Cultural identity and marginalisation Flashcards
Theme 3: Diversity and difference Sub-theme: Cultural identity and marginalisation
la alienación
to feel exploited / threatened
sentirse explotado/amenazado
to feel discriminated against / helpless
sentirse discriminado/impotente
la explotación
precarious working conditions
las precarias condiciones laborales
the underground economy
la economía sumergida
sexual harassment
el acoso sexual
to intimidate
landlord / landlady
el arrendador / la arrendadora
el inquilino
homeless / poor person
la persona indigente
energy poverty
la pobreza energética
irregular situation (often referring to illegal immigration status or informal employment)
la situación irregular
vulnerable group
el colectivo vulnerable
settlement / overnight stay
el asentamiento/pernoctar
The anti racist campaign
La campaña anti-racista
To be integrated
Estar integrado/a
The tolerance competition
El concurso tolerancia