Dash-1 Chap 2 Numbers to Know Flashcards
Normally data transfer from PCMICIA card will take
< 1 min.
Lower stop of cabin altitude controller
-7000 feet
After power application, check EGT caution lights within how many sec?
5 sec.
The APU fire extinguisher may discharge if the FIRE/DSBLD switch is pressed with a battery reading of
21 volts
WXR-700X color radar warm up times above 0C
2 min.
WXR-700X color radar warm up times between -15 C and 0C
5 min.
WXR-700X color radar warm up times below -15C
30 min
During oxygen check, breathe normally for a minimum of
3 cycles
Right hydraulic system quantity
4.0 – 4.5 gal.
Left system hydraulic quantity with gear doors open
3.75 – 4.25 gal.
Left system hydraulic quantity with gear doors closed
4.0 – 4.5 gal.
During antiskid test when switch is released, brake indicators should continue to show REL for
≈1 sec.
Oil temperature selector test goes to near full scale then decreases to
175C – 195C
FSAS I-BIT takes __ sec
≈18 sec.
Normal hydraulic pressure
2400 – 3050 psi
Before control and trim check stab trim should be set to
6 – 11 units nose up
Aileron control wheel movement may be prevented in one direction with a tailwind of __ knots
12 knots
The control column may be locked against either forward or aft movement with a tailwind of
17 knots
During control and trim check rotate Stab trim control wheel ___ turns in each direction
Before checking stab trim control switches ensure the electric stab trim motor has not run for
30 sec.
With initial activation of the left half of the pilot’s trim switch, a slight trim wheel oscillation or movement is allowed up to __ turn
¼ turn
When checking the right half of the pilot and copilot’s stab trim switch ensure the trim wheel does not move more than
½ turn
During ground check ____ trim units will move rudder trim tab full throw
During EFAS and SYD test set SYD switch to test and then on within
3 sec.
Check that ENGAGE SYSTEM, EFAS FAILED, and ASM THRUST cautionlights come on then go out within
60 sec.
Check that DISENG caution light comes on then goes out within
35 sec.
Ensure each altimeter indicates within ____ of a known elevation
Ensure each altimeter indicates within ____ of each other
Ensure difference of Pilot’s altimeter between NORM and STBY is (with FMS air data source set to NORM or ADC1)
Pilot’s altimeter diff. between NORM & STBY for ADC2
Copilot’s altimeter difference regardless of FMS Data source
During a Radio Altimeter check the RA counts up to approximately
VOR check should be within
±4 degrees
The DME during a TACAN check should read
0 – 0.5
After break-lock the TACAN course should read
180 degrees ±3
Autopilot warm-up
≈1 min.
The Autopilot test takes ____ sec
≈50 – 100 sec.
During autopilot test you should receive a VALID or INVALID indication
20 sec.
The TCAS test duration is approximately
12 sec.
For takeoff & landing open all tank to engine manifold valves if the fuel in any main tank is below
Open the line valve for all takeoffs when the gross weight is
> 200,000#
Close the line valve for all takeoffs when the gross weight is
< 200,000#
APU start accumulators are recharged to
3000 ±350 psi
The APU surge damper accumulators are charged to
1600 psi
RCR inputs of 9 (wet) or 4 (icy, snow, slush) are automatically converted by the FMAC for calculation of VMCG & max x-wind to _____
16 or 5
If hydraulic warm-up is selected what hydraulic temp is used by the box
Delta height has a maximum of
To load 50 selected waypoints & their attributes in the FSAS may take up to
8 min.
Max motoring is defined as less than ___ increase in N2 in ____
1% 5 sec.
During engine start initial fuel flow is
300 – 680 pph
Fuel flow after ignition is
≈900 pph
With a tailwind of ___ knots, do not advance throttles to START until N2 RPM is at least ___
20 knots 20%
A hot start will occur if the fuel flow exceeds ____ before light off
680 pph
After placing throttle to START check for EGT rise within
2 – 3 sec.
Abort start if EGT does not rise within
10 sec.
If engine fails to start after 2nd try, motor with throttle in cutoff for
2 min.
During engine start move throttle to idle at
50% N2
Prior to advancing to high thrust setting, allow engine to operate at idle for ___ min
2 min.
Stabilized ground idle is ___ N2
54 – 62% N2
To avoid APU bypassing initiate start on the next engine at
42% N2
Automatic closure of the start valves occurs between
43 – 45% N2
Automatic closure of the start valve takes
3 – 9 sec.
With starter valve open light on damage to starter can occur if engine RPM exceeds
63% N2
Set starter valves to ignition for temperatures at and below
0C (32F)
At IDLE thrust, the danger area around engine is __ front & side, & __ to the back.
25’ 5’
At TRT the danger area around engine is __ front & side & __ to the back.
50’ 6’
If a blast fence is not available clear the area behind the airplane to a minimum distance of
When only battery power is used for engine start all engine oil pressure & fuel flow gages are inoperative until a generator is online with
28V AC
Engine oil low pressure warning switches actuate at
12.5 (+0.5, -1.5)psi
Hyd. & flight control warm-up procedures should be used for temps below
20F (-6C)
For EFAS test, advance outboard throttle to
≈31% N1
Engines will accelerate to flight idle if battery power switch is allowed to remain off for more than
2 sec.
To clear any water and check valve operation turn on engine anti-ice for
15 sec.
In icing greater than light to prevent damage to acoustical panels initiate engine ice shedding procedures every
30 min.
Engine ice shedding procedures say to accelerate engines to
35% N1
If no icing problems are evident, slowly accelerate engines to ___ for ___ sec
70% N1 for 30 sec.
Turn on anti-ice if there is standing water, fog, or visible moisture with temps ___ or below
10C (50F)
The minimum fuel required in CWT to check override pumps is
During ADC1&2 test the altimeter readout will slew to
5000’ (±10)
During ADC1&2 test, the airspeed readout will slew to
260 KIAS (±1)
The recommended rate to advance throttles from flight idle to TRT is
3 – 5 sec.
Flap indicators should indicate all main flaps within
2 degrees
To check rudder power, full left to full right rudder pedal travel should be accomplished in approximately
1 sec.
Rudder power will drop momentarily but should return within
3 sec.
A takeoff is considered critical if CFL +_____ exceeds runway available or the 3 engine climb gradient is less than _____
2000’ 4%
Re-compute takeoff data if the runway temperature changes
Re-compute takeoff data if the pressure altitude changes
Re-compute takeoff data if the gross weight changes
Re-compute takeoff data if the % MAC changes
For a critical takeoff re-compute the data if the actual temp vs. temp used varies more than __ degrees
For better weather radar returns during takeoff set tilt to
5 degrees
When AUTO is depressed, the radar automatically scans manual tilt setting __
Skin Paint is not available with the PWS switch in auto below
2300’ AGL
If freezing precipitation is present a final physical check of the surfaces should be made within ___ of takeoff
5 min.
From the control cabin it is difficult to see a coating of clear ice on the wings of as much as
In either ACCL or MAX the command bars display initial climb commands of
- 5 for 20 flaps
8. 0 for 30 flaps
Call “pickle” at
VROT -10 knots
Abort the takeoff if the engines don’t reach charted N1 between
40 and 80 knots