Databases and Distributed Systems Flashcards
Acceptance Testing
will be carried out by the customer. They will test that a system meets their requirements. If the system passes this test the customer will sign-off the system as being ready for deployment into production running
ACID Properties
atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability
ensure database operations execute properly without errors
a feature of an entity
Automated Testing
where computer-controlled equipment tests programs for functionality and performance
Automatic Formatting of Code
automatically formats code in the right way, for example, automatically indenting code
Binary File
stores data in non-human readable format
Black-Box Testing
a test technique in which the test feeds specific pieces of data into a system, before looking for expected outcome
requests and independent line of development that stems from a central database
Break Points
causes the program to run up to a point and then pause, allowing for variable inspection
Check In
involves uploading a modified file after making changes locally
Check Out
refers to process by which a developer or user acquires a copy of a specific version of a file
Code Repository
these hold libraries of reusable code or data
Composite Key
set of two or more fields that together uniquely identify each record in a table
Conceptual Model
a representation of the data requirements of an organisation constructed in a way that is independent of any software that is used to construct the database
a unique characteristic enabling two or more users to retrieve information from the database at the same time without affecting database integrity
Computer-Aided Software Engineering
the name given to a range of software tools that aid the design, development and testing of different types of software
Lower CASE
provides support in the later stages such as testing
Upper CASE
provide support for the early stages of the system’s development life cycle, providing support for stages such as design
a set of raw facts and figures with no apparent meaning
a structure collection of data
Database Administrators
specially trained people to install and manage databases
Database Management System (DBMS)
a software system that enables the definition, creation and maintenance of a database and which provides controlled access to the database
Data Dictionary
a collection of data and attributes about data elements that are being used in a database, describing the meanings and purpose of data elements within the projects context and provides guidance on interpretation
Database Integrity
how accurate a database is, questioned in flatfile databases, because if one entity changes, multiple records have to be changed
Database Method
because all access to the database is under DBMS, all data is under centralised control, so the system is program-data independent, making it easier to control access to data, backup data and access data and create new applications
Data Redundancy
where data is unintentionally duplicated, reduced in databases
Degree of Relationship
between two entities, refers to the number of entity occurrences of one entity which are associated with just one entity occurrence of the other and vice versa
Deletion Anomalies
occur when information is lost because a single record is removed from the fact-file