CUE 3233 Flashcards
Define economic inequality.
The difference between levels of living standards, income etc across the whole economic distribution.
Example of economic inequality?
In Mumbai, the most expensive home (Antilla) towers over Byculla - one of the largest slum areas of the city.
Define social segregation.
When groups of people live apart from the larger population due to factors such as wealth, ethnicity, religion or age.
What are the 3 reasons for social segregation?
- housing
- changing environments
- the ethnic dimension
Explain ‘housing’ as a reason for social segregation.
Developers, builders and planners tend to build housing on plots of land with a particular market in mind.
The requirements to include a proportion of ‘affordable housing’ may affect housing value in some areas. Wealthier groups can choose to pay more for houses well away from poor areas, with pleasing environments and services such as quality schools and parks.
Poorer groups typically have far less choice in where to live.
Explain ‘changing environments’ as a reason for social segregation.
Housing neighbourhoods change over time. Houses that were built for large families in Georgian and Victorian times are now too big for the average UK family. Many have been converted into flats for private rental to people on low incomes. Conversely, former poor areas are being gentrified, making them popular amongst wealthier groups.
The ‘right to buy’ legislation of the 1980s transformed many council estates, as houses were bought by their occupants and improved over time.
Explain ‘the ethnic dimension’ as a reason for social segregation.
Ethnic groups originally cams to the country as new immigrants (this could have been several generations ago or happening today).
When they first arrive they may suffer discrimination in the job market leading to unemployment, underemployment or employment in low-paid jobs.
Consequently, they can only afford cheap housing and therefore they cluster in poor areas. These ethnic groupings then tend to continue into later generations.
How could you measure the quality of life in an area using primary data?
Use primary data eg quality, density, condition of housing and the nature of the physical and social environment.
How could you measure the quality of life in an area using secondary data?
Use secondary data to find out the poverty in terms of low income, or shown by poor health or the lack of possessions eg cars.
It’s common for the poorest parts of the UK to suffer from __________ _____________
Multiple deprivation.
This is a combination of social, environmental and economic deprivation.
What is the index of multiple deprivation?
A UK government qualitative study measuring deprivation at small-area level across England.
The Indices of Deprivation 2015 are based on 37 separate indicators, organised across seven distinct domains of deprivation, using appropriate weights, to calculate the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2015.
What are the 7 domains of deprivation from the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2015?
- income
- employment
- crime
- housing & barriers to services
- living environment
- health and disability
What were the key findings from the IMD 2015?
- The vast majority of the most deprived areas in England were in cities, specifically in areas that have historically had large heavy industry, manufacturing and mining sectors, coastal towns and large parts of East London.
- The 20 most deprived local authorities in 2015 were largely the same as found for the 2010 Index.
However the London Borough of Hackney has become relatively less deprived and no longer features in this list. Gentrification is largely responsible for this.
In a city, inequality (caused by urban social exclusion) can cause…
A lack of social cohesion and in extreme cases, civil unrest.
Is there a pattern to urban equality?
There is no clear geographical pattern to urban poverty today. It clearlyq exists but the image of a troubled inner core surrounded by affluent suburbs is out-dated.
Some of the highest levels of urban poverty are now found in peripheral estates while many inner city areas have been transformed by regeneration.
Rich and poor areas today are found across city and suburb alike.
Inequality remains a challenge. Explain how, in low income countries.
Adequate water and sanitation services are primarily channeled to wealthier neighbourhoods, while low income neighbourhoods rely on distant and unsafe water wells and lack any form of waste disposal.
The poor also live in over crowded, informal housing, lacking basic infrastructure and services. The knock on effects of this are poor health, higher unemployment and a lack of social mobility.
The poor get stuck in a cycle which is difficult to escape.
What’s the difference between poverty and inequality?
Poverty is an absolute term, referring to a level of deprivation that does not change over time.
Inequality is a relative term referring to the differences between people, usually economic, over a geographic distribution.
Name the strategies to tackle urban poverty and inequality.
- provision of schools
- enforcing a living wage / providing urban subsidy
- greater public transport
- supporting lower skilled workers who want to develop their abilities
- enforce minimum environmental standards
- fairness commissions
Explain ‘greater provision of public transport’ as a strategy of tackling urban poverty and inequality.
Affordable public transport schemes improve mobility for the city poor, enabling them access to employment, education and services that could improve their lives.
Example – the Rio de Janeiro sky-high transport system, which connects 6 hilltops and covers 3.5km, was installed in 2011 to service 13 favelas and provide access to the main part of the city. 12,000 people use this system every day!
Explain ‘fairness commissions’ as a strategy to tackle urban poverty and inequality.
A number of British cities eg Liverpool & Sheffield have established ‘Fairness Commissions’ – groups of people tasked with looking at how local areas can address inequality.
Define cultural diversity.
The existence of a variety of cultural or ethnic groups within a society.
What is the key influence of cultural diversity?
Example of cultural diversity?
London is considered one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world.
- more than 300 languages spoken
- 50 non-indigenous communities with populations of 10,000
In 2009, which was the least culturally diverse city?
Canterbury - 86% of its population was white.
How has globalisation increased cultural diversity?
Globalisation has increased movement around the world so it’s not common to see people from different parts of the world living in major urban areas.
Define diaspora.
A large group of people with a similar heritage or homeland who have settled elsewhere in the world. Eg found in Dubai.
In some cities, these diasporas make up a larger proportion of the population than indigenous residents.
Why is there greater cultural diversity in cities?
Because immigrants are more likely to choose to live in urban areas because…
- cities tend to offer a greater range of employment opportunities
- cities are the first point of entry for many immigrants
- cities tend to house earlier immigrant groups with the same ethnicity
- established cultural diversity in cities means there’s specialist shops and religious centres located there. Eg kosher food shops, mosques, synagogues.
What are the benefits of cultural diversity?
Greater exposure to different foods, languages, music and religion.
For example, Notting Hill Carnaval in London.
The Indian meal ‘tikka masala’ topping UK favourite dish polls for over a decade.
The top 40 music chart is awash with songs produced in - or influenced by - countries all over the world.
What are the issues associated with cultural diversity?
Cultural diversity can put extra pressure on already stretched services. Eg
- hospitals may need to cater for specific illnesses.
- where different languages exist, local authorities may need top to identify English languages or bilingual literature.
- schools may alter their curriculum and holiday patterns to cater for different ethnic groups. Variations in educational attainment have also been noted and it’s the responsibility of local authorities to ensure all children have the same opportunities.
What have some countries done to protect and celebrate cultural diversity? But what is the orioles of this?
Many countries have adopted a multicultural policy.
However, some argue that at an urban level, this can encourage culturally and spatially distinct communities leading parallel lives. This is known as segregation.
Social segregation based on ethnicity.
In some European and North American cities, different ethnic communities have become isolated from wider society as they have maintained their own language and beliefs and limited their interaction with others.
Local schools can sometimes become dominated by a particular group and this can lead to suspicion and hostility as younger people do not get to know each other.
Define ghetto.
In American cities, ‘ghetto’ describes an area of a city where the population is almost exclusively made up one of ethnic or cultural minority.
These are mainly found in the poorer parts of a city, where wealthier residents have left and where unemployment rates are high.
What are the 2 reasons for ethnic segregation in cities?
- self segregation
- external factors
Explain self segregation as a reason for ethnic segregation in cities?
- provision of specialist facilities eg food shops and places of
worship - migrants seek the support and security of living near friends and relatives within an ethnic minority community
- protection against racial abuse and attacks from the majority population
- maintenance of culture, languages, traditions
Explain external factors as a reason for ethnic segregation in cities.
- traditionally, migrants have been a source of cheap labour, forcing them into areas of cheap housing.
- ethnic minorities have been discriminated against in access to local authority housing. They’ve also been less successful in securing mortgages.
- hostility from the majority population.
- movement of the majority population out of the area into which minority populations have moved. Often referred to as ‘white flag’.
How to tackle ethnic segregation?
To tackle the negative issues associated with ethnic segregation, a policy of INTERCULTURISM has been promoted by some. This emphasises interaction and the exchange of ideas between cultural groups. Areas of mutual interest are found and community engagement is conducted in ‘intercultural spaces’ such as libraries, community centres.
In the UK, there is legislation on
- anti-racism,
- employment rights,
- opportunities to combat discrimination,
- prejudice
- racism.
Encouraging greater political involvement of different cultural groups can also encourage greater integration and provide a voice for those who may feel under-represented.