CV pt. 2 - CAD and MI Flashcards
coronary artery disease
narrowing or blocking of artery can lead to part of the heart becoming ischemic
hardening of the arteries
clot forms on plaque that is built up on artery walls
sudden constriction of coronary artery
BF cut off or decreased
can lead to infarct
CAD modifiable risk factors
physical inactivity
CAD other risk factors
bacterial exposures
high myocysteine levels, alpha lipoprotein levels and fibrinogen
large CRP amount
troponin T presence
diagonal earlobe
cancer treatment hx
who do you refer to if CV symptoms present
pt’s PCP
whats the leading cause of death for females
heart disease
pain in chest
imbalance btw cardiac workload and O2 supply to heart muscle
chronic stable angina
occurs at predictable level
responds to rest or nitroglycerin
unstable angina
abrupt change in symptoms
1-5 min duration
can progress to heart attack
is unstable angina relieved from rest
no, nitro dont work either = MI RISK
unstable or stable angina requires MD assessment
resting angina
chest pain at rest in supine
nocturnal angina
wakes a person from sleep w/ same sensation felt during exertion
atypical angina
abnormal SxS w/ physical or emotional exertion
does subside w/ rest or nitro
prinzmetals angina
abnormal or involuntary coronary artery spasm rather than plaque buil up
when do u need immediate medical services if angina present
if pain not relieved from rest
pain not relieved with up to 3 nitro tables in 10-15 mins
angina SxS
pain/pressure behind breast bone
pain to neck, jaw, shoulder, arms
burning indigestion
ischemia and necrosis of myocardial tissue
decrease in coronary perfusion / increase in myocardial O2 demand w/o supply
MI SxS in women - what differences are there from men?
mental status change in older women
stomach pain
sometimes relieved from antacids
sensation to cold air