Crucial Dates: France AOS 2 Flashcards
August Decrees
5 - 11 Aug 1789
DORMAC legislation passed
27th August 1789
Assembly voted to grant king ability to veto legislation
11th Sept 1789
march of women to versailles
5-6 Oct 1789
Fundamental principles of government (legislative power resides in national assembly)
1 Oct 1789
Sale of church lands (biens national)
November 1789
abolition of feudal titles and nobility
June 1790
12 july 1790
Feta de le Federation
14 July 1790
abolition of parlements restructured legal system
August 1790
Uniform tariff is implemented through a decree
31 october 1790
Le Chapelier Law (abolished associations of workmen and employers - mcphee sees it as a ‘commitment to economic liberalism’
14 June 1791
Flight to Varennes
20 June 1791
King is returned to paris
25th June 1791
Champ de Mars massacre (SC demanding referendum on king’s fate)
17 July 1791
Declaration of Pillnitz (threat of war unless louis’ power was restored)
27 Aug 1791
Constitution of 1791 (became constitutional monarchy)
Sept 1791
poor harvest of 1791 erupted riots in Paris at grocers’ markets
Jan 1792
Counter revolution in Vendee begins
Spring 1792
France declares war with Austria
april 1792
Assembly passed decree to enlist 20,000 men to join the Federes and defend the city
June 1792
First storming of the Tuileries
20 June 1792
La Patrie en Danger (call for citizens to sacrifice themselves for the defence of the homeland)
11 July 1792
Brunswick Manifesto (Duke of brunswick commander of Austrian forces demanded louis’ freedom)
25 July 1792
pikes made and issued to citizens
1 aug 1792
Second Storming of the Tuileries
10 Aug 1792
news that the fortress of Longway had fallen reached Paris
24 August 1792
Sept Massacres
2-6 Sept 1792
New assembly of France (National Convention) met for first time
21 September 1792
Republic Declared
22 September 1792
Trial Of Louis
Dec 1792
louis was found guilty of conspiracy against public liberty and of attacks on the general state
15 January 1793
louis is executed
21 january 1793
conscription of 300,000 men (levee)
24th Feb 1793
General Charles Dumouriez defects to Austrians (trigger for fall of Girondins)
5th April 1793
outright rebellion in the vendee in response to the levee of
feb that would take away young men from vendee farms
Mid March 1793
Revolutionary Tribunal was set up to hasten the trial and execution of suspects
11th March 1793
Committee of public safety established to control conduct of war inside and outside France and to maintain supplies to army and civilians (took control of the country economically and politically)
6th April 1793
Marat was acquitted from trial
24th April 1793
Expulsion of Girondins
May-June 1793
Murder of Marat
July 1793
National Convention declared let terror be the order of the day
5th September 1793
Federalist revolt rejected the rule from paris and but only 400 set out on their march to paris and returned after travelling less than 50 km
June 1793
Law of suspects (supported committees such as COPS, watch committees, Committee of General Security through legislation and it aimed to identify and condemn traitors)
17 sep 1793
Execution of Marie Antoinette
16 october 1793
De-christianisation campaign, changed calendar, removed religious holidays and crucifixes and crosses were torn down etc
october 1793
executions of virtually all Girondins including Bailly, Brissot, Vergniaud etc
31 oct - 7 november 1793
Law of Frimaire (constitution of the Terror)
4 december 1793
General maximum established (places maximum prices on grain and income - displeased both peasant growers and SC
29 september 1793
Danton and desmoulins executed
april 1794
Law of 22 Prairial (widened the definition of counter revolutionary - even deputies of national convention were subject to its provisions)
10 june 1794
Festival of supreme being (some believed Robespierre was creating his own religion)
8th June 1794
how many people were guillotined between March 1793 and August 1794
deatht of Robespierre (end of the terror) (Coup of Thermidor)
28th July 1794
Furet predicts ______ people were killed during the terror
closure of the jacobin club
november 1794
beginning of thermidorian reaction (revolution becomes more conservative and radicals are now targeted)
july 1794
12 Germinal Year III (SC invade convention and demand bread and return to constiution of 1793 - they were ejected by right wing activists and 4000 Jacobins and SC’s were arrested)
1-3 April 1795
Journee of 1 Prairial (SC’s invade national Convention one last time and kill one deputy but are dispersed by national guard) lefebvre belives ‘this date should mark the end of the revolution’
20 - 23 May 1795
Royalist Insurrection of 1 Vendemaire
5th october 1795
Constitution of the Year III 1795 (returns france to far more moderate republic)
26th October 1795