Cytokines Flashcards
define CYTOKINES…?
Low molecular weight, soluble proteins Produced in response to microbes and other antigens/ Used for cellular communications
IFN-gamma …….NK,TH1,MQ and ……… b-cells,TH2
They are involved in all aspects of the innate and adaptive immune response including:
• Cellular growth and differentiation
• Repair.
The cytokine do all the work is called…..
More than one cytokine do the same work……
Complete each others work…
Stop each others work…..
Cytokines initiate their actions by binding to specific membrane receptors on target cells (………….,…………. or……………..)
autocrine, paracrine or endocrine manner
They may act in a………… manner
……….is when the cell working on herself
………is when the cell working on niehboring cells
……….. is when the cell working on far organs
Endocrine mannar
There are three functional categories of cytokines
regulate innate IR
regulate adaptive IR→ cmir+hmir+↓of Ir
stimulate hematopoiesis(bm)
Regulators of innate immunity
(Proinflammatory) from innate cells
Tnf-a,IL-1,IL-6, IL-8
IL-12 + type 1 interferons
Regulators of adaptive immunity
CMIR→(th1)»IL-2,TNF-b, Type ll IFN
HMIR →IL-4, IL-5, IL-13
Inhibition of IR →IL-10, TGF-b
Stimulators of hematopoiesis(BM)
SCF ,CSFs, IL-3, IL-7
Innate Immune Responses
• Produced primarily by…………… () and…………. cells
Produced primarily in response to
PAMPs such as……
Can also be produced by..…………,………
MQ +dendritic/ LPS
T lymphocytes +NK cells
Most act on…………. and the
endothelial cells lining blood vessels in
order to promote and control the early
inflammatory response.
Regulators of innate immunity (TNF-α)produced by…………./………../…….
It is the principle cytokine that mediates………. inflammation
In excessive amounts it also is the principal cause of systemic complications such as the…………….
MQ /dendritic cell/TH1
shock cascade
TNF-a At low concentration
Acts on endothelial cells to stimulate……………… and……………
• Activates………….,………… and………
• Stimulates endothelial cells and MQ to produce ……
• Stimulates the…… to produce acute phase proteins.(IL-1)
Stimulates the synthesis of collagen in………..……..and.
• Interacts with the hypothalamus to induce…….. (endogenous pyrogen). (IL-1)
Inflammation & coagulation
Neutrophils & MQ&dendritic cells
wound healing+ tissue repair