Datagrams exam 2 2 Flashcards
The environment plays a more dominant role for older than for younger people, because the older persons’ ability to control his or her surroundings is
considerably reduced.
Among older Americans, 71.7% live in metropolitan areas (urban and suburban communities), compared with only 28.3% in rural areas.
Only 5% of older persons live in communities with fewer than 2500 residents
The distribution of older ethnic minorities in central cities places them at greater risk for victimization and poor-quality housing.
Older persons in rural areas interact more with neighbors and friends than do those in urban settings.
Access to health care and public transportation remains a critical problem for older rural residents.
Over 89% of Americans 50 and older agreed with the statement, “I’d like to stay in my own home and never move.” This is reflective of the almost universal desire of the elderly for aging in place
The oldest-old (85+) are most likely to relocate, often into or near their children’s homes
People over age 65 have the lowest rates of all types of victimization than any other age group over age 12.
Older people are more susceptible to economically devastating crimes such as fraud and confidence games.
The most common type of housing for older adults is traditional independent
housing as 93% of those 65 and older live in such housing.
Older people are more likely than any other age group to occupy houses that they own free of a mortgage.
80% of people age 65 to 74 are homeowners, compared to 65% of the total U.S. population.
The majority of older homeowners have lived in the same domicile for at least 20 years. One implication of prolonged homeownership is that many of their houses are old—36% were built before 1959.
The advantage of life-care contracts is that the individual is guaranteed lifetime
4% of the age 65 and over population occupied nursing homes in the year
There is a disproportionate use of nursing homes among the oldest-old
74% of nursing home residents are women.
Approximately 47% of women and 33% of men use skilled nursing homes at
some point in their lives.
• The under-representation of ethnic minority groups in nursing homes appears
to reflect cultural differences in the willingness to institutionalize older
Most nursing homes (about 61.5%) are proprietary (for profit).
Assisted living is aimed at elders who need assistance with personal care, but
are not so severely impaired that they need 24-hour skilled medical care
Medicaid is the primary source of funds for both home care and nursing home
care, although it pays almost 3 times as much for the latter
There has been a major culture change focused on resident-centered care in
nursing homes since the 1990’s. Representative programs include the Eden
Alternative, the Pioneer Network, and the Greenhouse concept.
People over age 50 comprise 10% of the homeless population.
A man born in 1900 could expect to live about 47 years. He could expect to
work for about 32 years (70% of his lifetime) and be retired for about 1 year
(2% of his lifetime). In contrast, a man born today can anticipate living 75
years, working for about 55% of his life and being retired for about 18% of his
The average age of retirement in 2000 was 61.5 years, compared to 74 years in
The average age of retirement is rising and participation in the labor force is
increasing among older adults. A recent survey (2006) found that 70% of
respondents age 55 and older indicated that they planned to work during
Employees with a high school education or less tend to retire earlier than welleducated
In general, control over the timing of retirement, financial security, and health
appear to be the major determinants of retiree’s satisfaction with life.
In 2008, 16% of adults age 65 and older were in the labor force (working or
actively seeking work).
Lack of job-hunting skills, skill obsolescence, and age-based employment
discrimination continue to be barriers for employment for older adults.
In 1986, mandatory retirement was eliminated in the U.S
In a 2002 AARP survey of workers aged 45 to 74, 67% perceived age
discrimination in the workplace.
The median household income of people age 65 and over in 2008 was $24,323
for males and $14,141 for females.
Older adults are estimated to need 65 to 80% of their pre-retirement income to
maintain their living standard in retirement
Nearly 40% of income received by persons 65 and older comes from Social
Security. Social Security constitutes 90% or more of the income received by
32% of beneficiaries. Without Social Security 48 to 55% of older adults would
live in poverty
In 1969, 35% of those ages 65 and over fell below the official poverty line.
Today, 9.8% of older people are officially poor
Home equity represents about 50% of older adults’ net worth
Despite the overall improved financial situation of older adults, large pockets of
poverty and near-poverty exist, particularly among women, groups of color,
those over age 75, those who live alone, and those who live in rural areas.
• Nearly 13% of older women are poor, compared to approximately 6.6% of
older men.
Almost 23% of older African-Americans and 17% of older Latinos are poor,
compared with 7.5% of older whites.
Free time alone is not necessarily leisure. Individuals who do not experience
feelings of freedom and satisfaction may still be “at work” rather than leisure
Leisure activities are associated with a positive identity and self-concept
among older people.
The psychological benefits of leisure include companionship, compensation for
past activities, disengagement from everyday life, solitude, and civic
Volunteer programs serve 2 major social benefits: (1) provide individuals with
meaningful social roles; and (2) furnish organizations with experienced,
reliable workers at minimal cost.
Religion appears to be central to the lives of most older African Americans of
both sexes
Although religiousness itself is beneficial, the sense of belonging and social
support derived from the organizational aspects are also determinants of wellbeing
• An estimated 41% of older adults volunteer. Older adults who volunteer invest
more hours into their volunteer work than do younger volunteers
Typical characteristics of older volunteers include; high income and education,
good health, a broad range of interests, a belief that they make valuable
contributions, and greater religious commitment and affiliation.
The participation rate of older people in the last 3 presidential elections is
almost 3 times the rate of 18 to 20 year olds.
The participation rate of older people in the last 8 presidential elections has
been higher than the rates for all other age groups.
AARP has a membership of 40 million, encompassing nearly 50% of the
nation’s population over age 50.
Despite their greater lifetime earnings than prior cohorts, baby boomers
generally are not actively preparing for financial security in retirement.