Datagrams Exam 2 1 Flashcards
Among older adults in the community, _% rely on formal care, __% use a
combination of informal care and paid assistance, while nearly __% receive
care solely from family, friends, and neighbors.
The primary forms of care provided by families are: (1) emotional support, (2)
instrumental activities inside and outside the home, (3) personal care and (4)
contacting and monitoring services.
The number of family caregivers is estimated at 34 million. On average they
provide care for __ hours per week and for more than _ years
The average family caregiver is age __, female, married, and working outside the home
Informal care giving saves the American health care system substantial dollars;
the value of such care is estimated at nearly $350 billion or nearly $7,000 per patient annually.
Caregivers are primarily adult children (41%), followed by partners or spouses (38.4%) and other family members or friends (20.4%)
Women form over 75% of family caregivers, and 50% of all women provide elder care at some point in the life course.
Among all types of caregivers, 36% are wives, 29% are daughters, 20% are other females (nieces, daughter-in-laws, and granddaughters), and the remainder are males
Women caregivers report higher levels of depression, anxiety, psychiatric
symptomology, and lower life satisfaction than their male counterparts.
Over 22% of those who care for older adults are themselves age 65 or older
Spouses who are primary caretakers perform 80% of all care tasks, spending
40 to 60 hours per week on personal care and household chores
Many caregivers are described as the “sandwich generation” because they
provide care to both their own children and their parents.
The average woman today can expect to spend more years caring for older family members (18 years) compared to 17 years for her children
Almost 70% of adults with Alzheimer’s disease are cared for at home by family
for the entire duration of the disease.
Almost 66% of cases of elder abuse are committed by family members.
Increased supportive service availability does not in itself enhance the
caregiver or care recipient’s well-being. Most family caregivers do not use
these services.