Assesment Flashcards
Innate immune system defects
Phagocytic cell defects
Complement defects
Number of monocytes can be assayed by………………… using against specific cell markers present on monocytes ………..
flowcytometry/ CD14
Fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis (FACS) instrument used to…………….. and/or………….. live cells that express an antigen using fluorescent antibody specific it.
Qualitative assay “Testing cell functions”
Tests for movement ………………………,………………………..
Tests for Phagocytosis………………..,…………………
NBT dye reduction test used to ……………………… & stimulated with…………………..
Normal cells produce superoxide that reduces NBT to……….
Dichlorofluorescein- Diacetate (DCF- DA) test: Cells that oxidize the DCF-DA………… fluorescent
Test for random motility
Test for Chemotaxis→ ability of cells to be attracted to a variety of chemotactic substances.
Phagocytosis assay / Generation of reactive Oxygen
intermediates (ROIs)
identify impaired respiratory burst activity
opsonized zymozan
Complement defects
Quantitative assay»…………..or…………………………
Qualitative assay»……………………………
single radial immunodiffusion or ELISA.
Complement hemolytic activity (CH50)
Adaptive immune system Humoral Immune system B cell defects
Quantitative assay» Number of mature B cells by ?
Flowcytometry (anti-cd 19 / anti-cd 20)
Adaptive immune system >Humoral Immune system >B cell defects
Qualitative assay (B cell Function)
1- In vivo assay>……………………….
2- In vitro assay>………………………
Total immunoglobulins
B cell activation by mitogen(LPS)
T-cell defects
Quantitative assay >…………………marker…….. & subset markers………….&……….
Qualitative (functional) assay>
In vivo by……….
In vitro by ……………………………,…………………….
Flowcytometry / anti -cd3 / anti-CD4 and anti-CD8
Lymphocyte Culture Technique>
T cell activation by mitogen
Mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC)
Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte Assay
• CD8+ T function can be assessed by their ability to…………………… target cells bearing foreign MHC class I mols.
kill radio labeled