Data Security and Integrity Processes Flashcards
Access Levels
allowing different users to have access to different data, such as giving some people Read Only access, or allowing some people to access more data than others
Advanced Persistent Threat
a set of stealthy and continuous computer hacking processes, often orchestrated by humans targeting a specific entity, usually organisations and/or nations for business or political nations
a professional cyber espionage group in China
state sponsored malware attacks for information gathering for foreign governments
a malware backdoor using Twitter and GitHub originating in Russia
not dangerous in its own right, but may contains links to other malware, such as viruses and key loggers
Attack Vectors
describes direction of attack
built into a computer program that allows someone to bypass any security to get to it
Back-Up of Servers
this should be done off-site to avoid back-ups being destroyed in situations such as fires or floods that also destroy the originals, and the location should be on a need-to-know basis
Baudot Code
a 5-digit binary number used in the Vernam cipher to encrypt data
Behavioural Identifiers
consists of the exceptional ways in which individuals act, including identification of typing patterns, gait and other gestures; some of these behavioural identifiers can be utilised for constant validation
Bespoke Tools
specifically developed tools to target known vulnerabilities or poorly designed software
Biometric Exposures
high-tech cameras and other devices support usage of biometrics, but can also be used by attackers; people do not cover or hide their physical and behavioural features, therefore, attacks can happen by simply capturing biometric data from people without their permission or knowledge
Biometric Template
is compared to the data storage; data is encrypted for security measures
the act of convincing someone else to make them directly give away information such as passwords
Bot Activity
software application that runs automated tasks on the Internet, usually with the intent to imitate human activity
Anonymisation Proxy
a tool that attempts to make activity on the Internet untraceable by acting as an intermediary and privacy shield between a client computer and the rest of the Internet
CAPTCHA Solving Zombie
bots that can solve CAPTCHA
message data after it has been encrypted
Click Fraud Zombie
the practice of artificially inflating traffic statistics for online advertisements
Closed Source Software
the collection and analysis of data gathered from closed sources to produce actionable intelligence
Custom Written Software
software that is custom written for a specific job or company
a method of trying to find the plain text from the cipher text without the decryption key
the science of designing cipher systems
DoS Extortion Zombie
a bot that carries out DoS
Spam Zombie
a bot that sends out spam
where an entire network becomes infected with malware and are controlled as a group, eg to perform distributed DNS
Browser Script Attack
a type of injection attack in which malicious scripts are injected into otherwise benign and trusted websites
Brute Force Attack
where hacker have multiple guesses in quick succession at your password until they eventually guess it correctly
Caesar Cipher
a substitution cipher that involves substituting letters in a message for other letters, symbols and characters. It can be broken using brute-force attacks or letter frequency attacks, but it isn’t very secure as patterns in the text are still persevered, the most frequently used letters will appear in the same places as the plaintext’s most frequently used letters, the number of possible keys is too small and the same shift is likely to be used for each message
Cartesian Product
where the relationship between elements in two different sets are introduced
Check Digit
an extra digit or character added to the end of a long code. It is computed by applying an algorithm to the other digits. When the long code is entered, the check digit is calculated and compared to the check digit at the end of the code
a simple error-detection scheme. Each transmitted package is accompanied by a numerical value based on the number of set bits in the message. The receiving station then applies the same formula to the message and checks to make sure the numerical value is the same. If not, the receiver can assume than an error has occurred and it will ask the sending computer to re-send the package
Commodity Tools
freely available tools and scripts on the internet including specialist toos for vulnerability scanning or penetration testing
Computer Misuse Act
legislation that protects personal data held by organisations from hackers, making unauthorised access to computers, unauthorised access to computer data and unauthorised modification of data illegal
Contingency Planning
planning for disaster
attacks on computers or networks that use various types of malware
researching the target and reviewing available information to identify potential vulnerabilities and possible lines of attack
crafting an attack to exploit a vulnerability and delivering it to the target
exploiting a vulnerability to gain access to information in order to create some negative impact
developing the attack to achieve the intention
Data Protection Act 2018
laws about personal data held by an organisation, stating that personal data must be kept up-to-date and accurate, not held for any longer than is necessary, that individuals relating to that information can access it and correct it and that they can receive compensation if the law is not followed regarding their data
First Data Protection Principle
processing of personal data for any of the law enforcement purposes must be lawful and fair
Second Data Protection Principle
the law enforcement purpose for which personal data is collected on any occasion must be specified, explicit and legitimate, and personal data so collected must not be processed in a manner that is incompatible with the purpose for which it was collected
Third Data Protection Principle
personal data processed for any of the law enforcement purposes must be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose for which it is processed
Fourth Data Protection Principle
personal data processed for any of the law enforcement purposes must be adequate, relevant and, where necessary, kept up to date, and every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that personal data that is inaccurate, having regard to the las enforcement purpose for which it is processed, is erased and rectified without delay
Fifth Data Protection Principle
personal data processed for any law enforcement purposes must be kept for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed
Sixth Data Protection Principle
personal data processed for any of the law enforcement purposes must be so processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, using appropriate technical and organisational measures
Decision Process
makes use of matching outputs
the process of recovering original data, known as plaintext
DoS Attack
Denial of Service Attack
attempt to make your website and servers unavailable to legitimate users by swamping a system with fake requests, usually in an attempt to exhaust server resources
Dictionary Attack
where the hacker use a file containing every word in the dictionary to guess your password
Disaster Recovery
plans to recovery after disaster
Disposal of Files
allows better file integrity
Distributed DoS
DoS involving may networks, possibly because several networks are all attacking at once, or because several networks are all being attacked at once
Driving Table
the most important table in SQL
where hackers attempt to intercept keys in order to decode encrypted messages
Email Attacks
cyber attacks done through e-mail
- Access to Corporate Email
- Harvesting Associating Accounts
- Harvesting Email Contacts
- Stranded Abroad Advance Scams
- Webmail Scam
the process that transforms data into something that appears random or otherwise obscures the meaning of the data
the process by which a reader or scanning device is used to record the biometric factor being authenticated
Equation Group
one of the most sophisticated cyber-attack groups in the world
External Code Blue
a cyber-attack feature that attacks SMB
Fallback Process
if biometric identification fails
monitoring packets against attempts to exploit weaknesses in the TCP/IP protocol suite which worms and trojans can exploit
General Data Protection Regulation
EU framework for data protection laws, came into force on 25th May 2018,
Guess Attack
where the hacker uses a file containing every word in the dictionary to guess your password
people who believe they are hacking for the greater good
Hostage Attack
involves holding a company or person hostage
- Fake Antivirus
- Ransomware
- Email Account Ransom
- Webcam Image Extraction
where AI presents lies as fact
Information Commissioner’s Office
responsible for enforcing GDPR and Data Protection Act
Injection Attack
an attacker tries to get the program to execute their malicious code by including it as a regular output, which can be avoided by using input validation
Input Sanitisation
a cybersecurity measure of checking, cleaning, and filtering data inputs from users, APIs, and web services of any unwanted characters and strings to prevent the injection of harmful codes into the system
Insider Threat Exploitation
coercion, bribery, political persuasion
Internet of Things
things that wouldn’t traditionally connect to the internet such as Smart thermometers in fish tanks and Ring doorbells
IP Address Spoofing
involves an attacker changing the IP address of a legitimate host so that a visitor who types in the URL of a legitimate site is taken to a fraudulent or spoofed web page, meaning the attacker can use this page to steal sensitive data or install malware
Key Logger
a type of software that can be used to track keystrokes and capture passwords, account numbers, fraudulent use or people’s online activity
Key Stream
the message created by the Vernam cipher
the only way to permanently destroy data by repeatedly writing 0s over the data, but it is very obvious if a disk has been killed because there will be more 0s than a brand new disk
Letter Frequency Attack
where the cipher is decrypted looking at how frequently different letters appear
Low Orbit Ion Cannon
software used in Denial of Service attacks
any malicious software
a form of malware that uses the resources of an infected device to generate units of cryptocurrency
MitM Attack
Man in the Middle Attack
occurs when someone sits between two computers and intercepts traffic
Name Generator Attack
attacks in which the victim is asked to put in personal data, often to produce a name, allowing attackers to find information for security questions
Neural Network
a computer system modelled on the human brain and nervous system
One-Time Pad
invented by Claude Shannon in 1949, where plaintext of a message is mixed with random text taken from a one-time pad resulting in a ciphertext which is truly random. The same one-time pad is used to unmix the random text from the cipher text, which results in the original plaintext. Pads can only be used once, hence the name. The red phone used in the 1980s for secure communication between the USA and the USSR was based on this
Open Source Intelligence
the collection and analysis of data gathered from open sources to produce actionable intelligence
Oracle Database
an object relational database management system
a SQL command that joins columns from one or more tables into one table
Parity Checking
either a 0 or a 1 will be added to the end of a string of binary code to indicate whether it is odd or even. The receiving host will know whether the parity bit is 1 or 0 so will know that the correct amount of bytes has been transmitted
Even Parity
where the parity bit is set to 1 if the number of bits is odd so the extra parity bit will make the number of 1s even
Odd Parity
where the parity bit is set to 1 if the number of bits is even so the extra parity bit will make the number of 1s odd
Password Attacks
any attacks that involve guessing passwords, such as guess attacks and brute force attacks
Password Policies
the rules that state you must have a certain amount of capital letters, numbers and special characters in your passwords
Port Scanner
an application designed to probe a server or host for open ports
where users are unknowingly redirected to a fake website with the intention of identity or information theft
emails sent to large numbers of people asking for sensitive information or encouraging them to visit a fake website
Physiological Identifiers
associated with the structure of the user is confirmed and include facial recognition, fingerprints, finger geometry, iris recognition, vein recognition, retina scanning, voice recognition and DNA matching
original data that gets encrypted
Polyalphabetic Cipher
a cipher involving multiple alphabets, eg Vigenère cipher
Port Scanner
an application designed to probe a server or host for open ports
attack in which the perpetrator invents a scenario to convince the victim to give them data or money, often requiring the attacker to maintain conversation with the victim until they are persuaded to give money or information
the idea that computer algorithms can never be truly random because they are generated deterministically
Read/Write Permissions
limit the amount of people who can access or edit a file
a device used to record a biometric factor
Redundant Servers
active them if the original servers fail; these should be kept off-site and offline to ensure they are not compromised
Relocating Key Personnel
in a disaster, key personnel should go to a new site and maintain it
Root Kit
a type of malware that enables cyber criminals to gain access to and infiltrate data without being detected
an isolated environment for testing code on an isolated network that mimics end-user environments
attacking wide swathes of the internet at random
Scanning Device
a device used to record biometric data
grabs data and translates it into a usable digital format via software
Shadow Brokers
branch of the FSB that do cyber attacks
involves watching a user input passwords, for example, over their shoulder at PIN machines, but also by binoculars or CCTV
Social Engineering
research on a person or organisation to gain information for an attack
Spear Phishing
sending e-mails to targeted individuals
installed by opening attachments or downloading infected software, used to collect stored data without the user’s knowledge
SQL Injection
a technique where users can inject SQL commands into statements via webpage input, which can alter SQL statements and compromise the security of information held in a database
Subverting the Supply Chain
attack information, equipment or software used to support the organisaiton
taking laptops, tablets or smartphones
Traffic Analysis and Interception
Trojan Horse
where malware is hidden with a program that appears to be useful
Backdoor Trojans
enables remote control over the infected computer by a cyber criminal or hacker to do anything they wish on the infected computer
a form of trojan that facilitates delivery and installation of malware
programs designed to steal account data for online banking systems, e-payment systems and credit or debit cards from infected computers
conducts designated Denial of Service attacks against a targeted web address
can download and install new versions of malicious programs onto your computer, including Trojans and adware
can harvest e-mail addresses from a computer
can modify data on your computer so that your computer doesn’t run correctly or you can no longer use specific
Turing Test
tests how intelligent a computer is based on whether you could interact with it and not know you were talking to a machine
Twofish Cypher
a cypher that relies on cyclic shifts
Vernam Cipher
invented in 1917 by Gilbert Sandford Vernam, it mixes each letter in a message with a letter from a completely randomly chosen string called a key stream. Letters are translated into 5-digit binary numbers known as Baudot Code then a random string that is longer than or equal in length to the message created known as a key stream. Each binary digit can be combined with a binary digit from the key stream using an XOR operation, and to decrypt it, the ciphertext is XORed with the key stream again, then the Baudot code is decoded
Vigenère Cipher
for the cipher, the plaintext and cipher must be the same length; using a Vigenère square, the plaintext is encrypted
programs that spread from one system to another by attaching themselves to host files, used to modify or corrupt information on a targeted computer system
Web Server Attacks
can either target the application itself in order to get access to sensitive data, or they can use the application as a staging area for attacks against the program’s users
- Child Pornography Server
- Malware Download Site
- Phishing Site
- Piracy Server
- Spam Site
- Warez Server
Whale Phishing
a form of spear phishing targeting the boss
self-replicating programs that identify vulnerabilities in operating systems and enable remote control of infected computers
a computer that has been taken over and is being used by a hacker
Zombie Cookie
a form of cookie that recreates itself after being deleted from the computer