Dar_Idiomatic_Expressions Flashcards
dar a conocer
to make known
dar a luz
to give birth
dar abasto
to cope, to manage
dar asco
to disgust, to gross out
dar calabazas
to reject (a romantic interest)
dar con
to find, to run into
dar cuerda
to wind up (a clock or toy)
dar de baja
to discharge, to unsubscribe
dar de comer
to feed
dar de sí
to stretch, to give (as in elasticity)
dar el brazo a torcer
to give in, to relent
dar el alto
to stop, to halt (a person)
dar en el clavo
to hit the nail on the head
dar guerra
to cause trouble, to fight
dar largas
to stall, to procrastinate
dar la cara
to face up to something
dar la espalda
to turn one’s back
dar la lata
to annoy, to pester
dar la mano
to shake hands
dar la razón
to agree, to acknowledge as right