ASK Flashcards
CSEP-PATH 6 sequence
- ASK: get to know client
- ASSESS: conduct PA, fitness, and/or lifestyle assessment
- ADVISE: summarize results and discuss
- AGREE: devise and action plan
- ASSIST: increase moativation and overcome barrier
- ARRANGE: provide continuing support
objectives of ASK
- insight on client’s goals and interests
- explain CSEP-PATH options and confirm the scope of assesment
- complete informed consent and walk through risks and risk assessments
- discus pre-meeting informaiton
- complete pre-participation screening process GAQ, RHR, RBP, and relevant medical history
ASK what should you know about your client?
goal is understand your clients using open ended questions and demonstrate interest in client’s responses and be non-judgemental to their:
1. knowledge of importance of PA to health
2. primary motivation (goals) and dirvers (intrinisic-internal or extrinsic-from outisde sources)
3. level of commitment, objective assessment of readiness for short term or long term change
4. confidence that they can initiate and stick with PA plan and promote confidence and commitment
ASK: what test or notes are taken during physical activity readiness screening?
- pre-assessment instructions
- informed consent
- get active questionnaire; if applicable physician guidance for PA or PARmed-X for pregnancy
- observations
- collection of relevant medical history; if applicable use CSEP CPT health screening tool
- pre-exercise HR and BP
pre-meetiing instructions
as close to normal state as possible
1. light clothing you can exercise in and walking shoes for exercise
2. no food or caffeine 2 hours prior, no alcohol 6 hours prior
3. no smoking 2 hours prior
4. no exercise 6 hours prior
informed consent
- describe assessment and signed in pen before anything else to indicate that client has been walked through the assessment in case of incident put you in good legal standing; if less than 18 y/o then youth consent form is signed by guardians
- not a waiver form, informed consent must be signed before collecting personal information
- must be witnessed at the time of signing by 3rd party
Purpose of pre-participation health screening
- conducts presceening to reduce liabilty exposure and inform exercise program; minimum use EBP screening tool to id clients who should first seek advice from another profession, medical history, measurement of resting HR and BP, and assessment of current PA levels
- works within knowledge, skills, and abilities and ensures this falls under SOP
- charts information about client’s medical history and make sure it is dated and signed
- considers client’srisk of adverse event and takes steps to mitigate risk if falls within SOP but if not then refer if needed
GAQ requirements, purpose, and validity
must be completed
1. client must read and answer questions on GAQ without interpretation from CSEP CPT
2. form must be signed with pen and witnessed by 3rd party
3. client’s answers determine if they are within the SOP or require clearance from physician before fitness assessment or starting exercise
4. form is valid for 12 months unless health condition chnages
GAQ instructions for client
self-administration by client, instruct to:
1. complete all pages completely and honestly
2. answer yes to any question on page 1 if you are unsure
3. review reference document if client has yes on page 1
4. sign and date declaration and bring GAQ to initial appointment with CSEP CPT
orientation to GAQ and reference document
- page 1 identifies clients who may need to seek advice from appropriate health care provider or qualified exercise professional before becoming more physically active; if yes to any question client should read the reference document before completing page 2
- page 2 assesses current PA levels, provides general advice for becoming more physically active, and declaration
GAQ: analysis of client’s current PA levels
CV risks associated with exercise decrease with increased PA
1. clients with reg PA can continue current level of PA and progress as appropriate
2. inactive clients begin with light to mod PA and progress as tolerated
3. clients who have a lower risk med condition and are interested in vigorous activity should be referred to CSEP CEP
GAQ: orientation to reference document
- give clients advice about yes responses on GAQ, allowing them to make informed decision about appropriateness of exercise, may be prompted to obtain guidance from appropriate health care provider
- when assisting client with yes on GAQ ensure advice is within SOP and you have the knowledge, skills, and abiliites to provide such advice; refer if you do not
limitations of the GAQ
possible for clients to have a medical conditions or take medicates despite no on all question on page 1, therefore must ask all clients about their medical history and chart all info:
1. suspected or diagnosed conditions, if yes symptoms
2. taking medication, if yes taking meds as directed
CSEP CPT health screening tool
1. purpose
2. for clients with medical conditions
3. medical conditions on CSEP CPT screening tool
- used when clients have one medical condition to determine if medical condition is low risk
- check on the tool for true statement, if there are true statement refer to appropriate health care provider for clearance or recommend client get exercise advice from CSEP CEP
- asthma, heart disease, hypertension, OA, OP, T2DM; for other medical conditions CSEP CPT must have appropriate continuing education course
apparently healthy
no diagnosed medical condition, no overt signs or symptoms suggesting any potential underlying medical conditions, and able to exercise independently