honoring and giving
respect to elders and sharing family resources are an integral part of their
Approximately 9.3% of the Asian/Pacific Islander population is 65 and older.
They are the 3rd largest and fastest growing group of color
• Approximately 13% of Asian/Pacific Islander (API) elders live below the
poverty level.
The cultural values of Asian/Pacific Islanders underlie their expectation to rely
on family as their only source of support
As a whole, Asian/Pacific Islanders tend to face higher rates of hypertension,
cholesterol, osteoporosis, and cancer, especially among low-income subgroupings,
and Asian-American women have the highest rate of osteoporosis
Compared with the majority culture, Asian Americans place a higher value on
reciprocal exchanges between young and old and the prestige of being old.
The rate of institutionalization among Asian Americans is significantly lower
than for their white counterparts
As a whole, elders of color underutilize health and social services. Cultural and
language difficulties, physical isolation, and lower income contribute to this
underutilization of services.
Women represent 58% of the population aged 65 to 74, and 68% of the
population over age 85.
Women outnumber men age 65 and over by 3:2, men age 85 and over by 5:2,
and centenarians by 3:1.
Older women are more likely than older men to be poor; to have inadequate
retirement income; to be widowed, divorced, and alone; to live in assisted living
or a nursing home; and to be caregivers to other relatives
Women over age 65 account for 58% of the total older population, but over
70% of the older poor
Poverty rates are highest among women who; never married (20%), are
divorced (22%), are widows (18.6%) and are women of color.
Women are more likely than men to rely on Social Security as their sole source
of income.
The difference in women’s greater economic vulnerability in old age as
compared to men’s is largely the consequence of the domestic division of labor
and women’s position in the labor market, resulting in lower earnings across
the life course and into old age.
Women are more likely than men to rely on Social Security as their sole source
of income. Without Social Security, it is estimated that over 50% of older
women would be poor
Women are less likely than men to receive private pensions
Although women in all industrialized countries and nearly all developing
countries live longer than men, they have higher rates of illness, physician
visits, and prescription drugs used as a result of more acute illnesses and
nonfatal chronic conditions.
After age 65 women comprise the vast majority of Medicare beneficiaries, with
women age 85 and over forming 70% of beneficiaries.
85% of older women have a chronic disease or disability. Even when non-lifethreatening,
many of the chronic conditions interfere with daily functioning
(ADLs or IADLs).
Approximately 40% of older women (compared to 19% of older men) live alone
for nearly one-third of their adult lives, primarily because of widowhood or
Women comprise 74% of nursing home residents.
Among women 65 and older, 42% are widowed compared to 13% of men. The
primary negative consequence of widowhood is low socioeconomic status
In general, older women have fewer economic but more social resources and
richer, more intimate informal networks than men do