CYTOGENETIC DISORDERS involving autosomes Flashcards
It is the only human autosomal trisomy in which a significant number of individuals survive longer than a year past birth.
Trisomy 21
Who discovered Trisonomy 21?
Langdon Down
Most cases of Downs syndrome are caused by?
This refers to the failure of homologous chromosomes to separate in meiosis
This nondisjunction is more likely to happen on oogenesis than in spermatogenesis.
Nondisjunction of chromosome 21
This copy of chromosome 21 is responsible for most of the malformation in a human being.
Third copy
Trisonomy 18 is AKA as?
Edwards syndrome
Trisonomy 13 is AKA?
Patau Syndrome
This is a rare conditions associated with major developmental abnormalities
Trisomy 18 (Edwards Syndrome)
Trisomy 13 (Patau Syndrome)
The following symptoms below refers to?
- Mental retardation,
- Multiple physical abnormalities such as heart defects,
- affected children are small in stature because
of delayed maturation of the skeletal system,
- Poor muscle tone resulting in a characteristic
facial appearance, Shortened life span
Trisomy 21
Who discovered Trisonomy 13?
Klaus Patau
In 1960, Klaus Patau and his associated observed an infant with severe developmental malformations with a karyotype of 47 chromosomes
Trisonomy 13
What is the average survival of Trisonomy 13?
Less that six months
These symptoms belongs to?
■ Affected infants are not mentally alert
■ Are thought to be deaf
■ Characteristically have a harelip, clef palate
■ Demonstrate polydactyly
■ Autopsy reveals congenital malformation of most organ
■ Condition indicative of abnormal developmental events
occurring as early as 5-6 weeks of gestation.
Trisonomy 13
Who discovered Trisonomy 18?
John H. Edwards
What did John H. Edwards and his colleagues reported about Trisonomy 18?
infant trisomic for a chromosome in the E group
What is the survival of Trisonomy 18?
Less than 4 months
To which these characteristics belongs to?
- Congenital heart defects,
- growth retardation,
- dysmorphic features,
- facial clefts,
- spina bifida, -
- severe developmental delay
Trisonomy 18
To which does these CHARACTERISTICS belong?
■ Smaller than the average newborn
■ Skulls are elongated in an anterior-posterior
■ Ears are set low and malformed
■ Webbed neck
■ Congenital dislocation of hips
■ Receding chin
Trisonomy 18
This disease is due to a missing piece (deletion) of a specific part of chromosome 5 known as the ‘p’ arm.
In general, the severity of the symptoms of Cri-du -Chat is determined by the size and location of the deletion on?
Chromosome 5
Infants with this condition often have a high pitched cat-like cry, small head size, and a characteristic facial appearance.
These symptoms belongs to?
○ Cat-like cry
○ Small head size (microcephaly)
○ Characteristic facial features
○ Hypotonia
○ Intellectual disability
○ Global developmental delay
○ Behavior issues
○ Growth delay