2 process of collecting information
- Census
2. Sampling
It is the complete enumeration or the process of collecting information from the whole population.
It is the process of getting a sample from a population.
It is a list of used to define researcher’s population of interest.
Sampling frame
Why do sampling?
- Low cost of sampling
- Less time consuming in sampling
- Scope of sampling is high
- Accuracy of data is high
The error attributed to the variation present among the computed values of the statistic from the different possible samples consisting of n elemnts.
Sampling error
The error from other sources apart from the sampling fluctuations.
Nonsampling error
2 nonsampling errors
- measurement error
2. error in the implementation of the sampling design
The difference between the true value and the observed value of the variable and the observed value used in the study.
Measurement error
Occurs when we do not adhere to the procedures and requirements as specified in the sampling design.
Error in the implementation of the sampling design
3 of the Error in the implementation of the sampling design
- selection error
- frame error
- population specification error
Error in the design of the questionnaire.
Instrument Error
This is the incorrect input of data recorded in the questionnaire into the computer.
Processing Error
It is the use of the wrong variable to measure the concept under study.
Surrogate Information Error
This is the response bias that happens when the respondent does not give truthful answers.
Response Bias Error
Measurements Errors
- Instrument Error
- Processing Error
- Surrogate Information Error
- Response Error
- Interviewer Error
A response bias which happens when the respondent does not know the answer or simply refuses to answer certain questions.
Nonresponse Bias Error
This error happens when the enumerator asks the question in a manner that influences the answer of the respondent.
Interviewer Error