Cropdusters Flashcards

PZL Mielec M18 Dromader

Antonov An-2 Colt

Kingsford Smith KS-3 Cropmaster

-Developed from the CAC CA-6 Wackett Trainer

Air Tractor AT-602 (none)

Transavia PL-12 Airtruk

-Airtruk is the correct spelling
PAC 8-600 Cresco

Emair MA-1 Paymaster

-Has two prop blades instead of the three seen on the MA-1B Diablo 1200. Also lacks the vertical stabilizer spine that the MA-1B has.

Eagle Aircraft Co. DW.1 (none)

-Large wings that look as though they are about to break off; also the tips of the wings are tapered giving this aircraft an odd look.
DINFIA IA 53 Mamboretá

-Only two were ever produced. Aircraft could also be seen with FMA as the manufacturer, either or would do in a write in situation.

PZL Mielec M-18BS Dromader

-Two seat training variant for the Dromader, Must have ‘BS’

Weatherly 620 None

Piper PA-36 Brave

-You have to be brave to fly it because it has no struts

Yeoman YA-1 Cropmaster

Piper PA-36 Brave
-“You have to Brave to fly the Piper PA-36 Brave, because it has no struts. You don’t have to be brave to fly the Piper PA-25 Pawnee because it does have struts.” -Scott Meyer

Air Tractor AT-402 (none)

-Three bladed prop

Weatherly 201 (none)

CallAir B-1 (none)

Auster B.8 Agricola

-9 in total produced, 1 surviving model to this day.

Embraer EMB-202 Ipanema

-Edit 4/10 Glenn, Spelling edit

Ayers S2R-600 Thrush

Zlin Z37 Cmelak

Zlin Z137T Agro Turbo

Gippsland GA-200 Fatman

Grumman G-164A Ag Cat

Ayers S2R-600 Thrush

Weatherly WM-62C (none)

-First attempt by John Weatherly to build a cropduster aircraft from the Fairchild PT-19. With this knowledge and lessons learned he then built the Weatherly 201.

Air Tractor AT-504 (none)

-2 seat side-by-side ag trainer

Zlin Z37 Cmelak

PAC 8-600 Cresco

-Agricultural variant of the Fletcher Fu-24

Air Tractor AT-802 (none)

-Generally, the AT-802 when not on floats will have a longer cabin than the AT-602 to provide tandem seating.

PZL Mielec M-15 Belphegor

Air Tractor AT-802 (none)
-edit 03.08.2017 Justin T: When not on floats the AT-802 is exclusively a two seat tandem set up. Replaced ‘A’ side image.

Air Tractor AT-402 (none)

-Three bladed prop

Embraer EMB-200/201/202 Impanema

Norman/NAC NDN-6 Fieldmaster

Weatherly 201 (none)

UTVA UTVA65 Privrednik

Ethiopian Airlines G-164B Eshet

-Once produced under license by the airline, best way to recognzie the aircraft is by the tail number

PZL Mielec M-15 Belphegor

Piper Pa-25 Pawnee

Zlin Z-37-2 Sparka
-2 Seat training variant, often referred to as Cmelak, but the Encyclopedia of World Aircraft refers to it as Sparka

PZL Mielec M18 Dromader

Piper PA-36 Brave

-You have to be brave to fly it because it has no struts

Zlin Z137T Agro Turbo

Ayers S2R-R1820 Bull Thrush

-Could also be seen just as the Thrush. The fast back canopy is a distinguishing feature.

PZL Mielec M18 Dromader

Piper PA-25 Pawnee

Callair/Rockwell/AAMSA A-9/A-9B/A9B Sparrow Commander/Quail Commander/None

Fletcher Fu-24-950 (none)

-Could also be seen with the common nickname Taskmaster in the United States.
Fletcher = no spine always, turbine or piston
PAC = spine and turbine always

HAL HA-31 Basant

Air Tractor AT-301 (none)

-Common trait for all Air Tractor designs when it comes to the gear is to have one large singular strut with curve to it.

PZL Mielec M18 Dromader

Commonwealth Aircraft Co/CAC Ca-28 Ceres

Ayers S2R-600 Thrush

-Most crop dusters can be identified by the landing gear alone as each manufacturer has a different design. S2R as a stand alone model number would be acceptable as well.

Weatherly 620BTG none

Emair MA-1B Diablo 1200

-48 of the MA-1B Diablo produced and 25 of the MA-1 Paymaster produced.

Piper PA-36 Brave

- “You have to Brave to fly the Piper PA-36 Brave, because it has no struts. You don’t have to be brave to fly the Piper PA-25 Pawnee because it does have struts.” -Scott Meyer
- Note the Piper tail design is much more angular on this aircraft when compared to its bretheren the PA-25 Pawnee
Piper PA-25 Pawnee
-“You have to Brave to fly the Piper PA-36 Brave, because it has no struts. You don’t have to be brave to fly the Piper PA-25 Pawnee because it does have struts.” -Scott Meyer

CallAir A-5 (none)

Bennett PL-11 Airtruck

-Only two produced. Could it show up on a test? Maybe. Also note the engine difference between this aircraft and the Transavia PL-12 Airtruk.

Ayers S2R-600 Thrush

-In a write in situation just S2R would be perfectly acceptable for the number designation.

Grumman G-164A Ag Cat

Fletcher FU-24 None

-Could also be seen with the common nickname Taskmaster in the United States.
-Edit 5/10/24 Testy:
Fletcher = no spine always, turbine or piston
PAC = spine and turbine always

PZL PZL-106 Turbo Kruk

Norman/NAC NDN-6 Fieldmaster

Transavia PL-12 Airtruk

-Airtruk is correct spelling

Air Tractor AT-301 (none)

-The gear for most crop dusters can be pretty specific

Emair MA-1B Diablo 1200

-Manufacturer could also be seen as the Emroth-Emair. Exceedingly difficult to find pictures of this aircraft online. It seems the MA-1B usually has three prop blades and a spine to the vertical stabilizer. The MA-1 Paymaster usually has two prop blades and no spine.

Cessna C-188 Ag Wagon/Ag Pickup

Ayers S2R-T34 Turbo Thrush

Emair MA-1B Diablo 1200

-Manufacturer could also be seen as the Emroth-Emair. Exceedingly difficult to find pictures of this aircraft online. It seems the MA-1B usually has three prop blades and a spine to the vertical stabilizer. The MA-1 Paymaster usually has two prop blades and no spine.

Yeoman YA-1 Cropmaster

-21 in total built after being developed from the Kingsford Smith KS-3 Cropmaster

Ayers S2R-T45 Turbo Thrush

-Has a different engine when compared to the Ayers S24-T34 Turbo Thrush as seen by the engine intake scoop below the spinner.

Piper PA-25 Pawnee

Yeoman YA-1 Cropmaster
-21 in total built after being developed from the Kingsford Smith KS-3 Cropmaster

Commonwealth Aircraft Co/CAC Ca-28 Ceres

Auster B.8 Agricola

-9 in total produced, 1 surviving model to this day.

Airtractor AT-802F Fireboss
-Floats mean’s it’s a boss

Norman/NAC NDN-6 Fieldmaster

PZL PZL-106 Kruk

PZL PZL-106 Kruk

Piper PA-25 Pawnee

Grumman G-164B Turbo Ag Cat

Ayers S2R/600 Thrush

-Telling cropdusters apart can be accomplished by looking at the different types of landing gear which vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Air Tractor AT-301 (none)
-Common trait for all Air Tractor designs when it comes to the gear is to have one large singular strut with curve to it. Also, any number ending with a 1 denotes a radial engine, any aircraft ending with a 2 denotes a turboprop.

Snow S2A (none)

Gippsland GA-200 Fatman

Hongdu N5A (none)

PZL Mielec M-18BS Dromader

-Two seat training variant of the Dromader, must have ‘BS’

Ayers S2R-T34 Turbo Thrush

Air Tractor AT-802 (none)

-Nearly impossible to differentiate between the AT-802 and the AT-602. A minor difference being the air intake on the right side of the cowling usually has a split top half and bottom on the AT-802.

Eagle Aircraft Co. DW.1 (none)

-Large wings that look as though they are about to break off; also the tips of the wings are tapered giving this aircraft an odd look.

Gippsland GA-200 Fatman

Air Tractor At-502 (none)