Cytology Flashcards
the body fluid most commonly sampled for cytology is..
venous blood
cells may be mechanically removed for cytology by what methods?
when analyzing a fluid, you measure total protein by…
why do pure transudates form?
due to hypoalbuminemia
why do modified transudates form?
due to impaired blood or lymph
-obstructing tumor example
why do exudates form?
due to increased capillary permeability –> excess cytokines
compare and contrast transudate vs. exudate
transudate: clear appearance, total protein 3 g/dL, NCC >6000/uL, clot formation = YES
If you suspect a chylous effusion, what test would you like to run?
triglyceride measurement
If you suspect a ruptured bile duct/bile leakage, what test would you like to run?
bilirubin measurement
if you suspect uroabdomen, what test would you like to run?
creatinine measurement
When taking an aspirate on a cat, what do you want to avoid? Want to remain anterior to the _____.
avoid the heart and liver when aspirating
remain anterior to the liver!
If you need fluid from the thoracic cavity, what do you ask your tech. to bring you and why?
a catheter (it’s better than a needle) to avoid pneumothorax
Aspiration biopsies are performed using (what gauge needle and what mL syringe) and are useful for obtaining cells from…
Aspirates are performed using 21-25 gauge needles and a 12 mL syringe.
Useful for obtaining cells from masses, internal organs, and lymph nodes
advantages of the capillary method when obtaining an aspirate include..
less hemodilution of a sample and increased cellularity
What are the slide prep. techniques?
push films
“line” films
pull films
cytospin preps
Push Films are similar to blood films, what are the advantages/disadvantages of push films?
big cells at the edge - advantage
cells broken at the edge - disadvantage
How do you perform a pull film? Advantages/Disadvantages?
place a drop of fluid on slide, place another slide on top, allow drop to spread, pull slides gently apart
Adv.- cells nicely spread out
DisAdv. - no concentration of big cells
What is the deal with the cytospin preps?
concentrates cells nicely especially for CSF
it is very expensive