CSEP-CPT Introduction Flashcards
CSEP’s objective
- establish standards of competence for fitness personnel on a national scale and encourage those currently working in the field or entering the field to comply with these standards
- consumer protection by educating the public to recognize the distinction in between different levels of qualifications
certification levels
- basic level: CSEP certified personal trainer (CSEP CPT), health-related fitness
- advanced level: CSEP clinical exercise physiologist (CSEP CEP), health, performance, job-related fitness and clinical pop
- both have option to add high-performance specialization once certified
1. overview
2. client population
3. scope of practice
4. level of qualification
- introductory health and fitness practitioner
- administers CSEP-PATH assessment protocol to seemingly healthy pop or those with one stable health condition who are able to exercise independenetly
- dev and implement a tailored PA, fitness, and lifestyle plan
- min acceptable standard in industry; pro with min 2 years of uni/college courses in specific core competency areas related to exercised sciences from accredited post-secondary insititution
1. overview
2. client population
3. scope of practice
4. level of qualification
- advanced helath and firness practitiioner, equivalent to ACSM, can practice in US and Canada with either title
- works with clinical pop
- appropriate advanced assessment and exercise therapy to clients as part of health care team and can accept referral from licensed health care pros
- gold standard in industry
CSEP high performance specialist
focuses on performance and occupational testing and training for qualified exercise pro working with elite athletes, emergency services personnel, armed forces, and high performance clients; req additional theory exam once certified with CSEP
CSEP pre and postnatal exercise specialization
focuses on safe exercise testing perscription during pregnancy and months that follow for mother and infant; req additional theory exam once certified with CSEP
scope of practice def
concise description, in broad, non-exclusive terms, the activities and areas of professional practice but does not list specific tasks since practice evolves and is always under review and it is the professional’s obligation to keep up with changes to SOP on CSEP website
what happens when pros work outside SOP?
- risk the safety of clients
- expose themselves to legal risk if trainer causes injury or fails to refer client to a more appropriate health care provider
CSEP CPT scope of practice
- conducts basic pre-participation health screening
- gathers information about client’s PA/lifestyle behaviours
- administers CSEP-PATH fitness assessment according to client’s goals and wishes
- dev health/fitness related, client-tailored exercise prescription
- recognize area of expertise and refers clients falling outside of expertise
- cannot conduct ECG, exercise test or design prescription >90% max effort, or create diet plans
CSEP CPT high performance specialist SOP
minimum CSEP CPT certification with same SOP but can exercise test or design prescription with maximal aerobic and anaerobic and strength >90% 1RM
CSEP CEP scope of practice
- work with clients with more than one medical condition or stable condition
- work with youth, older persons (can be CPT within CPT restrictions), and performance testing
- accept referrals from healthcare professionals
- suggest dietary practices for health and performance-related fitness with limitations
- monitor use of common medications in response to exercise
- use ECG and take finger prick blood samples
- cannot diagnose pathology or abnormal ECG or work with acutely injured or diseased personals not within their area of expertise
client safety and injury prevention
- consider benefits and risks by ensuring adequate PA readiness screening and monitoring of client
- error on side of caution by starting with low to mod intensity at start of program and build tolerance
- avoid high risk/contraindicated exercises
facility and equipment standards
- maintain equipment by making sure it is clean, functioning, intact, and calibrated
- check building is maintained: floors, mirrors, walls, exits, storage, lighting, etc
- safety and policy signs are in clear view
- environmental factors such as stereo volume, air temperature
being prepared for emergencies
- avoid emergencies by doing PA readiness screening and ensuring equipment is properly maintained
- conduct emergency drills and practice CPR scenarios on routine basis
- have an clearly defined emergency action plan posted in visible location and know your role; EAP is a written doc with proper procedures for caring for injuries and dealing with emergencies, prepare to deal with CV or MSK complications
1. info on hand
2. dizziness
3. loss of consciousness
4. other serious incidents
- ambulance phone number, local hospital/closest medical clinic, name and phone number of the client’s physician and next of kin
- lie client in supine pos and raise their feet to redirect blood to heart and brain, monitor BP, and keep client on pos until BP return to pre-exercise level
- initiate emergency procedure immediately
- request emergency services and provide emergency treatment
in any adverse events complete and incident report
why record and what kinds of records should be kept?
write notes for professionalism to keep track of client’s important details, incidents, and progress
1. cleaning and maintence
2. safety procedures
3. manufacturer’s warranties and guidelines
4. personnel credentials
5. signed informed consent and GAQ
6. client data
7. SOAP notes
client records: what is recorded and storage
- record history, assessment results, training programs and progress
- stored in a secure location in locked cabinets or in password protected files on computer for confidentiality for 10 years or 10 years after they turn 18 y/o in Ontario
SOAP notes
- summarizes a session used by physicians and other allied health pros used in addition to the client information sheet and other paperwork
- record subjective data (what you think, what they tell you they felt), objective data, assessment of problem, and plan of action (as CPT can’t formally advise on diet but can refer to Canadian food guide)