Customer Service Flashcards
What are the mandatory SQI behaviors that should be applied with each customer?
The behavior we should apply to each cx is the five absolutes.
Personalize my name
Loyal reach
3 critical questions
Cx always right
For example, when I’m running the front I make sure I’m friendly greeting every cx, and on top of loyal reach, cx is upset I make sure cx is always right by responding back asap. When I close out a cx I make sure to ask the three critical questions and personalize my name.
How do u develop and manage proper customer service behavior in ur employees?
Shadow, role play and follow up
When my new MT has questions he asked me what to do. I shadow what he does and critique his work then I role play then I follow up
Tell me about a time when one of ur employees did not perform the expected customer service behaviors? How did u handle the situation?
There was a time Angela was rude over the phone with a cx. I let Angela know if I can help her. While role playing, showing and following up Angela begin to feel more comfortable to close out ESQI phone calls
Explain what u have done to improve ur office ESQI, NSQI, ASQI. What are ur three months and six month score?
I make sure when I run the front by applying the five absolutes. For example, to be accountable of the friendliness, cleanliness and timeliness.
With friendliness I run the front make sure we’re greeting every cx, we make sure we have great attitude, and we’re selling clearly and transparent, personalizing my close outs and opening strong
Cleanliness, following the bucket plan, auditioning cars
Timeline make sure cars are clean and ready to go within 10 min, no wait times, everything is carped
What was ur role in ur branch’s ESQI, NSQI. And ASQI plan? How did u influence others in ur office in providing great customer service?
My goal for the branch ESQI is to shadow, Role playing and follow up. Every mornings huttle going over ESQI, making sure we Emphasize friendliness, cleanliness and timeliness.
Friendliness, when I front run I make sure I’m transparent with cx, going over wait times, answering phones while checking cx
cleanliness, making sure vehicles are clean and ready to go, auditing cars and following the bucket plan (QR Codes)
Timelines, getting cx out with now wait times, carped, rental verify, making sure all qualifications are clear
Describe a time when u were complimented for going above and beyond to help a customer? How frequently do u make that kind of effort? What made you go the extra distance for the cx? What other similar feedback have u received?
I always go above and beyond because that is my representation and what makes me go an extra mile is being transparent. When closing out a cx, asking the three critical questions. cx mentioned she wasn’t happy with the rental because it was smoky. I made sure to listen, apologize and explained to cx we don’t rent cars that way, for the next rental I informed cx to pls ask for me to prepare a rental clean and certified for cx. I made sure to separate my service and the car by personalizing my self and giving cx a free upgrade for the next rental and ask for me. Similar feedback I received was having customers personally ask for me for assistance
Describe a time when a customer was less than completely satisfied with ur service. What steps did u take to resolve the problem? What was the outcome?
My cx rented a LOFR but it notified us days after cx rented the car so I called cx to s/o the car working RPMs. The cx wasn’t happy she rented a maintenance car. I made sure to listen to cx, I begin to apologize then I begin to explain that we don’t rent cars like that it just happened to show in out inventory after being in the rental for a couple of days. That’s something I don’t have control over or out company. I made sure to separate my service and the rental. I asked the the three critical questions. How was my personal service? What do u think I can do? How can I make it up? After giving her a day off with a free upgrade I got my name shouted out!
What are the top three things u have done to improve ur SQI#?
Executing the 5 absolutes, getting a lot of positive shout outs, running the front being friendly and showing cx out being very clear and personal
How would u hold ur employees to executing brand integrity absolutes?
Remind employees how important our brand is and as a leader show employees how that looks like. By doing so your doing everything the right way, making sure there honest and have integrity in how to sell