CV Responses to Shock Flashcards
What is shock?
An abnormality of the circulatory system resulting in inadequate tissue perfusion and oxygenation
How does inadequate tissue perfusion and oxygenation of shock lead to cellular failure?
It causes anaerobic metabolism which causes accumulation of metabolic waste products
What does adequate tissue perfusion depend on?
Adequate blood pressure and cardiac output
What 3 factors affect the stroke volume?
Venous return and preload, myocardial contractility and afterload
What causes hypovolaemic shock?
Loss of blood volume
What is cardiogenic shock?
Sustained hypotension caused by decreased cardiac contractility
What do all types of shock cause a decrease in which is what leads to inadequate perfusion and oxygenation?
Stroke volume
What can cause obstructive shock?
Tension pneumothorax
How does obstructive shock decrease the stroke volume?
Increased intrathoracic pressure, decreased venous return, decreased end diastolic volume
How does neurogenic shock decrease cardiac output and TPR?
Loss of sympathetic tone, massive venous and arterial vasodilation, decreased venous return and TPR
Vasoactive shock causes release of vasoactive mediators which causes what?
Massive venous and arterial vasodilation and increased capillary permeability
What are the first 3 steps of treatment for any type of shock?
ABCDE approach, high flow oxygen and volume replacement
What extra treatment should be used for cardiogenic shock?
What extra treatment should be used for a tension pneumothorax?
Immediate chest drain
What is extra treatment for anaphylactic shock?
What is extra treatment for septic shock?
What are causes of hypovolaemic shock?
Haemorrhage, vomiting, diarrhoea and excessive sweating
When can compensatory mechanisms maintain blood pressure until?
> 30% of blood volume is lost