Chapter 16 Flashcards
Title XX (or the Social Services Block Grant)
funding for social services (e.g., homemaking chores, adult day care) based on need, not age
entitlement programs
government programs that do not require appropriations from a legislative body; rather, eligibility on the part of applicants triggers receipt of benefits regardless of the pro- gram’s cost
changes in Social Security that would divert payroll taxes to private investment accounts
age-based entitlement programs
programs only available to people of a certain age
Area Agencies on Aging (AAA)
offices on aging at the regional and local levels that plan and administer services to meet the needs of older adults within that area; established and partially funded through the Older Americans Act
noncontributory programs
programs providing ben- efits that do not require the beneficiary to contribute toward the cost of the benefit
universal benefits
benefits available as a social right to all persons belonging to a designated group
contributory plans
programs providing benefits that require the beneficiary to contribute something to- ward the cost of the benefit
funding for social services (e.g., homemaking chores, adult day care) based on need, not age
Title XX (or the Social Services Block Grant)
a benefit given directly, in the form of either a cash payment or of some commodity such as food or housing
direct benefit
government programs that do not require appropriations from a legislative body; rather, eligibility on the part of applicants triggers receipt of benefits regardless of the pro- gram’s cost
entitlement programs
Private Pensions
benefits available on an individu- ally determined need or means basis
selective benefits
changes in Social Security that would divert payroll taxes to private investment accounts
social programs delivered to persons who meet defined criteria of eligibility based on economic need or the ability to pay for benefits
need-based (or means-based) entitlement programs
a benefit given through tax deduc- tions or exemptions or other indirect means
indirect benefit
offices on aging at the regional and local levels that plan and administer services to meet the needs of older adults within that area; established and partially funded through the Older Americans Act
Area Agencies on Aging (AAA)
changes in bene- fits designed to maintain steady purchasing power of such benefits
cost-of-living adjustments (COLA)
programs only available to people of a certain age
age-based entitlement programs
programs providing ben- efits that do not require the beneficiary to contribute toward the cost of the benefit
noncontributory programs
benefits available as a social right to all persons belonging to a designated group
universal benefits
programs providing benefits that require the beneficiary to contribute something to- ward the cost of the benefit
contributory plans
federal legislation for a net- work of social services specifically for older people
Older Americans Act