Cystic Disease Flashcards
Most common renal cystic disease in children
Multicystic dysplastic kidneys

Simple renal cortical cysts
Most common type of prostatic cyst found in the transitional zone
Degenerative prostatic cysts
Massively enlarged echogenic kidneys, loss of CM differentiation, macroscopic cysts are occasionally noted
The echogenic layer of a duplication cyst
Extrahepatic cystic structure that may contain sludge/stones
Choledochal cysts
Small, hyperechoic pancrease
Cystic fibrosis

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD)
A congenital prostatic cyst that is associated with no spermatozoa and a thick wall
Müllerian duct cyst

Duplication cyst
Other lab tests that could be abnormal with cysts present
LFT’s and WBC’s
Renal enlargement, multiple bilateral cysts, both cortical and medullary
Autosomal dominant PKD
Affects the spleen and appears as a solitary cystic structure with internal echoes
Primary congenital cysts
Young children - renal abnormalities more prominent
Older children - liver abnormalities more prominent - portal hypertension
The 4 types of ARPKD based on age at onset
Perinatal, neonatal, infantile, juvenile
Bilaterally echogenic pyramids with possible calcifications localized to the pyramids
Medullary sponge kidneys
Fusiform congenital prostatic cyst associated with infertility
Ejaculatory duct cysts

Caroli’s disease
True or false. All cases of ARPKD are associated with congenital hepatic fibrosis
Do not meet the criteria of a simple cyst, found in the cortex of the kidneys
Complex renal cortical cysts
Most common hereditary renal disorder, manifests in the 4th decade, associated with renal failure, liver, panc, spleen cysts, cerebral berry aneurysms
Autosomal Dominant PKD
AKA epidermoid cysts
primary congenital cysts
Well defined cysts that do not connect with the collection system
Parapelvic cysts
Dilation of the intrahepatic biliary tree, usually saccular and diffuse.
Caroli’s disease
Fusiform dilatation of the CBD
Choledochal cysts
A congenital prostatic cyst associated with unilateral renal agenesis and always found midline
Utricle cysts
Results from progressive renal tubular atrophy and is genetic
Medullary cystic disease

Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD)

Complex renal cortical cyst
- Benign
- Increased incidence with age
- Asymptomatic
- No follow up
Simple Renal Cortical Cysts
Small echogenic kidneys with cysts measuring 0.1 - 1.0 cm at the pyramids
Medullary cystic disease

Parapelvic cysts
Kidney small and malformed with multiple non-communicating cysts, if bilateral it is not compatible with life.
Multicystic dysplastic kidneys
The outer, hypoechoic layer of a duplication cyst
Muscular layer

Medullary sponge kidneys

Parapelvic cyst
Ovarian fluid trapped in adhesions that form a cyst
Inclusion cyst

Primary congenital cysts or epidermoid cysts
Anechoic fluid surrounded by a double layer wall of mucosa and muscle
Duplication cyst

Choledochal cysts
Occurs from dilated (ectatic) collecting tubules in the 3rd and 4th decade.
Medullary sponge kidneys
Genetic exocrine dysfunction
Cystic fibrosis
Congenital prostatic cyst associated with i psi lateral renal agenesis
Seminal vesicle cysts
Most likely lymphatic in origin, located in the renal sinus, mostly asymptomatic.
Parapelvic cysts