Dash 8 Recalls Flashcards
Immediate Actions
- On Ground Non Normal
- Engine Fire on Ground
- Evacuation
- APU Fire
- Engine Oil Pressure < 40 PSI
- ENG OIL PRESS Warning light
- Unscheduled Propeller Feathering
- Propeller Ground Range Advisory Cycling
- Propeller Overspeed
- Roll Control Malfunction
- Aileron Trim Tab Runaway
- Rudder Jam
- RUD 1 or RUD 2 Push Off switch-light on
- # 1 or #2 RUD HYD Caution light
- Rudder Trim Actuator Runaway
• Conduct at earliest opportunity when:
Delay/diversion - Significant delay/diversion due mechanical fault
Incident - Passenger related incidents i.e. violence
Medical - Medical problems requiring a doctor/diversion
Envirnment - Significant change to cabin environment (heat, smoke, etc.)
Stress - Any event causing stress or trauma to passengers or aircrew
Make a QL3 entry
Abnormal flight loads
Maintenance actions
Hard landings
Overweight landings
Bird strikes
Over speeding
On ground TA/RA
Cabin defects
Keys lost
Smells, smoke, fumes
Actions for EGPWS Cautions
• “Don’t Sink”
• “Bank Angle”
• “Glideslope”
• “Too Low, Terrain” and any “Pull Up”
• All others
• “Don’t Sink” - climb
• “Bank Angle” – correct unsafe condition
• “Glideslope” – correct flight path to meet stable approach criteria
• “Too Low, Terrain” and any “Pull Up”– Terrain Procedure
• All others – Go Around
Severe Icing
• Disengage Autopilot
• Power as required up to MCP
• IAS not <160
Once clear reconfigure as required. Ensure flight controls function as normal before engaging autopilot. If unable, ensure performance penalties are applied.
ILS PRM Breakout Procedure
Pilot Flying
• Listen to Breakout instruction
• Disengage Autopilot
• Commence Turn
• Advance power levers, commence climb if appropriate; do not exceed 1000fpm in descent
• Call configuration Changes (Go Around)
Pilot Monitoring
• Standby FD
• Adjust PF heading bug & AAS
• Reconfigure as instructed
• Read back Instruction
• Change com 2 when changing frequency
• After take-off checklist
Severe Turbulence
Fasten seatbelt sign on
Disengage autopilot
Don’t change trim
Don’t chase altitude or airspeed
VB 190/180 - VA 177/164 – Min Speed
Stall/High AoA
i. Airframe buffet
ii. Stick shaker
iii. Wing drop
iv. Stick pusher
v. Fast/Slow indicator at Slow
Disengage AP
Reduce Pitch
Wing level
• Disengage AP
• 5° initial pitch change
• Level attitude is 1°
• Every 1° = 200fpm
Go Around
Go Around,
Set Power, Power set,
Flap 10(15),
Positive rate, Gear Up-select Heading Select/Nav, Alt Select.
Flap 0, Bleeds ON, Set Power 900
OEI Go Around
Anticipate Yaw with Aileron and rudder
Imminent Overtemperature or Hung Start
Condition Lever ……………………………. Fuel Off
If ITT does not decrease immediately:
Pull Fuel Off Handle …………………………….Pull
Ignition ………………………………………………. Off
Motor Engine for 15 seconds:
Start Select ………………………………………… Off
“Aborted Engine Start Checklist”
Failure to Light Up (within 10 secs)
Condition Lever ………………………….. Fuel Off
Ignition …………………………………………….. Off
Motor Engine for 15 seconds:
Start Select ………………………………………. Off
“Aborted Engine Start Checklist”
Rapid Depressurisation/ Emergency Descent
FLTDK DOOR (Caution Light)
Smoke (Warning Light) or Fuselage Fire, Smoke or Fumes
“Fault” light on cabin pressure controller/Cabin altitude increasing to unsafe level
No QRH checklist.
Select Manual on the cabin pressurisation controller
Terrain Procedure
Wind Shear Procedure
Pitch Control Jam
Roll Control Jam
Rejected Take-Off
Alert Order
Attention. All passengers remain seated and await further instructions
Cancel Alert Order
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your cooperation. Cabin crew resume normal duties.
Evacuation Order
Attention. Evacuate, Evacuate.
Ditching Order
Attention. This is a ditching, follow your crew members instructions.
Brace Order
Attention. Brace, brace, brace.
or, chime the seat belts three times.
Immediate Evacuation
Bring aircraft to a stop and apply the park brake
Items requiring an immediate evacuation: (clearly not safe on aircraft in next 2 minutes)
- Cabin Smoke/Fire - Get RFS to fight the fire
- Airframe Fire
- Aircraft separation
- Uncontrolled Engine Fire
It takes one pilot a few seconds to get to the fasten seatbelts off part of the checklist. This could be time to issue an alert PA.
On Ground Non-Normal
Bring aircraft to a stop and apply park brake.
Captain to order FO to issue an Alert PA for:
- Runway overrun
- Hydraulic Failure
- Engine Fire
- Gear Collapse
- “Smoke” Warning
- Fumes
“Identify failure”
Command FO to conduct the “On Ground Non-Normal or Engine Fire On Ground Immediate Actions”; and
Contact ATC and request/issue information as appropriate.
Fire Commander 131.0 on Com 2
Check in with FO and have them guard VHF comms
Captain to call Cabin Crew and request observations
Consider precautionary disembarkation
- exits
- vehicles
- ground staff
- assembly point
- use evacuation checklist up to Fasten seat belts
If onboard safety is threatened order evacuation