ASSIST Flashcards
what determines behaviour?
likelihood of person adopting a healthy behaviour depends on motivating factors minus inhibiting factors
what is theory
organized set of concepts, definitions, and propositions forming evidence-based models that explain or predict how people approach PA
social cognitive theory
cognitive approach proposing that we learn through our experiences which are affected by:
1. self-efficacy: belief in ability to succeed in specific situations
2. outcome expectations: belief in the positive and negative consequences that will occur from engaging in specific behaviour
3. self-regulation: skills/tools involved with controlling one’s behaviour to pursue long term goals
4. barriers and facilitators: factors helping or hindering behaviour
increasing self-efficacy
- successful master experiences with activities related to current task
- vicarious experience through watching others succeed at task
- social persuasion such as communication and feedback to guide someone through task or motivation
- emotional/physiological state
self determination theory
cogniitive based approach focuses on degree to which individual behaviour is self-determined depending on level of autonomy, perceived completence, and relatedness of task to goals
transtheoretical model
stage-based approach in which people change habitual behaviours slowly and pass through series of specific stages
1. precontemplation: encourage client tot talk through reasons for change (or not) to stim self-exploration
2. contemplation: work through ambivalence and help client find their own compelling reasons to change by increasing self-efficacy
3. preparation: help client discover new PA exp they enjoy to est mastery exp
4. action/maintenance: positive reinforcement and mitigate risk of slipping back to previous stage
health action process approach
stage-based approach which initiation, adoption, and maintenance of health behaviours is process including motivation and volitional phase
1. pre-intenders in motivational stage examine outcome expectations
2. intenders between stages focus on planning how to translate intentions into action
3. actors in volitional stage refine action plans to achieve new goals and prevent relapses
putting theory into practice for behaviour change
- clients are in control of own behaviour
- change must come from within and is a process
- counselling must be tailored to client
- change behaviour by targeting theroy constructs to help client iniitiate and maintain behaviour and act as motivational guide to help clients navigate obstacles and come up with solution to change