cytogenetic disorders Flashcards
The standard for cytogenetic nomenclature is the__
International System of Cytogenetic
Nomenclature (ISCN)
The nomenclature describing a chromosome complement can be broken down into three
basic parts:
: the total number of chromosomes, the sex chromosome complement, and
any chromosome abnormalities
A normal female would be ___
These units are listed in order, separated by commas.
A normal male would be__
A normal male would be 46,XY
- A trisomy 13 in female would be written as ___
- A monosomy 8 in a male would be written as __
it is not necessary to use a + or – sign when sex chromosome variation is
known to be constitutional or inherent, because the change in the chromosome
complement can be noted directly
Autosomal monosomies are observed only
rarely among ___ and ___
spontaneous abortions and
live births
- ____ is found in 30% to 50% of all cases of
chromosomal abnormalities in fetal death
Autosomal trisomy
Only few autosomal trisomies result in live births (__
trisomy 8, 13, and
Trisomy ___ (Down syndrome) is the only autosomal trisomy that
allows survival into adulthood
Syndrome (47,+13)
Trisomy 13
47 chromosomes, and the extra chromosome was identified as
chromosome 13
Trisomy 13: Patau
Syndrome (47,+13)
Only ____ in 15,000 live births involves trisomy 13, and the condition is
Half of all affected individuals die in the first month, and the mean
survival time is __
6 months
Abnormalities of trisomy 13 include ___
facial malformations, eye defects, extra
fingers or toes, and feet with large protruding heels
Infants with this condition are small at birth, grow very slowly, and are
mentally retarded
Trisomy 18: Edwards Syndrome (47,+18)
Occurs in 1 in 11,000 live births, average survival time is 2 to 4 months
Trisomy 18: Edwards Syndrome (47,+18)
For unknown reasons, 80% of all trisomy 18 births are
in trisomy 13 There is usually severe malformations of the brain and nervous
system, as well as congenital heart defects
__ is the only factor known to be related to trisomy 13
Parental age
is predisposing factor or t18
Advanced maternal age
- Heart malformations are almost always present, and heart failure or
pneumonia usually causes death
Trisomy 18: Edwards Syndrome (47,+18)
Clenched fists, with the second and fifth fingers overlapping the third and
fourth fingers, and malformed feet are characteristic
Trisomy 18: Edwards Syndrome (47,+18)
Trisomy 21: Down
Syndrome (47,+21)
described by
__ in 1866
Described by John Langdon Down in 1866
The only human autosomal trisomy in which a significant
number of individuals survive longer than a year past birth
Trisomy 21: Down
Syndrome (47,+21)
Found in 1 in every 800 births
Trisomy 21: Down
Syndrome (47,+21)
- Leading cause of childhood mental retardation and heart
defects in the US
Trisomy 21: Down
Syndrome (47,+21)
Characterized by prominent epicanthic fold in each eye, and
individuals usually have a wide, flat skull, and spots on the
Trisomy 21: Down
Syndrome (47,+21)
They may have furrowed, large tongues that cause the
mouth to remain partially open
Trisomy 21: Down
Syndrome (47,+21)
Physical growth, behavior, and mental
development are retarded, and
approximately 40% of all ___
children have congenital heart defects
Down syndrome