⭐️ cultural variations✅ Flashcards
STUDY 1: van ijzendoorn and kroononberg
what did they carry out? what is this?
what did they look at?
what also did they look at among the countries?
a meta- analysis = accumulation of findings from other studies
the attachment types across different countries using strange situation; secure, insecure avoidant and insecure resistant
differences within the same countries to get an idea variations within culture
study 1 procedure:
how many studied did they look where the strange situation had been used?
how may children overall we’re results found for?
32 studies
study 1 van and kroon
what type of attachment was most common? what was this % in britian?
in what type of culture was there insecure resistant similar to Ainsworth original sample?
in what type of culture was insecure- avoidant attachment reduced?
what does this suggest?
secure- attachment (75%)
individualist cultures = families are more individual/ separate ways of raising children
collectivist cultures = communities help bring up children together
cultural differences in the distribution of insecure attachment
what % greater were variations of studies in the same countries them in different countries?
A03 - study 1 Van and Kroon:
❌ 2 weakness?
❌ ETHNOCENTRIC = Strange Situation test assumes that behavior has the same meaning in all cultures, when in fact cultural perception and understanding of behavior and child rearing differ greatly. The SS was created and tested in the USA, which means that it may be culturally biased, as it will reflect the norms and values of American culture. For example, the belief that attachment is related to anxiety on separation. This may not be the case in other cultures,
❌ secondary data may one misintepretated, lacks validity, use of quanttiatve data
AO3 - study 1 van and kroon
✅ 2 strengths?
✅ meta- analysis can result in large sample size so internal validity is increased by reducing the impact of biased methodology. good secondary data
✅ Comparison is aided by the standardised methodology. The use of the strange situation as a procedure means that a comparison can be made across cultures, and the reliability is therefore high… subjective measurement of attachment
STUDY 2: simonelli et al
what study was this a follow up from?
ijzendoorn & kroononbergs meta analysis
study 2 Simonelli
how many 1 year olds did they study?
what situation did they use to see if the proportion of attachment types matched that of previous studies?
what did the mothers differ in? give some examples
used Ainsworth strange situation
their educational abilities and their professions
study 2 - simonelli
what % did he find were secure attached?
what % were insecure avoidant?
what was significant about the % of secure attached babies?
what did researchers say this was because of?
alot less then what’s found in previous studies
the mothers working long hours using professional child-care
what can cultural differences do to patterns of attachment?
it can make drastic differences
ao3- study 2:
✅ strength
✅standardised reliable procedure - used across different studies - can be replicated by other researchers… used the strange situation
ao3 - study 2 - simonelli
❌ 2 weakness?
❌ socially sensitive research, too much pressure put on mothers, they should be able to work as they’re not always the primary CG - fathers should be involved
❌ fails to consider how temperament may be a confounding variable in the strange situation. temperament can have a big influence on childs behaviour and attachment types