Departure briefing:
Take-off type, runway and position, profile, special considerations during dearture, navigation “navaids are set”
Engine failure/fire before 82 KIAS “ WE STOP” throttle close - gear select/verify down - flaps as required - land/stop the a/C - advise ATC”
Engine failure/fire above 82 KIAS and no available runway “WE GO” - full power - gear up - flaps up - apply memroy items - intentions is to..”
Normal Take-off, until roll out:
Hold brakes, throttle 50% “engine instruments checked - timing started” realese brakes and full power and start take-off roll.
Climb out after T/O:
“72 rotate” nose 5ANU - DO NOT lower the nose. “positive rate of climb - gear up”
Accelerate slowly to Vy 82 KIAS and raise nose 10ANU
550 flaps up.
MSA: 100kts, 5ANU, checklist
Climb –> Level flight
Lower nose 0ANU, trim forward, passing 120-130 KIAS, 70% power. trim.
Cruise items.
60%, speed approx 135 KIAS and 500ft/min. level segment 3 NM before final descent.
Initial approach segment:
Straight-in or radar vectored approach 110 KIAS no later then 3NM from initial descent.
Final descent
Throttle back for targeted ROD. Speed Check - Gear down selected Flaps - Approach Pitch for 100 KIAS Trim for 100 KIAS Aircraft under control "3 x green - landing lights on - checklist completede"
Circling and gear
If we have to do a circling, gear must be retracted, not later than +100 and add power smoothly.
“+100 speed checked xxx KIAS, gear up, add power”
We do not do that on straight in apporach.
Normal landing
Maintain 90 KIAS on final, verify gear down “3xgreen” reduce speed to cross tresshold with 82 kias.
Throttle reduce, gear down, flaps as required and neutralize rudder trim.
Missed approach flying(2 engines):
Full power - airspeed min 82 kias Verify flaps approach or less G/A attitude = 5ANU Positive ROC = Retract the gear Maintain 5ANU at 82 kias, 10ANU and trim for 82 Call out "Going around - full power - fl approach - G/A attitude - positive ROC - Gear up - safe speed - flaps up"
Missed approach flying(1 engines):
Full power - focus on rudder - min 82 kias
Verify flaps approach or less
G/A attitude = 1-2ANU
When descent is broken (VSI tendency is up-going= retract gear and flaps without hesitation.
set 5ANU and trim to climb Vyse 82 kias, dont let nose drop.
Call out “Going around - full power - fl approach - G/A attitude - desent broken - Gear up - flaps up”
maintain 82 kias
Airwork setup:
Two engines is clean 110 KIAS
Single engine is clean 100 KIAS
ACSEL check(stalls)
A: Fully devloped +5000ftAGL
C: Brief config
S: Safety
E: Engine instruments checked and set up for airwork
L: Verify cleared for airwork and altitude band available.
Stalls call out: 2 engines
“going around - full power - flaps app or less - G/A attitude - positive ROC - Gear up - Safe speed - flaps up”.
1 engine: “half power Vmc - full power ..”
Clean stall 2 engines:
Reduce power to idle, maintain headingand maintain altitude by raising the nose. “expect gear warning” before reducing power below the setting for audio gear warning.
Lower the nose slightly below the horizon
Apply full power
raise the nose to appx 5ANU
Climb back to altitude with 82KIAS
Clean stall 1 engine:
Reduce power to idle, anticipate shift in required rudder input call out “expect gear warning” before reducing below audio setting.
Lower the nose 3-5ANU
Set half power - anticipate yaw - passing Vmc - full power
Raise nose to 1-2ANU, maintain level flight while accelerating for 82 kias
Apporaching 82 KIAS, raise the nose to appx 5ANU and climb back.
Stall in landing 1 engine:
Power 30% - gear dwn - select flaps approach - power idle maintian heading and level
Lower nose 5AND
half power - anticipate yaw - passing Vmc - full power
Flaps apch
1-2ANU immediately
Descent broken - gear up and flaps up without hesitation.
Apporach 82 kias, 5ANU and climb Vyse.
Climb back to altitude
Set airwork or cruise power