Culture and Diversity Flashcards
Any group of people who identify or associate with one another on the basis of some common purpose need or similarity of background
Simply a difference or variety ( acceptance and respect of individual uniqueness )
Cultural diversity
a system of beliefs and behaviours that recognize and respect the presence of every diverse organizations or society and values their differences and uniqueness
everyone can have a positive contribution to society because of not in spite of your differences . .
Cultural Competency
Lifelong pursuit of increasing personal awareness of other cultures
we need to understand the following : Race , Religion , Sexuality , Socioeconoic status Family situation Communication styles , language .
we need to put ourselves in their shoes to understand them better and thus read them.
Ways in developing cultural competency
primary level : develop some sot of awareness of worldview .
the second level : developing cultural appropriate intervention strategies and techniques
advance level : continuing education .
( you will learn about the culture population that you work with)
you can seek more info by : attending professional conferences / cultural events / volunteer opportunities / art film and literature events
Process of devaluation
our culture devalues people with disabilities : minimal media representation / negative values and attitudes / terminology .
People with disabilities are not given the same access to valued social roles that many people take for granted
Cycle of devaluation
Individual ha an impairment or loss of physical mental or emotional function .
The impairment is viewed negatively by society and the individual has a disability and requires support to do certain things
in orde to get the support . the person is given a label
because of the label the person is segregated for services and is isolated from the community .
they are congregated with other people who are labeled which accentuates differences
this leads to feeling of powerlessness and lowered expectations and few opportunities and to further impairments .
theories reforms to services with disabilities : Normalization
The use of culturally normative means ( familiar , valued techniques , tools and methods ) I order to enable persons’ life conditions ( income , housing , health services etc.. ) which are at least as good as the average citizens and to as much as possible enhance or support their own behaviour ( skills , competencies) and status and reputation
jobs education
people with disabilities have the same rights to have “ normal “ life conditions as people without disabilities.
making available to all persons patterns of life and conditions of everyday living that is s close as possible as the regular circumstance and the ways of life of their communities and culture.
charity pity and ridicule to productive , contributions and accomplishment
Principle of normalization:
people with disabilities use common resource , participate in the same community activities as other people and live learn and enjoy life in contact with other people . Reside in typical homes in proximity to community resources
types of integration
just because they can do certain activity ( physically ) it does not mean that they are integrated physical and social integration important
physical integration is not. prerequisite for social integration and does not lead to it .
there are times where segregation is important .
integration :
Avoidance of Deviance Juxtaposition
Avoiding grouping people together because of their disabilities . People should be grouped for programs and services according to interest and not limitations.
Also not according to different disabilities together it creates further lowered social roles
integration :
Dignity of Risk
All people must b given the right to take risks and potentially do mistakes
people with disability should not be any different
this creates “ normalcy “ and challenges people .
integration :
behavioural techniques
we should expect the same behaviour of everyone . Standards or expectations should not be altered because someone ha a disability . there are certain techniques that promote positive behaviours . the reward should be realistic and should work towards natural reinforcement .
to create opportunities for people with disabilities we must advocate and education to the general public on principles of normalization and social valorization
Social role valorization
Giving value to people in their social roles by enhancing image and enhancing personal competence ( move away from negative social roles associated with social devaluation
as a sister , students , dancer …